53 research outputs found

    Os quatro livros da arquitetura

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    Estilo desornamentado, arquitetura-chã: alguns aspectos do renascimento na Península Ibérica

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    In the sixteenth century, in the Iberian Peninsula, the assimilation of the romano gives impulse to an architectural stream in which a progressive classicism and the decorative nudity announce the arrival of the so-called Renaissance. Despite their peculiarities, the Portuguese plain-style and the Spanish estilo desornamentado set their basis on architectural doctrines originated in Italy. Brought either by the artifices that have been in such lands - or by its architects invited to work in the Peninsula - or by the architectural treatises imported and, afterwards, translated into Spanish and Portuguese, such doctrines also stimulated the publication of other significant texts of theoretical systematization, such as Sagredo´s Medidas del romano. This article discusses such aspects of the Renaissance in the Iberian Peninsula.No século 16, na Península Ibérica, a assimilação do romano impulsiona uma corrente arquitetônica na qual um progressivo classicismo e o despojamento decorativo anunciam a chegada do chamado Renascimento. Ainda que possuam suas peculiaridades, tanto o estilo-chão português quanto o desornamentado espanhol se apóiam em doutrinas arquitetônicas de origem itálica. Trazidas quer pelos artífices que estiveram em tais terras - ou pelos arquitetos de lá oriundos chamados a trabalhar na Península, quer pelos tratados de arquitetura importados e, posteriormente, traduzidos para o castelhano e o português, tais doutrinas alimentaram, ainda, a publicação de outras significativas obras de sistematização teórica, como a sagrediana Medidas del romano. Este artigo discute tais aspectos do Renascimento na Península Ibérica.En el siglo 16, en la Península Ibérica, la asimilación del romano dale impulsión a una corriente arquitectónica en la cual un clasicismo progresivo e la desnudez decorativa anuncian la llegada del llamado Renacimiento. A despecho de sus peculiaridades, tanto el estilo-chão portugués cuanto el desornamentado español se sostienen sobre doctrinas arquitectónicas de origen itálica. Traídas sea por los artífices que estuvieran en tales tierras - o por los arquitectos desde allá llamados a trabajar en la Península - sea por los tratados de arquitectura importados y, más tarde, traducidos al castellano y al portugués, tales doctrinas alimentaran todavía la publicación de otras significativas obras de sistematización teórica, como la sagrediana Medidas del romano. Esto artículo discute tales aspectos del Renacimiento en la Península Ibérica

    Lux pulchritudinis: sobre beleza e ornamento em Leon Battista Alberti

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    Movido por ares toscanos, inflamado por fontes antigas e cingido por ruínas romanas, Leon Battista Alberti compõe, em letras latinas, uma doutrina moderna do belo semeada nos tratados das Artes. Nela, a beleza esplende em pulchritudo e ornamentum: aquela, harmonia proporcional das partes de um corpo que não admite acréscimos, subtrações ou alterações, é qualidade inerente; este, aderent

    A beleza e o mármore. O tratado de architectura de Vitrúvio e o Renascimento

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    As condições de produção do mobiliário mineiro no século XVIII e início do XIX

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    This article discusses the work of the crafters and the artistic production environment in the region of Minas Gerais in the Eighteenth and early Nineteenth centuries, with emphasis on the issues that had repercussions in the production of the furniture originating from that region.O presente artigo discute o trabalho dos artífices e o ambiente de produção artística na região de Minas Gerais no século XVIII e início do XIX, com ênfase nas questões que tiveram reflexo na produção do mobiliário originário daquela região

    The knowledge of health sciences undergraduate female students regarding women breast cancer

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    Objective: To characterize the knowledge of university students in the health area of breast cancer in women, whereas the academic health fits into the contemporary woman profile and that breast cancer is the disease that affects more women. Método: descriptive, qualitative research with 11 university students of nursing and medicine courses in a public University of Paraná, between April and June 2012. Results: Data analysis was performed according to the 6 steps suggested by John W. Creswell and the referential Edgar Morin about knowledge and its dimensions: the context size, global, multidimensional and complex dimension. Conclusion: Knowledge about breast cancer, goes beyond the set of information that involves implementation of public policies and programs, but also refers to the involvement and awareness of professionals who will work in this area

    The vital power and the legacy of Florence Nightingale in the health-disease process: integrative review

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    Objective: This study aimed to characterize the national scientific evidence of the last ten years about Florence Nightingale and the vital power and its applicability in nursing, and identify the concepts of vital power. Methods: It is an integrative review of the full national literature articles, through four databases. Seven articles were selected after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Analysis of the issues on the legacy of Florence and the action of the internal and external environment on the vital power emerged. Results: Most studies focused on the environment of inclusion of the individual as the vital power and strengthen this classified as inner strength. Conclusion: Nursing professionals play an essential role in observing about keeping the environment where the patient is inserted, favoring the strengthening of the vital power, highlighting the presence of the companion as strengthening this vital power in the hospitalization process

    The vital power and the legacy of florence nightingale in the health-disease process: integrative review

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    Objective: This study aimed to characterize the national scientific evidence of the last ten years about Florence Nightingale and the vital power and its applicability in nursing, and identify the concepts of vital power. Methods: It is an integrative review of the full national literature articles, through four databases. Seven articles were selected after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Analysis of the issues on the legacy of Florence and the action of the internal and external environment on the vital power emerged. Results: Most studies focused on the environment of inclusion of the individual as the vital power and strengthen this classified as inner strength. Conclusion: Nursing professionals play an essential role in observing about keeping the environment where the patient is inserted, favoring the strengthening of the vital power, highlighting the presence of the companion as strengthening this vital power in the hospitalization process

    O uso do software IRAMUTEQ na análise de dados em pesquisas qualitativas

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    Objective: To describe the use of IRAMUTEQ software in qualitative data analysis. Method: A description for using a software program as a tool to support data processing in qualitative research, carried out in 2015. Data collection was done through interviews using a semi-structured script. Results: Twenty-one (21) companions participated in the study. The five classes resulting from data processing by the software allowed for analysis and interpretation of the nursing performance with the parturient as an active participant in the process of labor and delivery, and in the role of companion in this period. Conclusion: The use of IRAMUTEQ software as a tool for processing qualitative data through the Descending Hierarchical Classification emerged classes and a connection between them, which further allowed for secure and credible data analysis. It is necessary to explore the other possibilities of using this tool in greater depth