276 research outputs found

    Federated learning with hierarchical clustering of local updates to improve training on non-IID data

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    Federated learning (FL) is a well established method for performing machine learning tasks over massively distributed data. However in settings where data is distributed in a non-iid (not independent and identically distributed) fashion -- as is typical in real world situations -- the joint model produced by FL suffers in terms of test set accuracy and/or communication costs compared to training on iid data. We show that learning a single joint model is often not optimal in the presence of certain types of non-iid data. In this work we present a modification to FL by introducing a hierarchical clustering step (FL+HC) to separate clusters of clients by the similarity of their local updates to the global joint model. Once separated, the clusters are trained independently and in parallel on specialised models. We present a robust empirical analysis of the hyperparameters for FL+HC for several iid and non-iid settings. We show how FL+HC allows model training to converge in fewer communication rounds (significantly so under some non-iid settings) compared to FL without clustering. Additionally, FL+HC allows for a greater percentage of clients to reach a target accuracy compared to standard FL. Finally we make suggestions for good default hyperparameters to promote superior performing specialised models without modifying the the underlying federated learning communication protocol

    Estimation of Nuclear DNA Content in Some Aegilops Species: Best Analyzed Using Flow Cytometry

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    The genera Triticum and Aegilops have been considered as the main gene pool of wheat due to their features, such as tolerance of all types of abiotic and biotic stresses. This study was conducted to evaluate the cytogenetic analyses in 115 native and wild populations from eleven Aegilops species using their nuclear DNA quantification. Mean 2C nuclear DNA contents of different ploidy levels in the wild wheat of Turkey and Iran were measured using the flow cytometry technique. The obtained results showed that the mean nuclear DNA content in diploid species varied from 10.09 pg/2C (Ae. umbellulata) to 10.95 pg/2C (Ae. speltoides var. ligustica) in Turkey. In Iranian diploids, the mean nuclear DNA content varied from 10.20 pg/2C (Ae. taushii) to 11.56 pg/2C (Ae. speltoides var. ligustica). This index in the tetraploid species of Turkey varied from 18.09 pg/2C (Ae. cylindrica) to 21.65 pg/2C (Ae. triaristata), and in Iranian species, it was from 18.61 pg/2C (Ae. cylindrica) to 21.75 pg/2C (Ae. columnaris). On the other hand, in the hexaploid species of Turkey, this index varied from 31.59 pg/2C (Ae. crassa) to 31.81 pg/2C (Ae. cylindrica); in the Iranian species, it varied from 32.58 pg/2C (Ae. cylindrica) to 33.97 pg/2C (Ae. crassa). There was a significant difference in the DNA content of Turkey and Iran diploid as well as tetraploid species; however, in hexaploid species, the difference was not significant. It was concluded that the variation in intraspecific genome size was very low in diploid and tetraploid populations; this means that the low variation is not dependent on geographic and climatic parameters. On the other hand, the interspecific variation is significant at the diploid and tetraploid populations. It is generally very difficult to distinguish Aegilops species from each other in natural conditions; meanwhile, in this study, all species could be, easily, quickly and unambiguously, distinguished and separated using the FCM technique

    Association of symptoms of insomnia and sleep parameters among kidney transplant recipients

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    Objective: Insomnia complaints are frequent among kidney transplant (kTx) recipients and are associated with fatigue, depression, lower quality of life and increased morbidity. However, it is not known if subjective insomnia symptoms are associated with objective parameters of sleep architecture. Thus, we analyze the association between sleep macrostructure and EEG activity versus insomnia symptoms among kTx recipients. Methods: Participants (n1 = 100) were selected from prevalent adult transplant recipients (n0 = 1214) followed at a single institution. Insomnia symptoms were assessed by the Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS) and standard overnight polysomnography was performed. In a subgroup of patients (n2 = 56) sleep microstructure was also analyzed with power spectral analysis. Results: In univariable analysis AIS score was not associated with sleep macrostructure parameters (sleep latency, total sleep time, slow wave sleep, wake after sleep onset), nor with NREM and REM beta or delta activity in sleep microstructure. In multivariable analysis after controlling for covariables AIS score was independently associated with the proportion of slow wave sleep (β = 0.263; CI: 0.026–0.500) and REM beta activity (β = 0.323; CI = 0.041–0.606) (p < 0.05 for both associations). Conclusions: Among kTx recipients the severity of insomnia symptoms is independently associated with higher proportion of slow wave sleep and increased beta activity during REM sleep but not with other parameters sleep architecture. The results suggest a potential compensatory sleep protective mechanism and a sign of REM sleep instability associated with insomnia symptoms among this population

    Investigation of the Antihypertrophic and Antifibrotic Effects of Losartan in a Rat Model of Radiation-Induced Heart Disease

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    Radiation-induced heart disease (RIHD) is a potential late side-effect of thoracic radiotherapy resulting in left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and fibrosis due to a complex pathomechanism leading to heart failure. Angiotensin-II receptor blockers (ARBs), including losartan, are frequently used to control heart failure of various etiologies. Preclinical evidence is lacking on the anti-remodeling effects of ARBs in RIHD, while the results of clinical studies are controversial. We aimed at investigating the effects of losartan in a rat model of RIHD. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were studied in three groups: (1) control, (2) radiotherapy (RT) only, (3) RT treated with losartan (per os 10 mg/kg/day), and were followed for 1, 3, or 15 weeks. At 15 weeks post-irradiation, losartan alleviated the echocardiographic and histological signs of LVH and fibrosis and reduced the overexpression of chymase, connective tissue growth factor, and transforming growth factor-beta in the myocardium measured by qPCR; likewise, the level of the SMAD2/3 protein determined by Western blot decreased. In both RT groups, the pro-survival phospho-AKT/AKT and the phospho-ERK1,2/ERK1,2 ratios were increased at week 15. The antiremodeling effects of losartan seem to be associated with the repression of chymase and several elements of the TGF-beta/SMAD signaling pathway in our RIHD model.Peer reviewe

    Investigation of the Antiremodeling Effects of Losartan, Mirabegron and Their Combination on the Development of Doxorubicin-Induced Chronic Cardiotoxicity in a Rat Model

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    Despite the effectiveness of doxorubicin (DOXO) as a chemotherapeutic agent, dose-dependent development of chronic cardiotoxicity limits its application. The angiotensin-II receptor blocker losartan is commonly used to treat cardiac remodeling of various etiologies. The beta-3 adrenergic receptor agonist mirabegron was reported to improve chronic heart failure. Here we investigated the effects of losartan, mirabegron and their combination on the development of DOXO-induced chronic cardiotoxicity. Male Wistar rats were divided into five groups: (i) control; (ii) DOXO-only; (iii) losartan-treated DOXO; (iv) mirabegron-treated DOXO; (v) losartan plus mirabegron-treated DOXO groups. The treatments started 5 weeks after DOXO administration. At week 8, echocardiography was performed. At week 9, left ventricles were prepared for histology, qRT-PCR, and Western blot measurements. Losartan improved diastolic but not systolic dysfunction and ameliorated SERCA2a repression in our DOXO-induced cardiotoxicity model. The DOXO-induced overexpression of Il1 and Il6 was markedly decreased by losartan and mirabegron. Mirabegron and the combination treatment improved systolic and diastolic dysfunction and significantly decreased overexpression of Smad2 and Smad3 in our DOXO-induced cardiotoxicity model. Only mirabegron reduced DOXO-induced cardiac fibrosis significantly. Mirabegron and its combination with losartan seem to be promising therapeutic tools against DOXO-induced chronic cardiotoxicity.Peer reviewe
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