21 research outputs found
Developing a Plan for a More Diverse, Inclusive, and Equitable Library at a Research 1 Land-Grant University
Using the Virginia Tech strategic plan as a guide, a team of its University Libraries faculty and staff designed a strategic planning approach for the library that directly engaged with University goals and explored two areas: 1) contributing to the equity-, diversity-, and inclusion-related (EDI) goals laid out in the University strategic plan, and 2) expanding upon efforts to broaden diversity and representation in the library. The team identified four major themes: accessibility, climate, employment and professional development, outreach, and advocacy, and used these themes to develop specific recommendations. The process served to shine the light on these topics within the library, allowing for reflection and self-understanding, crucial components to change and grow with more attention to inclusion and diversity. Recognizing a need for change, it is hoped the report leads to better advocacy and ally-ship and brings issues to light for other libraries engaging in similar processes
Data Visualization as a Library Service: Embedding Visualization Services in the Library Research Lifecycle
Objective: The purpose of this article is to explore data visualization as a consulting service offered by a research library with particular attention to uses of visualization at various places within the research lifecycle. Methods: Lessons learned from a year of offering data visualization as a consulting service, and two general case studies are offered. Results: Data visualization consulting services have a few unique considerations, including setting clear expectations, considering proprietary vs open source technologies, and making sure the consulting experience is also a learning experience. In addition, we can clearly place data visualization requests, in the form of profiled case studies, in multiple parts of the research lifecycle
OSF@VT: A Customizable Platform for Research Management and Sharing - Training and Educational Materials
This project site holds materials for OSF workshops at Virginia Tech
RDAP Webinar: How researchers use open source tools to facilitate collaboration (Jan 2018)
This project contains materials and references from the Jan 23, 2018 webinar "How Researchers Use Open Source Tools to Facilitate Collaboration" Organized by the Center for Open Science and RDAP 2018
3D Data Repository Features, Best Practices, and Implications for Preservation Models: Findings from a National Forum
This study identifies challenges and directions for 3D/VR repository standards and practices. As 3D technologies become more affordable and accessible, academic libraries need to implement workflows, standards, and practices that support the full lifecycle of 3D data. This study invited experts across several disciplines to analyze current national repository and preservation efforts. Outlined models provide frameworks to identify features, examine workflows, and determine implications of 3D data on current preservation models. Participants identified challenges for supporting 3D data, including intellectual property and fair use; providing repository system management beyond academic libraries; seeking guidance outside of academia for workflows to model