164 research outputs found

    Hämoglobin antarktischer Fische. II. Primärstruktur und Hinweise zur Evolution am Beispiel von Bathydraco marri

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    Untersuchungen zur Blutphysiologie von antarktischen Fischen während EPOS 3, 13.1. - 10.3.1989

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    At the Leibniz-Center for Tropical Marine Ecology in Bremen, Germany, shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei) fed feeds with reduced fish meal content, algae and enzyme additions were analysed for their tissue composition. Contents of protein, glycogen, total lipid, linoleic acid (LA), alpha linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) of the shrimp abdomen and of the respective feeds were determined. Reduction of fish meal (FM) content in shrimp feed and its substitution with “mash” (grain distillery waste-”Schlempe”), corn gluten, pea or coarse colza meal did not influence the tissue composition. Additional inclusion of an algae mixture out of Spirulina spp., Phaeodactylum spp., and Tetraselmis spp. to shrimp feeds as well as the single inclusions of Phaeodactylum spp. or Spirulina spp. had no effect on the tissue composition. Furthermore no improvement of the quality of the shrimps due to an enhanced digestibility of mash by enzymes (mixture of corolase, phytase, xylanase) could be detected. In contrast the quality of shrimps seemed to be negatively affected by enzymes in this study. These findings could contribute to making shrimp aqua farming more economic as reduction of feed costs without reduction of the quality of the shrimps would be a large benefit


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    Holothuria scabra is a commercial tropical sea cucumber species, which has been exploited severely in recent years. This study was conducted at the Mataram Marine Bio Industry Technical Implementation Unit for 20 days aiming to determine the relationship between wet and dry weight of sea cucumbers with and without colon. Results of regression analysis between wet and dry weight show a significant positive correlation. The relationship between wet and dry weight without the colon is y = 0.1685x – 0.2319 (R2 = 0.9236) whereas the wet and dry wet of the intestine is y = 0.075x + 0033 (R2 = 0.791)

    The reef coral <i>Coscinaraea marshae</i> is not a high-latitude endemic

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    The ‘temperate’ reef coral Coscinaraea marshae Wells, 1962, is reported from Siberut Island (West Sumatra, Indonesia), a near-equatorial locality, 3375 km away from its northernmost range limit in Western Australia, where it is considered a high-latitude endemic. This tropical record suggests that the latitudinal distributions of poorly recorded reef corals may not yet be fully understood, which might be relevant in the light of progressing seawater warming

    Metabolic responses and resilience to environmental challenges in the sedentary Batrachoid Halobatrachus didactylus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801)

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    In the context of climate change, warming of the seas and expansion of hypoxic zones are challenges that most species of fish are, or will be subjected to. Understanding how different species cope with these changes in their environment at the individual level can shed light on how populations and ecosystems will be affected. We provide first-time estimates on the metabolic rates, thermal, and oxygen-related limits for Halobatrachus didactylus, a coastal sedentary fish that lives in intertidal environments of the Northeast Atlantic. Using respirometry in different experimental designs, we found that this species is highly resistant to acute thermal stress (CTmax: 34.82 ± 0.66 °C) and acute hypoxia (Pcrit: 0.59–1.97 mg O2 L−1). We found size-specific differences in this stress response, with smaller individuals being more sensitive. We also quantified its aerobic scope and daily activity patterns, finding this fish to be extremely sedentary, with one of the lowest standard metabolic rates found in temperate fish (SMR: 14.96 mg O2 kg−1h−1). H. didactylus activity increases at night, when its metabolic rate increases drastically (RMR: 36.01 mg O2 kg−1h−1). The maximum metabolic rate of H. didactylus was estimated to be 67.31 mg O2 kg−1h−1, producing an aerobic scope of 52.35 mg O2 kg−1h−1 (77.8% increase). The metrics obtained in this study prove that H. didactylus is remarkably resilient to acute environmental variations in temperature and oxygen content, which might enable it to adapt to the extreme abiotic conditions forecasted for the world’s oceans in the near future.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Holothuria scabra is a commercial tropical sea cucumber species, which has been exploited severely in recent years. This study was conducted at the Mataram Marine Bio Industry Technical Implementation Unit for 20 days aiming to determine the relationship between wet and dry weight of sea cucumbers with and without colon. Results of regression analysis between wet and dry weight show a significant positive correlation. The relationship between wet and dry weight without the colon is y = 0.1685x – 0.2319 (R2 = 0.9236) whereas the wet and dry wet of the intestine is y = 0.075x + 0033 (R2 = 0.791)

    Designing for knowledge maturing: from knowledge- driven software to supporting the facilitation of knowledge development

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    ABSTRACT Software engineering has been transformed in recent years by understanding the interaction with customers and the target context as an ongoing learning process. Responsiveness to change and user-centered design have been the consequences. In a similar way, knowledge and ontology engineering are undergoing fundamental changes to acknowledge the fact that they are part of a collective knowledge maturing process. We explore three examples: (i) social media based competence management in career guidance, (ii) ontology-centered reflection in multiprofessional environments in palliative care, and (iii) aligning individual mindlines in pratice networks of General Practitioners. Based on these, we extract four levels of designing for knowledge maturing and associated technical implementations. This shows that future technology support should especially target facilitation of self-organized, but tool-mediated knowledge development processes, where, e.g., workplace learning analytics can play a prominent role

    The Unique Hemoglobin System of Pleuragramma antarcticum, an Antarctic Migratory Teleost STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF THE THREE COMPONENTS

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    Pleuragramma antarcticum (suborder Notothenioidei, family Nototheniidae) is the most abundant fish in the antarctic shelf. This pelagic species has a circum-antarctic distribution and is characterized by spawning migration. This species displays the highest multiplicity of major hemoglobins (three); the other notothenioids have a single one (except one species, having two) with relatively low oxygen affinity regulated by pH and organophosphates. The hemoglobins of P. antarcticum display strong Bohr and Root effects; however, they reveal important functional differences in subunit cooperativity and organophosphate regulation and, above all, in the response of oxygenation to temperature. Despite the substitution ValbetaE11 --> Ile found in Hb 2, which decreases the affinity in human mutants, the hemoglobins have similar oxygen affinity, higher than that of the other notothenioids. Hb 1 has the alpha chain in common with Hb 2 and the beta in common with Hb 3. The amino acid sequence of all four chains has been established. Thus the hematological features of P. antarcticum differ remarkably from those of antarctic notothenioids. This unique and sophisticated oxygen transport system may adequately meet the requirements of the unusual mode of life of this fish

    The Hemoglobins of the Antarctic Fishes Artedidraco orianae and Pogonophryne scotti AMINO ACID SEQUENCE, LACK OF COOPERATIVITY, AND LIGAND BINDING PROPERTIES

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    The oxygen-transport system of two species of Antarctic fishes belonging to the family Artedidraconidae,Artedidraco orianae and Pogonophryne scotti, was thoroughly investigated. The complete amino acid sequence of the α and β chains of the single hemoglobins of the two species was established. The oxygen-binding properties were also investigated, and were found not to differ significantly from those shown by blood, intact erythrocytes, and unstripped hemolysates. Both hemoglobins have unusually high oxygen affinity and display a relatively small Bohr effect; the Root effect is elicited only by organophosphates and is also reduced. Remarkably, the Hill coefficient is close to one in the whole pH range, indicating absence of cooperative oxygen binding which, in A. orianae hemoglobin, could be ascribed to the subunit heterogeneity shown upon oxygen dissociation. In comparison with the other families of the suborder Notothenioidei, the oxygen-transport system of these two species of Artedidraconidae has unique characteristics, which raise interesting questions on the mode of function of a multisubunit molecule and the relationship with cold adaptation