131 research outputs found

    Likelihood based observability analysis and confidence intervals for predictions of dynamic models

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    Mechanistic dynamic models of biochemical networks such as Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) contain unknown parameters like the reaction rate constants and the initial concentrations of the compounds. The large number of parameters as well as their nonlinear impact on the model responses hamper the determination of confidence regions for parameter estimates. At the same time, classical approaches translating the uncertainty of the parameters into confidence intervals for model predictions are hardly feasible. In this article it is shown that a so-called prediction profile likelihood yields reliable confidence intervals for model predictions, despite arbitrarily complex and high-dimensional shapes of the confidence regions for the estimated parameters. Prediction confidence intervals of the dynamic states allow a data-based observability analysis. The approach renders the issue of sampling a high-dimensional parameter space into evaluating one-dimensional prediction spaces. The method is also applicable if there are non-identifiable parameters yielding to some insufficiently specified model predictions that can be interpreted as non-observability. Moreover, a validation profile likelihood is introduced that should be applied when noisy validation experiments are to be interpreted. The properties and applicability of the prediction and validation profile likelihood approaches are demonstrated by two examples, a small and instructive ODE model describing two consecutive reactions, and a realistic ODE model for the MAP kinase signal transduction pathway. The presented general approach constitutes a concept for observability analysis and for generating reliable confidence intervals of model predictions, not only, but especially suitable for mathematical models of biological systems

    Less is More: Proxy Datasets in NAS approaches

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    Neural Architecture Search (NAS) defines the design of Neural Networks as a search problem. Unfortunately, NAS is computationally intensive because of various possibilities depending on the number of elements in the design and the possible connections between them. In this work, we extensively analyze the role of the dataset size based on several sampling approaches for reducing the dataset size (unsupervised and supervised cases) as an agnostic approach to reduce search time. We compared these techniques with four common NAS approaches in NAS-Bench-201 in roughly 1,400 experiments on CIFAR-100. One of our surprising findings is that in most cases we can reduce the amount of training data to 25\%, consequently reducing search time to 25\%, while at the same time maintaining the same accuracy as if training on the full dataset. Additionally, some designs derived from subsets out-perform designs derived from the full dataset by up to 22 p.p. accuracy

    AudioCLIP: Extending CLIP to Image, Text and Audio

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    In the past, the rapidly evolving field of sound classification greatly benefited from the application of methods from other domains. Today, we observe the trend to fuse domain-specific tasks and approaches together, which provides the community with new outstanding models. In this work, we present an extension of the CLIP model that handles audio in addition to text and images. Our proposed model incorporates the ESResNeXt audio-model into the CLIP framework using the AudioSet dataset. Such a combination enables the proposed model to perform bimodal and unimodal classification and querying, while keeping CLIP's ability to generalize to unseen datasets in a zero-shot inference fashion. AudioCLIP achieves new state-of-the-art results in the Environmental Sound Classification (ESC) task, out-performing other approaches by reaching accuracies of 90.07% on the UrbanSound8K and 97.15% on the ESC-50 datasets. Further it sets new baselines in the zero-shot ESC-task on the same datasets 68.78% and 69.40%, respectively). Finally, we also assess the cross-modal querying performance of the proposed model as well as the influence of full and partial training on the results. For the sake of reproducibility, our code is published.Comment: submitted to GCPR 202

    Waving Goodbye to Low-Res: A Diffusion-Wavelet Approach for Image Super-Resolution

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    This paper presents a novel Diffusion-Wavelet (DiWa) approach for Single-Image Super-Resolution (SISR). It leverages the strengths of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs) and Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT). By enabling DDPMs to operate in the DWT domain, our DDPM models effectively hallucinate high-frequency information for super-resolved images on the wavelet spectrum, resulting in high-quality and detailed reconstructions in image space. Quantitatively, we outperform state-of-the-art diffusion-based SISR methods, namely SR3 and SRDiff, regarding PSNR, SSIM, and LPIPS on both face (8x scaling) and general (4x scaling) SR benchmarks. Meanwhile, using DWT enabled us to use fewer parameters than the compared models: 92M parameters instead of 550M compared to SR3 and 9.3M instead of 12M compared to SRDiff. Additionally, our method outperforms other state-of-the-art generative methods on classical general SR datasets while saving inference time. Finally, our work highlights its potential for various applications

    YODA: You Only Diffuse Areas. An Area-Masked Diffusion Approach For Image Super-Resolution

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    This work introduces "You Only Diffuse Areas" (YODA), a novel method for partial diffusion in Single-Image Super-Resolution (SISR). The core idea is to utilize diffusion selectively on spatial regions based on attention maps derived from the low-resolution image and the current time step in the diffusion process. This time-dependent targeting enables a more effective conversion to high-resolution outputs by focusing on areas that benefit the most from the iterative refinement process, i.e., detail-rich objects. We empirically validate YODA by extending leading diffusion-based SISR methods SR3 and SRDiff. Our experiments demonstrate new state-of-the-art performance gains in face and general SR across PSNR, SSIM, and LPIPS metrics. A notable finding is YODA's stabilization effect on training by reducing color shifts, especially when induced by small batch sizes, potentially contributing to resource-constrained scenarios. The proposed spatial and temporal adaptive diffusion mechanism opens promising research directions, including developing enhanced attention map extraction techniques and optimizing inference latency based on sparser diffusion.Comment: Brian B. Moser and Stanislav Frolov contributed equall