11,267 research outputs found

    Gravitomagnetic Moments of the Fundamental Fields

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    The quadratic form of the Dirac equation in a Riemann spacetime yields a gravitational gyromagnetic ratio \kappa_S = 2 for the interaction of a Dirac spinor with curvature. A gravitational gyromagnetic ratio \kappa_S = 1 is also found for the interaction of a vector field with curvature. It is shown that the Dirac equation in a curved background can be obtained as the square--root of the corresponding vector field equation only if the gravitational gyromagnetic ratios are properly taken into account.Comment: 8 pages, RevTeX Style, no figures, changed presentation -- now restricted to fields of spin 0, 1/2 and 1 -- some references adde

    Transition from Knudsen to molecular diffusion in activity of absorbing irregular interfaces

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    We investigate through molecular dynamics the transition from Knudsen to molecular diffusion transport towards 2d absorbing interfaces with irregular geometry. Our results indicate that the length of the active zone decreases continuously with density from the Knudsen to the molecular diffusion regime. In the limit where molecular diffusion dominates, we find that this length approaches a constant value of the order of the system size, in agreement with theoretical predictions for Laplacian transport in irregular geometries. Finally, we show that all these features can be qualitatively described in terms of a simple random-walk model of the diffusion process.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Vascular grassland plants of Tibagi River Spring, Ponta Grossa, Brazil.

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    A systematic survey was carried out on wet grasslands found over Histosols at Upper Tibagi River basin, between Ponta Grossa and Palmeira municipalities, in the state of Paraná, Brazil, place of high importance because of soil water retention capability and soil carbon pool composition. We provide a checklist containing 146 species, 96 genera and 42 plant families for the area. Families with higher species richness were Asteraceae (27 species; 21 genera), Poaceae (24; 16) and Cyperaceae (18; 6). Four species were classified as endangered or rare, and one as exotic. The specific richness in wet grassland environments at the state of Paraná underlines the need for conservation efforts encompassing these formations

    Superdiffusion of massive particles induced by multi-scale velocity fields

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    We study drag-induced diffusion of massive particles in scale-free velocity fields, where superdiffusive behavior emerges due to the scale-free size distribution of the vortices of the underlying velocity field. The results show qualitative resemblance to what is observed in fluid systems, namely the diffusive exponent for the mean square separation of pairs of particles and the preferential concentration of the particles, both as a function of the response time.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in EP

    Gravitation: Global Formulation and Quantum Effects

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    A nonintegrable phase-factor global approach to gravitation is developed by using the similarity of teleparallel gravity with electromagnetism. The phase shifts of both the COW and the gravitational Aharonov-Bohm effects are obtained. It is then shown, by considering a simple slit experiment, that in the classical limit the global approach yields the same result as the gravitational Lorentz force equation of teleparallel gravity. It represents, therefore, the quantum mechanical version of the classical description provided by the gravitational Lorentz force equation. As teleparallel gravity can be formulated independently of the equivalence principle, it will consequently require no generalization of this principle at the quantum level.Comment: Latex (IOP style), 14 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Aplicação de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto no mapeamento dos fluxos de energia e evapotranspiração de áreas irrigadas no triângulo mineiro.

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    As técnicas de sensoriamento remoto vem se destacando nos últimos anos no mapeamento dos fluxos de energia e evapotranspiração (ET) em escala local, regional e global. Neste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo mapear os fluxos de energia e a ET de áreas irrigadas no Triângulo Mineiro no dia 16 de agosto de 2008 por meio do Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL). O Reference Evapotranspiration Calculator (REF-ET) foi utilizado para calcular a evapotranspiração de referência, pelo método de Penman-Monteith FAO (PM-FAO), para comparar com o resultado obtido pelo SEBAL. A ET estimada pelo SEBAL variou de 0,00 a 8,98 mm/dia, com média de 3,25 mm/dia. O resultado encontrado pelo método de PM-FAO foi de 5,49 mm/dia, enquanto que o estimado pelo SEBAL, no pixel em que se encontra a estação meteorológica, foi de 4,34 mm/dia

    An Efficient Local Search for Partial Latin Square Extension Problem

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    A partial Latin square (PLS) is a partial assignment of n symbols to an nxn grid such that, in each row and in each column, each symbol appears at most once. The partial Latin square extension problem is an NP-hard problem that asks for a largest extension of a given PLS. In this paper we propose an efficient local search for this problem. We focus on the local search such that the neighborhood is defined by (p,q)-swap, i.e., removing exactly p symbols and then assigning symbols to at most q empty cells. For p in {1,2,3}, our neighborhood search algorithm finds an improved solution or concludes that no such solution exists in O(n^{p+1}) time. We also propose a novel swap operation, Trellis-swap, which is a generalization of (1,q)-swap and (2,q)-swap. Our Trellis-neighborhood search algorithm takes O(n^{3.5}) time to do the same thing. Using these neighborhood search algorithms, we design a prototype iterated local search algorithm and show its effectiveness in comparison with state-of-the-art optimization solvers such as IBM ILOG CPLEX and LocalSolver.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure