31 research outputs found

    Manipulating Environmental Clutter Reveals Dynamic Active Sensing Strategies in Big Brown Bats

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    Vocalizing animals confront acoustically challenging conditions in which background noise (clutter) can mask or shift attention away from biologically relevant signals. Echolocating big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) are excellent comparative models for studying how animals differentiate between multiple sound sources in complex acoustic scenes. We trained four big brown bats to fly down an asymmetrical corridor producing distinct clutter echoes from the two sides. While in flight, they were presented with playbacks of exemplars of an echolocation call, a social communication call, or waterfall noise, from one or both sides of this corridor; a silence condition served as a control. We predicted that bats would perceive the playbacks, as indexed by modifications of their vocalizations and shifts in their head aim. Bats completed flights at a high rate of success in all conditions. Although bats produced calls in similar sized sonar sound groups in playback and silent trials, they emitted more echolocation calls and shortened the time intervals between calls in response to playbacks. These comparisons suggest the playbacks increased the perceptual difficulty of the task to some extent. Bats aimed their heads towards the left side of the corridor where clutter echoes were acoustically stronger but also sparser. Changes in head aim in response to playbacks were small. Our data suggest that big brown bats flying through clutter detect differences in the information content of surrounding acoustic scenes and alter their echolocation behavior accordingly

    Variability of Rheotaxis Behaviors in Larval Bullfrogs Highlights Species Diversity in Lateral Line Function.

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    The morphology and distribution of lateral line neuromasts vary between ecomorphological types of anuran tadpoles, but little is known about how this structural variability contributes to differences in lateral-line mediated behaviors. Previous research identified distinct differences in one such behavior, positive rheotaxis towards the source of a flow, in two tadpole species, the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis; type 1) and the American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana; type 4). Because these two species had been tested under different flow conditions, we re-evaluated these findings by quantifying flow-sensing behaviors of bullfrog tadpoles in the same flow field in which X. laevis tadpoles had been tested previously. Early larval bullfrog tadpoles were exposed to flow in the dark, in the presence of a discrete light cue, and after treatment with the ototoxin gentamicin. In response to flow, tadpoles moved downstream, closer to a side wall, and higher in the water column, but they did not station-hold. Tadpoles exhibited positive rheotaxis, but with long latencies, low to moderate accuracy, and considerable individual variability. This is in contrast to the robust, stereotyped station-holding and accurate rheotaxis of X. laevis tadpoles. The presence of a discrete visual cue and gentamicin treatment altered spatial positioning and disrupted rheotaxis in both tadpole species. Species differences in lateral-line mediated behaviors may reflect differences in neuromast number and distribution, life history, or perceptual salience of other environmental cues

    Encoding of a spectrally-complex communication sound in the bullfrog's auditory nerve

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    Summary. 1. A population study of eighth nerve responses in the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, was undertaken to analyze how the eighth nerve codes the complex spectral and temporal structure of the species-specific advertisement call over a biologically-realistic range of intensities. Synthetic advertisement calls were generated by Fourier synthesis and presented to individual eighth nerve fibers of anesthetized bullfrogs. Fiber responses were analyzed by calculating rate responses based on post-stimulustime (PST) histograms and temporal responses based on Fourier transforms of period histograms. 2. At stimulus intensities of 70 and 80 dB SPL, normalized rate responses provide a fairly good representation of the complex spectral structure of the stimulus, particularly in the low-and mid-frequency range. At higher intensities, rate responses saturate, and very little of the spectral structure of the complex stimulus can be seen in the profile of rate responses of the population. 3. Both AP and BP fibers phase-lock strongly to the fundamental (100 Hz) of the complex stimulus. These effects are relatively resistant to changes in stimulus intensity. Only a small number of fibers synchronize to the low-frequency spectral energy in the stimulus. The underlying spectral complexity of the stimulus is not accurately reflected in the timing of fiber firing, presumably because firing is 'captured' by the fundamental frequency. 4. Plots of average localized synchronized rate (ALSR), which combine both spectral and temporal information, show a similar, low-pass shape at all stimulus intensities. ALSR plots do not generally provide an accurate representation of the structure of the advertisement call. 5. The data suggest that anuran peripheral auditory fibers may be particularly sensitive to the amplitude envelope of sounds. Abbreviations: ALSR average localized synchronized rate; AP amphibian papilla; BP basilar papilla; CF characteristic frequenc

    Development of Tectal Connectivity across Metamorphosis in the Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana)

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    In the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana), the process of metamorphosis culminates in the appearance of new visual and visuomotor behaviors reflective of the emergence of binocular vision and visually-guided prey capture behaviors as the animal transitions to life on land. Using several different neuroanatomical tracers, we examined the substrates that may underlie these behavioral changes by tracing the afferent and efferent connectivity of the midbrain optic tectum across metamorphic development. Intratectal, tectotoral, tectotegmental, tectobulbar, and tecto-thalamic tracts exhibit similar trajectories of neurobiotin fiber label across the developmental span from early larval tadpoles to adults. Developmental variability was apparent primarily in intensity and distribution of cell and puncta label in target nuclei. Combined injections of cholera toxin subunit β and Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin consistently label cell bodies, puncta, or fiber segments bilaterally in midbrain targets including the pretectal gray, laminar nucleus of the torus semicircularis, and the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus. Developmentally stable label was observed bilaterally in medullary targets including the medial vestibular nucleus, lateral vestibular nucleus, and reticular gray, and in forebrain targets including the posterior and ventromedial nuclei of the thalamus. The nucleus isthmi, cerebellum, lateral line nuclei, medial septum, ventral striatum, and medial pallium show more developmentally variable patterns of connectivity. Our results suggest that even during larval development, the optic tectum contains substrates for integration of visual with auditory, vestibular, and somatosensory cues, as well as for guidance of motivated behaviors

    Analyzing acoustic interactions in natural bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) choruses.

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    Echolocation while drinking: Pulse-timing strategies by high- and low-frequency FM bats.

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    During nightly foraging activity, echolocating bats drink by flying low over the water surface and dipping the lower jaw while avoiding further bodily contact with the water. This task poses different sensorimotor challenges than flying in the open to forage for insects. Of interest is how bats adjust the timing of their echolocation pulses to accommodate the surrounding scene, from the progressively nearer water surface itself to objects at longer distances. Drinking behavior has been described in only a few of the roughly 1,000 echolocating bat species, and in none of the 110 species in the Indian subcontinent. Here, we describe how bats emitting frequency-modulated (FM) echolocation pulses behaved while drinking from a swimming pool in urban northeast India. At least two different bat species were present, using 1st-harmonic frequencies sweeping down to about 35 Hz ("low frequency") and down to about 50 kHz ("high frequency"), separable at a 40 kHz boundary. Over entire drinking maneuvers, intervals between broadcast pulses accommodate both the proximate task of registering the water surface while drinking and registering echoes from the farther reaches of the scene. During approach to the water, both low and high frequency bats emit longer, more stable interpulse intervals that matched the time interval covering echo arrival-times out to the frequency-dependent maximum operating range. High frequency bats use shorter interpulse intervals than low frequency bats, consistent with the shorter operating range at higher frequencies. Bats then accelerate their pulse rate to guide the dive down to drinking, with low frequency bats continuing to decrease pulse intervals and high frequency bats maintaining a more steady interval during the drinking buzz. The circumstance that both groups were engaged in the same task made this a natural experiment on the behavior during approach

    A comprehensive computational model of animal biosonar signal processing.

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    Computational models of animal biosonar seek to identify critical aspects of echo processing responsible for the superior, real-time performance of echolocating bats and dolphins in target tracking and clutter rejection. The Spectrogram Correlation and Transformation (SCAT) model replicates aspects of biosonar imaging in both species by processing wideband biosonar sounds and echoes with auditory mechanisms identified from experiments with bats. The model acquires broadband biosonar broadcasts and echoes, represents them as time-frequency spectrograms using parallel bandpass filters, translates the filtered signals into ten parallel amplitude threshold levels, and then operates on the resulting time-of-occurrence values at each frequency to estimate overall echo range delay. It uses the structure of the echo spectrum by depicting it as a series of local frequency nulls arranged regularly along the frequency axis of the spectrograms after dechirping them relative to the broadcast. Computations take place entirely on the timing of threshold-crossing events for each echo relative to threshold-events for the broadcast. Threshold-crossing times take into account amplitude-latency trading, a physiological feature absent from conventional digital signal processing. Amplitude-latency trading transposes the profile of amplitudes across frequencies into a profile of time-registrations across frequencies. Target shape is extracted from the spacing of the object's individual acoustic reflecting points, or glints, using the mutual interference pattern of peaks and nulls in the echo spectrum. These are merged with the overall range-delay estimate to produce a delay-based reconstruction of the object's distance as well as its glints. Clutter echoes indiscriminately activate multiple parts in the null-detecting system, which then produces the equivalent glint-delay spacings in images, thus blurring the overall echo-delay estimates by adding spurious glint delays to the image. Blurring acts as an anticorrelation process that rejects clutter intrusion into perceptions

    Functional analyses of peripheral auditory system adaptations for echolocation in air vs. water

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Ketten, D. R., Simmons, J. A., Riquimaroux, H., & Simmons, A. M. Functional analyses of peripheral auditory system adaptations for echolocation in air vs. water. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 09, (2021): 661216, https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2021.661216.The similarity of acoustic tasks performed by odontocete (toothed whale) and microchiropteran (insectivorous bat) biosonar suggests they may have common ultrasonic signal reception and processing mechanisms. However, there are also significant media and prey dependent differences, notably speed of sound and wavelengths in air vs. water, that may be reflected in adaptations in their auditory systems and peak spectra of out-going signals for similarly sized prey. We examined the anatomy of the peripheral auditory system of two species of FM bat (big brown bat Eptesicus fuscus; Japanese house bat Pipistrellus abramus) and two toothed whales (harbor porpoise Phocoena phocoena; bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus) using ultra high resolution (11–100 micron) isotropic voxel computed tomography (helical and microCT). Significant differences were found for oval and round window location, cochlear length, basilar membrane gradients, neural distributions, cochlear spiral morphometry and curvature, and basilar membrane suspension distributions. Length correlates with body mass, not hearing ranges. High and low frequency hearing range cut-offs correlate with basilar membrane thickness/width ratios and the cochlear radius of curvature. These features are predictive of high and low frequency hearing limits in all ears examined. The ears of the harbor porpoise, the highest frequency echolocator in the study, had significantly greater stiffness, higher basal basilar membrane ratios, and bilateral bony support for 60% of the basilar membrane length. The porpoise’s basilar membrane includes a “foveal” region with “stretched” frequency representation and relatively constant membrane thickness/width ratio values similar to those reported for some bat species. Both species of bats and the harbor porpoise displayed unusual stapedial input locations and low ratios of cochlear radii, specializations that may enhance higher ultrasonic frequency signal resolution and deter low frequency cochlear propagation.MicroCT scanning, data analyses, and manuscript preparation were assisted by funding to DK from the Joint Industry Program (contract JIP22 III-16-08 – 55205300) and fellowships from the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg ICBM Fellowship and the Helmholtz International Fellow research programs. Big brown bat data collection and analysis were supported by an Office of Naval Research grant N00014-14-1-05880 to JS and an Office of Naval Research MURI grant N00014-17-1-2736 to JS and AS. Specimen collection, histology processing, and helical scanning related to the data reported in this study were supported through multiple grants and contracts since 2010 to DK from NIH, N45/LMRS-United States Navy Environmental Division (EnvDiv), Office of Naval Research, and ONR Global