19 research outputs found

    Using RDF to describe networks

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    Conventions such as iGrid 2005 and SuperComputing show that there is increasing demand for more service options on networks. For such networks, large teams of experts are needed to configure and manage them. In order to make the full potential of hybrid networks available to the ordinary user, the complexity must be reduced. This paper presents the idea of the Network Description Language (NDL), which builds on Semantic Web techniques to create a distributed Topology Knowledge Base (TKB). The TKB can provide a collection of reachability graphs, showing connectivity rules among physical and/or virtual entities. Latching onto the Semantic Web provides network management with a new breed of tools—bots, compilers, browsers, both commercial offthe-shelf (COTS) and open source. The approach appears to be applicable to the Global Lambda Integrated Facility (GLIF) as well as otherexperimental communities

    A multi-layer network model based on ITU-T G.805

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    In recent years, dynamic multi-layer networks have emerged. Unlike regular networks these multi-layer networks allow users and other networks to interface on different technology layers. While path finding on a single layer is currently well understood, path finding on multi-layer networks is far from trivial. Even the constraints (the possible incompatibilities) are not always clear. This paper proposes a model for multi-layer circuit-switched computer networks, based on ITU-T G.805 and GMPLS standards. Furthermore, it defines a simple algebra that can be used to verify the validity of network connections through such networks. The most important contribution of our model and algebra is that they are technology independent: they can describe any circuit-switched network technology without modifications or tuning to the model and algebra. The model and algebra have been implemented in a syntax and network tool, which are briefly discussed. © 2008 Dr. Freek Dijkstra

    A Terminology for Control Models at Optical Exchanges

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    Optical or lambda exchanges have emerged to interconnect networks, providing dynamic switching capabilities on OSI layer 1 and layer 2. So far, the only inter-domain dynamics have occurred on layer 3, the IP layer. This new functionality in the data plane has consequences on the control plane. We explain this by comparing optical exchanges with current Internet exchanges. Descriptions of optical exchanges have appeared in the literature, but discussions about these exchanges have been hampered by a lack of common terminology. This paper defines a common terminology for exchanges. Discussion in the community revealed four different meaning for the term "open exchange". We list them in this paper. We classify the different kind of exchanges based on the interactions between the domains at the control plane. We use these control models to distinguish between different types of interconnection points

    Control Models at Interconnection Points

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    New types of exchange points, like Optical Exchanges and GMPLS exchanges have been described in the last few years. Optical and lambda exchanges are now deployed. However, these interconnection points are not defined in systematic way in the literature. We classify interconnection points, mainly by discriminating on the properties of the control planes. Three control models are defined: the autonomous, federated and distributed control model. In addition we define in which cases the adjectives "open" and "automated" can be applied to the control models. This article aims to reach community consensus about a common terminology