4,496 research outputs found

    Diseño de un nuevo sistema de adquisición basado en Red Pitaya para los detectores de partículas usados en la colaboración LAGO

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    The first step of the development of a new data acquisition system for the Water Cherenkov detectors used within LAGO Collaboration is described. The system is based in the open source board Red Pitaya; design and development of a prototype of the interface board needed to connect peripherals (PMTs and sensors) as well as power supply is described. First tests of functionality connecting the PMT that will be used to implement a WCD detector in USFQ Cumbayá Campus are reported. Future development in HW and SW in order to have a new data acquisition system for particle detection is described.Se describen los primeros pasos para el desarrollo de un nuevo sistema de adquisición de datos para los detectores de agua Cherenkov usados en la Colaboración LAGO. El sistema se basa en la tarjeta de código abierto Red Pitaya; se describe también el diseño y la implementación de un primer prototipo de tarjeta de interfaces para conectar todos los periféricos necesarios (PMTs y sensores) así como los módulos de alimentación. Se reportan las primeras pruebas de funcionamiento conectando el PMT que será usado para implementar un detector WCD en el Campus Cumbayá de la USFQ. Se describen además los desarrollos futuros de SW y HW necesarios para completar el diseño de un nuevo sistema de adquisición de datos para detección de partículas

    Campaña de comunicación interna para Texticom Cia. Ltda "Sueños"

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    La siguiente campaña fue planificad estratégicamente para no intervenir en los proceso de producción, en los espacios físicos de planta y para no ser invasiva poniendo en riesgo a los empleados a las máquinas. Las campañas de comunicación interna para TEXTICOM, giran en torno a “Sueños”, ya que todos como personas somos movidos por uno a varios sueños, los cuales son aspiraciones profundas de nuestro ser. Los colores seleccionados para esa campaña fueron: azul, celeste y blanco, ya que son los más identificados al personificar la idea de un sueño. Por otro lado éstos no van en contra de los colores ya utilizados dentro de las instalaciones de TEXTICOM en carteleras y ambiente

    Bayesian analysis of 210Pb dating

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    In many studies of environmental change of the past few centuries, 210Pb dating is used to obtain chronologies for sedimentary sequences. One of the most commonly used approaches to estimate the ages of depths in a sequence is to assume a constant rate of supply (CRS) or influx of `unsupported' 210Pb from the atmosphere, together with a constant or varying amount of `supported' 210Pb. Current 210Pb dating models do not use a proper statistical framework and thus provide poor estimates of errors. Here we develop a new model for 210Pb dating, where both ages and values of supported and unsupported 210Pb form part of the parameters. We apply our model to a case study from Canada as well as to some simulated examples. Our model can extend beyond the current CRS approach, deal with asymmetric errors and mix 210Pb with other types of dating, thus obtaining more robust, realistic and statistically better defined estimates.Comment: 22 Pages, 4 Figure

    Calcium, Vitamin D, and Health

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    Calcium is the main mineral in the body [...]

    Implementation of second-life batteries as energy storage systems enhancing the interoperability and flexibility of the energy infrastructure in tertiary buildings

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    The main focus of this project is to evaluate the implementation of second-life batteries for a building stock enabling the energy flexibility schemes like Demand Response (DR). This project will focus particularly on how the building stock and its energy infrastructure (energy storage systems, legacy-assets, communication devices and grid architecture, among others) can participate as innovative energy solutions of the next generation of smart-grids, acting as virtual power plants (VPP) in order to deploy the distributed generation (DG) concept in the actual energy field and paving the way to unlock the demand response (DR) market in the distribution energy network. In addition, the implementation of these technologies will led to plan different business models and the scalability of them in the tertiary building sector. Battery energy storage systems (BESSs) are already being deployed for several stationary applications in a techno-economical feasible way. This project focuses in the study to obtain potential revenues from BESSs built from EVs lithium-ion batteries with varying states of health (SoH). For this analysis, a stationary BESS sizing model is done, using the parameters of a 14 kWh new battery, but also doing a comparison with parameters if the same battery would be 11.2 kWh second-life battery. The comprehensive sizing model consists of several detailed sub-models, considering battery specifications, aging and an operational strategy plan, which allow a technical assessment through a determined time frame. Therefore, battery depreciation and energy losses are considered in this techno-economic analysis. Potential economical feasible applications of new and second-life batteries, such the integration of a Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV), self-consumption schemes, feed-in-tariff schemes and frequency regulation as well as their combined operation are compared. The research includes different electricity price scenarios mostly from the current Spanish energy market. The operation and integration of ICT-IoT technology upgrades is found to have the highest economic viability for this specific case study. A detailed study for this project will enhance the relevant importance of these topics in the energy field and how it will be a disruptive solution for the initial problem statement. A general context is given in order to introduce the main and specific objectives thus to trace an adequate way to follow and achieve them. The development of this master thesis will be coupled with the Demand Response Integration technologies (DRIvE) [10] H2020 EU funded project, currently on-going, considering some of the energy consumption data and initial parameters from the selected case study at COMSA Corporación office building in Barcelona, Spain

    What drives employment growth and social inclusion in EU regions

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    The European Union promotes development strategies aimed at producing growth with “a strong emphasis on job creation and poverty reduction”. However, whether the economic conditions in place in EU regions are ideal for the generation of high- and low-skilled employment and labour market inclusion is unclear. This paper assesses how the key factors behind EU growth strategies – infrastructure, human capital, innovation, quality of government – condition employment generation and labour market exclusion in European regions. The findings indicate that the dynamics of employment and social exclusion vary depending on the conditions in place in a region. While higher innovation and education contribute to overall employment generation in some regional contexts, low-skilled employment grows the most in regions with a better quality of government. Regional public institutions, together with the endowment of human capital, emerge as the main factors for the reduction of labour market exclusion – particularly in the less developed regions – and the promotion of inclusive employment growth across Europe

    Lie bialgebra structures on 2-step nilpotent graph algebras

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    We generalize a result on the Heisenberg Lie algebra that gives restrictions to possible Lie bialgebra cobrackets on 2-step nilpotent algebras with some additional properties. For the class of 2-step nilpotent Lie algebras coming from graphs, we describe these extra properties in a very easy graph-combinatorial way. We exhibit applications for fn, the free 2-step nilpotent Lie algebra.Fil: Farinati, Marco Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Investigaciones Matemáticas "Luis A. Santaló". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Matemáticas "Luis A. Santaló"; ArgentinaFil: Jancsa, Alejandra Patricia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Matemática; Argentin

    A heuristic method for obtaining quasi ARL-unbiased p-Charts

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    [EN] It is known that control charts based on equal tail probability limits are ARL biased when the distribution of the plotted statistic is skewed. This is the case for p¿Charts that serve to monitor processes on the basis of the binomial distribution. For the particular case of the standard three¿sigma Shewhart p¿Chart, which is built on the basis of the binomial to normal distribution approximation, this ARL¿biased condition is particularly severe, and it greatly affects its monitoring capability. Surprisingly, in spite of this, the standard p¿Chart is still widely used and taught. Through a literature search, it was identified that several, simple to use, improved alternative p¿Charts had been proposed over the years; however, at first instance, it was not possible to determine which of them was the best. In order to identify the alternative that excelled, an ARL performance comparison was carried out in terms of their ARL bias severity level (ARLBSL) and their In¿Control ARL (ARL0). The results showed that even the best performing alternative charts would often be ARL¿biased or have nonoptimal ARL0. To improve on the existing alternatives, the ¿Kmod p¿Chart¿ was developed; it offers easiness of use, superior ARL performance, and a simple and effective method for verifying its ARL¿bias condition.Argoti, MA.; Carrión García, A. (2019). A heuristic method for obtaining quasi ARL-unbiased p-Charts. Quality and Reliability Engineering International. 35(1):47-61. https://doi.org/10.1002/qre.2379S476135