14,695 research outputs found

    Emergent Many-Body Translational Symmetries of Abelian and Non-Abelian Fractionally Filled Topological Insulators

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    The energy and entanglement spectrum of fractionally filled interacting topological insulators exhibit a peculiar manifold of low energy states separated by a gap from a high energy set of spurious states. In the current manuscript, we show that in the case of fractionally filled Chern insulators, the topological information of the many-body state developing in the system resides in this low-energy manifold. We identify an emergent many-body translational symmetry which allows us to separate the states in quasi-degenerate center of mass momentum sectors. Within one center of mass sector, the states can be further classified as eigenstates of an emergent (in the thermodynamic limit) set of many-body relative translation operators. We analytically establish a mapping between the two-dimensional Brillouin zone for the Fractional Quantum Hall effect on the torus and the one for the fractional Chern insulator. We show that the counting of quasi-degenerate levels below the gap for the Fractional Chern Insulator should arise from a folding of the states in the Fractional Quantum Hall system at identical filling factor. We show how to count and separate the excitations of the Laughlin, Moore-Read and Read-Rezayi series in the Fractional Quantum Hall effect into two-dimensional Brillouin zone momentum sectors, and then how to map these into the momentum sectors of the Fractional Chern Insulator. We numerically check our results by showing the emergent symmetry at work for Laughlin, Moore-Read and Read-Rezayi states on the checkerboard model of a Chern insulator, thereby also showing, as a proof of principle, that non-Abelian Fractional Chern Insulators exist.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figure

    Diffusive-Ballistic Crossover and the Persistent Spin Helix

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    Conventional transport theory focuses on either the diffusive or ballistic regimes and neglects the crossover region between the two. In the presence of spin-orbit coupling, the transport equations are known only in the diffusive regime, where the spin precession angle is small. In this paper, we develop a semiclassical theory of transport valid throughout the diffusive - ballistic crossover of a special SU(2) symmetric spin-orbit coupled system. The theory is also valid in the physically interesting regime where the spin precession angle is large. We obtain exact expressions for the density and spin structure factors in both 2 and 3 dimensional samples with spin-orbit coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Berry-phase description of Topological Crystalline Insulators

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    We study a class of translational-invariant insulators with discrete rotational symmetry. These insulators have no spin-orbit coupling, and in some cases have no time-reversal symmetry as well, i.e., the relevant symmetries are purely crystalline. Nevertheless, topological phases exist which are distinguished by their robust surface modes. Like many well-known topological phases, their band topology is unveiled by the crystalline analog of Berry phases, i.e., parallel transport across certain non-contractible loops in the Brillouin zone. We also identify certain topological phases without any robust surface modes -- they are uniquely distinguished by parallel transport along bent loops, whose shapes are determined by the symmetry group. Our findings have experimental implications in cold-atom systems, where the crystalline Berry phase has been directly measured.Comment: Latest version is accepted to PR

    Recursions of Symmetry Orbits and Reduction without Reduction

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    We consider a four-dimensional PDE possessing partner symmetries mainly on the example of complex Monge-Amp\`ere equation (CMA). We use simultaneously two pairs of symmetries related by a recursion relation, which are mutually complex conjugate for CMA. For both pairs of partner symmetries, using Lie equations, we introduce explicitly group parameters as additional variables, replacing symmetry characteristics and their complex conjugates by derivatives of the unknown with respect to group parameters. We study the resulting system of six equations in the eight-dimensional space, that includes CMA, four equations of the recursion between partner symmetries and one integrability condition of this system. We use point symmetries of this extended system for performing its symmetry reduction with respect to group parameters that facilitates solving the extended system. This procedure does not imply a reduction in the number of physical variables and hence we end up with orbits of non-invariant solutions of CMA, generated by one partner symmetry, not used in the reduction. These solutions are determined by six linear equations with constant coefficients in the five-dimensional space which are obtained by a three-dimensional Legendre transformation of the reduced extended system. We present algebraic and exponential examples of such solutions that govern Legendre-transformed Ricci-flat K\"ahler metrics with no Killing vectors. A similar procedure is briefly outlined for Husain equation