3,371 research outputs found

    Propuesta de indicadores del proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje en la formación profesional en un contexto de gestión de calidad total

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    Se propone una batería de indicadores del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje diseñados para la práctica cotidiana de la evaluación interna de un centro de formación profesional que permita valorar la eficacia del proceso de E/A y el desarrollo de los factores que influyen en él. Al mismo tiempo, se proponen fórmulas para ajustar algunos indicadores globales que permitan valorar la eficacia del funcionamiento del centro con independencia de los factores externos más relevantes. Los indicadores propuestos pretenden obtener información diferenciada que permita tomar decisiones para mejorar de forma continua el funcionamiento del centro, detectando los factores que actúan como limitantes de los buenos resultados

    Genetic heterogeneity in natural beds of the razor clam "Ensis siliqua" revealed by microsatellites

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    [Abstract] The aim of this study was to analyse the genetic diversity and population structure in the razor clam Ensis siliqua along the European Atlantic coast taking into account their recent history of exploitation and the ‘Prestige' oil spill. To this end we examined the genetic variability of microsatellite markers in 211 razor clams from five populations in Ireland, Portugal and Spain. Microsatellite data revealed a low genetic differentiation between the Spanish and Portuguese populations (FST = 0–0.032) and a moderate differentiation of these populations and the Irish samples (FST = 0.071–0.100). Although we observed changes in genetic diversity in accordance with the level of exploitation and the distribution of the oil spill, these changes were mild and not significant after Bonferroni correction. This could be the result of a genuine low impact, lack of statistical power and/or the capacity of this species to recolonize quickly after the impact of anthropogenic stressors. Supporting the latter argument we found a significant temporal heterogeneity of allelic frequencies in samples coming from the same sampling locality that could be attributed to the movement of adults or larvae from unaffected source populations

    Temporal genetic variation of microsatellite markers in the razor clam "Ensis arcuatus" (Bivalvia: Pharidae)

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    [Abstract] The aim of this study was to characterize new microsatellite loci in the razor clam Ensis arcuatus (Bivalvia: Pharidae) and examine the temporal genetic variability of a natural bed in Cies Islands (Galicia, north-western Spain) exploited by apnoea divers and affected by the ‘Prestige’ oil tanker spill in November 2002. In this work, we characterized four polymorphic microsatellites using an alternative approach that relies on the amplification and sequencing of ISSR markers. Observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.1053–0.6800 and number of alleles from 4–19. Linkage equilibrium was observed in all loci and two of them showed significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Estimators of FST between samples were low (<0.05) and not different from zero with a confidence level of 5%. We did not detect a clear decreasing tendency in genetic diversity although we found a significant change in allelic frequencies among samples (P = 0.0024) after the ‘Prestige’ oil spill. We propose that both phenomena could be related to a high variance in genetic success and/or a movement of adults or larvae from different source populations.Xunta de Galicia; PGIDT03PXIB10302PRXunta de Galicia; PGIDT03MA10301PRXunta de Galicia; IN840DXunta de Galicia; IN809

    La irrupción de la Alianza del Pacífico : ¿Cambio en la agenda de la política exterior chilena?

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    En este artículo se examina la agenda de la política exterior chilena a la luz de los programas de gobierno de las candidaturas presidenciales en 2009 y 2013. En términos generales, la agenda de este sector se ha caracterizado por un alto nivel de estabilidad. No obstante, con la llegada de la derecha al poder en 2010 adquirieron prominencia algunos asuntos de la agenda por sobre otros. En ese contexto se produjo el ingreso de Chile a la Alianza del Pacífico. Hasta ese punto, los cambios de gobierno no habían afectado el equilibrio entre los componentes centrales de la política exterior. Con todo, la participación de Chile en esa instancia de integración no formaba parte de los programas de gobierno ni de la derecha ni de la centro izquierda. Es decir, no constituía una alternativa que fuese promovida por una comunidad de política pública, como se sigue de la teoría de formación de la agenda de J. Kingdon (1995). Ahora bien, el perfil de la Alianza del Pacífico y la reacción que generó en el ambiente político la entrada a la misma proveen de plausibilidad a la hipótesis de que el cambio de coalición gobernante generó una “ventana política” para que el país se sumara a la iniciativa señalada. Con todo, como se concluye, el programa de gobierno de Michelle Bachelet en 2013 no proponía un giro latinoamericanista, sino que más bien una reposición de los ejes de la agenda de la política exterior precedente a la administración de Piñera.This paper takes a look at the foreign policy agenda of Chile in the context of the government action plan of candidates in 2009 and 2013. In broad terms, the agenda of this sector has been characterized by a high level of stability. However, with the right coming to power in 2010, certain issues in the agenda took precedence over others. It was in this context that Chile entered the Pacific Alliance. Until then, the change from one administration to another had not affected the balance between the core components of foreign policy. All in all, Chile’s involvement in this integration initiative was not a part of the government action plan of the right or the center-left. That is to say, it was not an alternative promoted by a public political community, as would follow from J. Kingdon’s agenda-setting theory (1995). The profile of the Pacific Alliance and the reaction caused by the country’s involvement with it in the political arena give credibility to the hypothesis that the change in the ruling faction generated a “polical window” for the country to join this initiative. All in all, as we conclude, Michelle Bachelet’s government action plan in 2013 was not aligned with Latin Americanist currents, but rather aimed at repositioning the axes of the foreign policy agenda that was in place before the Piñera administration.Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales (IRI

    Heterogeneous nature and distribution of interruptions in dinucleotides may indicate the existence of biased substitutions underlying microsatellite evolution

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    [Abstract] Some aspects of microsatellite evolution, such as the role of base substitutions, are far from being fully understood. To examine the significance of base substitutions underlying the evolution of microsatellites we explored the nature and the distribution of interruptions in dinucleotide repeats from the human genome. The frequencies that we inferred in the repetitive sequences were statistically different from the frequencies observed in other noncoding sequences. Additionally, we detected that the interruptions tended to be towards the ends of the microsatellites and 5′-3′ asymmetry. In all the estimates nucleotides forming the same repetitive motif seem to be affected by different base substitution rates in AC and AG. This tendency itself could generate patterning and similarity in flanking sequences and reconcile these phenomena with the high mutation rate found in flanking sequences without invoking convergent evolution. Nevertheless, our data suggest that there is a regional bias in the substitution pattern of microsatellites. The accumulation of random substitutions alone cannot explain the heterogeneity and the asymmetry of interruptions found in this study or the relative frequency of different compound microsatellites in the human genome. Therefore, we cannot rule out the possibility of a mutational bias leading to convergent or parallel evolution in flanking sequences

    La irrupción de la Alianza del Pacífico : ¿Cambio en la agenda de la política exterior chilena?

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    En este artículo se examina la agenda de la política exterior chilena a la luz de los programas de gobierno de las candidaturas presidenciales en 2009 y 2013. En términos generales, la agenda de este sector se ha caracterizado por un alto nivel de estabilidad. No obstante, con la llegada de la derecha al poder en 2010 adquirieron prominencia algunos asuntos de la agenda por sobre otros. En ese contexto se produjo el ingreso de Chile a la Alianza del Pacífico. Hasta ese punto, los cambios de gobierno no habían afectado el equilibrio entre los componentes centrales de la política exterior. Con todo, la participación de Chile en esa instancia de integración no formaba parte de los programas de gobierno ni de la derecha ni de la centro izquierda. Es decir, no constituía una alternativa que fuese promovida por una comunidad de política pública, como se sigue de la teoría de formación de la agenda de J. Kingdon (1995). Ahora bien, el perfil de la Alianza del Pacífico y la reacción que generó en el ambiente político la entrada a la misma proveen de plausibilidad a la hipótesis de que el cambio de coalición gobernante generó una “ventana política” para que el país se sumara a la iniciativa señalada. Con todo, como se concluye, el programa de gobierno de Michelle Bachelet en 2013 no proponía un giro latinoamericanista, sino que más bien una reposición de los ejes de la agenda de la política exterior precedente a la administración de Piñera.This paper takes a look at the foreign policy agenda of Chile in the context of the government action plan of candidates in 2009 and 2013. In broad terms, the agenda of this sector has been characterized by a high level of stability. However, with the right coming to power in 2010, certain issues in the agenda took precedence over others. It was in this context that Chile entered the Pacific Alliance. Until then, the change from one administration to another had not affected the balance between the core components of foreign policy. All in all, Chile’s involvement in this integration initiative was not a part of the government action plan of the right or the center-left. That is to say, it was not an alternative promoted by a public political community, as would follow from J. Kingdon’s agenda-setting theory (1995). The profile of the Pacific Alliance and the reaction caused by the country’s involvement with it in the political arena give credibility to the hypothesis that the change in the ruling faction generated a “polical window” for the country to join this initiative. All in all, as we conclude, Michelle Bachelet’s government action plan in 2013 was not aligned with Latin Americanist currents, but rather aimed at repositioning the axes of the foreign policy agenda that was in place before the Piñera administration.Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales (IRI

    Development of Microsatellite Markers in the Razor Clam Solen Marginatus (Bivalvia: Solenidae)

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    [Abstract] Four microsatellite loci in the razor clam Solen marginatus are described. Loci were isolated from the sequences of intersimple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers and an enriched library. Detailed analysis of these sequences led to the design of eight primer pairs. Allelic variation was assessed in 20 individuals from Redondela, Spain. The genetic variation observed in the markers presented here will be useful for future studies on the population structure of Solen marginatus in the wild and for aquaculture of this species.Xunta de Galicia; PGIDT03MA10301PR

    Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in the razor clam "Ensis siliqua"

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    [Abstract] Five polymorphic microsatellite loci in the razor clam Ensis siliqua are described. A collection consisting of 34 individuals from Finisterre, Spain, was analysed. Loci were isolated from the sequences of intersimple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. Detailed analysis of 42 ISSR markers led to the design of 16 primer pairs. Five of these yielded consistent and polymorphic products. The number of alleles ranged from five to 23 per locus with the observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.46 to 0.94. Linkage equilibrium was observed in all loci and three of them showed significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium

    Genetic divergence detected by ISSR markers and characterization of microsatellite regions in "Mytilus" mussels

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    [Abstract] The wide distribution of microsatellites in mussels of the Mytilus edulis complex (Mytilidae) enables the analysis of inter-simple-sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. The aim of this investigation was to assess genetic differentiation in six sampling localities distributed along the European Atlantic coast to expose the potential of these markers in genetic studies requiring the detection of low polymorphism and as a source of sequences for developing microsatellite markers. We detected low genetic structuring within each member of the Mytilus edulis complex. Nei and Li distances and AMOVA clustered the individuals studied into two groups. On the basis of these results two sampling localities coming from the M. edulis × M. galloprovincialis mosaic hybrid zone in Western Europe were assigned to one species. On the other hand, mussels of a sampling locality in the Baltic Sea were not significantly different from a pure M. edulis locality supporting an extensive introgression of M. edulis in these individuals. Finally, 148 microsatellites were found in the sequences of 51 ISSR markers, and two polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed.Xunta de Galicia; PGIDT10PX110304P