147 research outputs found

    H?quei em patins

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    Relat?rio de est?gio apresentado para obten??o do grau de Mestre em Treino Desportivo, na Escola Superior de Desporto e Lazer do Instituto Polit?cnico de Viana do Castelo.O presente relat?rio est? enquadrado no ?mbito do Mestrado em Treino Desportivo, da Escola Superior de Desporto e Lazer e diz respeito ao est?gio anual a realizar no 2? ano na modalidade de especializa??o escolhida pelo aluno. O est?gio foi realizado na Associa??o Juventude de Viana, clube que milita atualmente da primeira divis?o do campeonato nacional de Portugal. O mesmo visou a aplica??o de todos os conhecimentos adquiridos na ?rea do treino desportivo, nomeadamente na an?lise e observa??o de jogo. Al?m disso, foi-me proposto acompanhar todo o processo de planeamento da ?poca, implementa??o das unidades de treino e monitoriza??o dos atletas, bem como das avalia??es da composi??o corporal e das capacidades f?sicas Em suma, este est?gio permitiu-me desenvolver as minhas capacidades de analista de HP num contexto de alto rendimento, juntamente com a viv?ncia proporcionada por uma equipa t?cnica de qualidade que me fez adquirir melhores capacidades para desempenhar melhor as fun??es de treinador de h?quei em patins.This report falls within the scope of the Master?s Degree in Sports Training from the School of Sports and Leisure and concerns the anual stage to be completed in the second year in the modality of specialization chosen by the student. The internship was held at Associa??o Juventude de Viana, a club that currently plays in the first division of the national championship of Portugal. The same focused on the application of all the knowledge acquired in the area of sports training, namely in the analysis and observation of the game. In addition, I was proposed to follow the whole planning process of the season, the implementation of training sessions and monitoring the athletes, as well as assessments of body composition and physical abilities In short, this internship enabled me to develop my HP analyst skills in a highperformance context, coupled with the experience provided by a quality technical team that made me acquire better skills to better perform the functions of roller skating coach

    Vazio ?vido : negatividade e autorreflexividade em Dias Felizes, de Samuel Beckett.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Letras. Departamento de Letras, Instituto de Ci?ncias Humanas e Sociais, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.A presente pesquisa trata da influ?ncia do romance sobre o drama Dias felizes de Samuel Beckett. Para tanto, adota uma perspectiva dial?tica, que debate o cont?gio dos g?neros na modernidade, com a preval?ncia do romance. O romance ? tomado, pois, como dominante, assimilado por Dias felizes. Mais especificamente, elenca-se a voz narrativa da protagonista como manifesta??o ?pica em cena. Destaca-se, assim, como a paralisia c?nica decorre de a??es que partem e ocorrem em uma subjetividade isolada; posta em destaque em rela??o ?s outras personagens. Caracter?sticas que, em linhas gerais, pertencem ao drama moderno. Todavia, para a an?lise de seu objeto, este estudo prop?s uma maior aproxima??o com a teoria do romance. Objetivou-se, por conseguinte, analisar fen?menos c?nicos, estranhos ? trag?dia cl?ssica, como manifesta??es romanescas, advindos sobretudo da cis?o entre sujeito e objeto. Por essa via, Dias felizes foi examinado por meio dos deslocamentos subjetivos de sua protagonista, bem como pelo rearranjo de suas mem?rias.This research addresses the influence of the romance on the drama Happy Days by Samuel Beckett. Thus, it adopts a dialectic perspective, which debates the contagion of genres in the modernity, with predominance of romance. Therefore, the romance is understood as predominant, assimilated by Happy Days. More specifically, the narrative voice of the main character is listed as an epic manifestation in scene. It is highlighted as the theatrical paralyses resulted of actions that are delivered and occur in an insular subjectivity; displayed in emphasis in relation to the other characters. These are characteristics which, commonly, belong to the modern drama. However, to the analyses of the target, this study claims a broader approximation with the romance theory. Consequently, it is also aimed to analyze theatrical phenomena, odd to the classic tragedy, such as Romanesque manifestations, mainly originated by the rupture of the subject and the object. In this way, Happy Days was examined by means of the subjective displacements of its main character, as well as the reorganization of her memories

    Os Teoremas das Panquecas.

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    Nosso principal objetivo ? estudar os Teorema das Panquecas, resultados que garantem a exist?ncia de retas que dividem regi?es planas de modo que as sub-regi?es obtidas nessa divis?o possuem mesma ?rea

    Relationship between power condition, agility, and speed performance among young roller hockey elite players

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    Purpose. The study was intended to describe the correlations between speed performance (11 m, 22 m, and 33 m) and agility test in skates with determinants of muscular power (squat jump, countermovement jump) in young Portuguese roller hockey athletes involved in a regional selection. Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 10 male roller hockey players with mean (? SD) age of 14.20 (0.57) years, involved in the Portuguese national competition of under-15, making part of the final Oporto district selection of players to participate in inter-regional selections competition. Their mean (? SD) weight, height, body mass index, and sum of the skinfolds were 58.62 (8.78) kg, 165.72 (8.45) cm, 21.26 (1.52) kg/m2, 51.80 (14.91) mm, respectively. Furthermore, it strength was measured with squat jump and countermovement jump; sprinting time at 11 m, 22 m, and 33 m was determined, as well as time in an agility t-test, conducted in roller skating. Spearman correlation coefficients were calculated to test the associations. Results. Significant inverse correlations between vertical jumps, a practical method of power training monitoring, and linear velocity in skating (countermovement jump vs. speed, ?0.78) were found. Despite the increasing complexity of the agility test, a moderate inverse correlation with strength was observed, too (?0.48). Conclusions. Lower limbs explosive strength turned out a strong predictor of skating linear speed and agility among young roller hockey players, providing a simple evaluation tool of important determinants of performance.D915-7373-ED16 | Cesar LeaoN/

    Lebiasina yepezi, a new lebiasininae (Characiformes: Lebiasinidae) from the Serra Parima-Tapirapecó mountains

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    Lebiasina yepez a new Lebiasininae with a conspicuous color pattern, is described. The new species is endemic of the headwaters of the rio Negro, rio Branco, and rio Orinoco in the Serra Parima-Tapirapecó Mountains, at the border of Brazil and Venezuela. The new species is readily distinguished from all other Lebiasininae by the presence of four black longitudinal stripes on the trunk, and the triangular shaped dorsal surface of the mesethmoid, lacking lateral projections. The unusual color pattern is contrasted with those of other lebiasinin, as well as members of the pyrrhulinin genus Nannostomus. A close relationship between Lebiasina yepezi and the Gran Sabana (Venezuela) species is suggested based in color pattern features. The present contribution corresponds to a further refutation of the type locality of L. intermedia, as suggested on its description, since Lebiasinins, except L. bimaculata, L. boruca, and L. festae, do not occur in low land waters. © 2011 Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia

    Texture and magnetic properties improvement of a 3% Si non-oriented electrical steel by Sb addition.

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    The influence of small antimony addition and thermomechanical processing on the magnetic properties of a 3% Si steel was investigated. The samples were processed in the laboratory with 930 1C hot rolling finishing temperature, three different hot band thicknesses, hot band annealing at 1030 1C, cold rolling with three different reductions to 0.35 mm thickness and final annealing at 1030 1C. The results have shown that the best combination of core loss and magnetic induction can be obtained by Sb content of 0.045% and 76% cold rolling reduction, and that Eta/Gamma ratio is higher and grain size larger at this Sb content


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    O objetivo desse trabalho \ue9 verificar a exatid\ue3o dos dendr\uf4metros \uf3pticos Criterion 400 e RC3H, estudando a qualidade das medidas de cubagem da \ue1rvore em p\ue9 pelo uso desses dendr\uf4metros. O trabalho foi desenvolvido na Esta\ue7\ue3o Experimental de Itatinga - SP que pertence \ue0 Universidade de S\ue3o Paulo (ESALQUSP). Amostraram-se no total 175 \ue1rvores em tr\ueas parcelas de Eucalyptus grandis . O di\ue2metro do fuste das \ue1rvores em p\ue9 foi mensurado com os dois dendr\uf4metros \uf3pticos nas dist\ue2ncias de 0,1; 0,4; 0,7; 1,0; 1,3; 2,0 m e a partir desse ponto, de metro em metro ao longo do tronco at\ue9 os 8 m de altura. Ap\uf3s a cubagem em p\ue9 foram derrubadas as \ue1rvores e obtido o di\ue2metro nas diferentes posi\ue7\uf5es com uma suta e trena nas mesmas posi\ue7\uf5es em que se realizou a cubagem n\ue3o destrutiva. De posse dos di\ue2metros foi calculado o volume por sec\ue7\ue3o e por \ue1rvore individual pelo uso da f\uf3rmula de Smalian para posterior compara\ue7\ue3o dos m\ue9todos. Analisando as medidas do di\ue2metro do fuste e volume por \ue1rvore percebe-se que os dois dendr\uf4metros forneceram medidas subestimadas de modo geral, por\ue9m, o Criterion foi o que resultou nas melhores estimativas. Para o di\ue2metro e volume por \ue1rvore, o Criterion demonstrou erros subestimados m\ue9dios de aproximadamente 1 cm (10%), enquanto o RC3H resultou em erros superiores aos 5 cm (30%) em m\ue9dia. Portanto, quando se deseja maior confiabilidade e exatid\ue3o das vari\ue1veis observadas de forma n\ue3o destrutiva, o Criterion apresentou melhores resultados.The aim of this paper is to verify the accuracy of the optical dendrometers Criterion 400 and RC3H by studying the quality of measures of wood volume determination of standing trees through these dendrometers. The study was developed at the Experimental Station of Forest Sciences, in Itatinga, S\ue3o Paulo state, which belongs to the University of S\ue3o Paulo (ESALQ / USP). It was sampled a total of 175 trees in three plots of Eucalyptus grandis . The stem diameter of standing trees was measured by the two optical dendrometers at distances of 0.1, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0, 1.3, 2.0 meters from this point meter by meter along the stem up to 8 meters height. After measuring the standing trees they were felled and the diameter was obtained in different positions with a caliper and a tape in the same positions that the non-destructive measures were taken. With the diameters the volume was calculated by section and by individual trees by the Smalian formula for the comparison of methods. Analyzing the measurements of stem diameter and the individual tree volume realizes that the two dendrometers provided measures generally underestimated. However, the Criterion provided the best estimates. For the diameter and individual tree volume the Criterion showed underestimated errors averaging approximately 1 cm (10%), while the RC3H resulted in errors greater than 5 cm (30%) on average.Thus, when measuring observed variables in a non-destructive way with reliability and accuracy, the Criterion showed better results

    CCT diagrams of tricalcium silicate, Part I. Influence of the Fe2O3 content.

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    This work studies the effect of the iron oxide content on the kinetics of thermal decomposition of tricalcium silicate, or alite, the main component of Portland cement. The experiments allowed the construction of novel continuous cooling transformation (CCT) diagrams, showing the effect of the Fe content on the alite stability, under continuous cooling

    Percentages of cooled Artemia Nauplii for pacam? larvae culture

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    Todos os textos, informa??es e resultados apresentados s?o de inteira responsabilidade dos autores.O pacam? ? uma esp?cie nativa e end?mica da bacia hidrografia do Rio S?o Francisco. Os n?uplios de Artemia sp. constituem um importante insumo, principalmente para a cria??o de larvas de peixes, de camar?es marinhos e de ?gua doce. Portanto o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar diferentes porcentagens de n?uplios de Artemia sp.resfriada na alimenta??o de larvas de pacam?. Os n?uplios de Artemia sp. s?o adequadas para a alimenta??o de larvas de pacam?, sendo recomendado o fornecimento de 70 a 100% do seu peso vivo.The pacam? is a native and endemic species of the basin hydrography basin of the S?o Francisco River. Artemia sp. nauplii constituted an important ingredient especially for fish larvae breeding of marine, and freshwater prawns. Therefore the aim of this study was to evaluate different percentages of Artemia sp.resfriada the power pacam? larvae. Artemia sp. nauplii. are suitable for pacam? larvae feeding, being recommended 70 to 100% of body weight