33 research outputs found

    Survival Of Women With Ovarian Carcinomas And Borderline Tumors Is Not Affected By Estrogen And Progesterone Receptor Status.

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    To examine the patterns of estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) expression in borderline ovarian tumors (BOTs) and ovarian carcinomas. We also assessed the disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) in women with ovarian carcinoma, in relation to ER and/or PR expression. We examined ER/PR expression in 38 BOTs and 172 ovarian carcinomas removed from patients treated at the State University of Campinas-UNICAMP (Brazil), from 1993 to 2008 and followed for up to 60 months using tissue microarray-based immunohistochemistry. Twenty-eight (73.7%) mucinous and 10 (26.3%) serous BOTs were included. Ovarian carcinomas consisted mainly of 79 (46.0%) serous, 44 (25.5%) mucinous, 17 (9.8%) endometrioid, 10 (5.8%) clear-cell types. There was no significant difference of the ER/PR expression between BOT and ovarian carcinoma (p=0.55 for ER alone, 0.90 for PR alone, and 0.12 for combined expression). The level of ER/PR expression in BOTs was significantly higher in serous than in mucinous tumors (p<0.01). In carcinomas, ER/PR was higher in serous tumors than in mucinous (p<0.01) and clear cell tumors (p=0.02), and higher in endometrioid tumors than in mucinous tumors (p<0.01). DFS was affected neither by the clinical characteristics nor by combined steroid receptor status. OS was found to be significantly worse (p<0.01) only in women with stages II-IV tumors and those with residual disease after surgery (p<0.01). Overall, serous and endometrioid tumors were predominantly ER/PR positive, whereas mucinous and clear-cell tumors were preponderantly ER/PR negative. DFS and OS were not affected by ER/PR expression.24167-7

    Serous and non-serous ovarian carcinoma: histological tumor type as related to the grade of differentiation and disease prognosis

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    PURPOSE: To compare the clinical-pathological features of women with serous and non-serous ovarian tumors and to identify the factors associated with survival. METHODS: In this reconstructed cohort study, 152 women with ovarian carcinoma, who attended medical consultations between 1993 and 2008 and who were followed-up until 2010 were included. The histological type was clearly established for all women: 81 serous carcinomas and 71 non-serous tumors (17 endometrioid, 44 mucinous and 10 clear cell carcinomas). The crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR), with the respective 95% confidence intervals (95%CI), were calculated for the clinical and pathological features, comparing serous and non-serous histological types. The Hazard Ratios (HR) with 95%CI was calculated for overall survival, considering the clinical and pathological features. RESULTS: Comparison of serous to non-serous tumor types by univariate analysis revealed that serous tumors were more frequently found in postmenopausal women, and were predominantly high histological grade (G2 and G3), advanced stage, with CA125&gt;250 U/mL, and with positive peritoneal cytology. After multivariate regression, the only association remaining was that of high histological grade with serous tumors (adjusted OR 15.1; 95%CI 2.9-77.9). We observed 58 deaths from the disease. There was no difference in overall survival between women with serous carcinoma and women with non-serous carcinoma (HR 0.4; 95%CI 0.1 - 1.1). It was observed that women aged 50 years or less (HR 0.4; 95%CI 0.1-0.9) and those who were in menacne (HR 0.3; 95%CI 0.1-0.9) had a longer survival compared respectively to those above 50 years of age and menopaused. High histological grade (G2 and G3) (p<0.01), stages II-IV (p<0.008) and positive cytology (p<0.001) were significantly associated with worse prognosis. CA125 and the presence of ascites did not correlate with survival. Survival was poor when the disease was diagnosed in stages II to IV and compared to stage I (log-rank p<0.01) regardless of histological type (serous and non-serous). CONCLUSIONS: The proportion of high histological grade (G2 and G3) was significantly higher among serous than non-serous carcinomas. Serous and non-serous histological types were not related to overall survival.OBJETIVO: Comparar as características clinicopatológicas de mulheres com carcinoma seroso e não seroso de ovário e identificar os fatores associados à sobrevida. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídas, neste estudo de coorte reconstituída, 152 mulheres com carcinoma de ovário, atendidas entre 1993 e 2008 e seguidas até 2010, nas quais o tipo histológico foi claramente estabelecido: 81 pacientes com carcinoma seroso e 71 pacientes com tumores não serosos (17 com carcinoma endometrioide, 44 com carcinoma mucinoso e 10 com carcinoma de células claras). Foram calculados os odds ratios (OR) brutos e os OR ajustados com os respectivos intervalos de confiança (IC95%) para as características clínicas e patológicas, comparando tumores serosos e não serosos. Foram calculados os Hazard Ratios (HR) com os respectivos IC95% em relação à sobrevida geral, para as variáveis clínicas e patológicas. RESULTADOS: Comparando os tipos seroso e não seroso, na análise univariada, os tumores serosos foram mais frequentes na pós-menopausa e eram preponderantemente carcinomas de alto grau histológico (G2 e G3), em estádios avançados, com CA125&gt;250 U/mL e citologia peritoneal positiva. Após regressão múltipla, apenas o alto grau histológico se manteve associado com tumores serosos (OR ajustado 15,1; IC95% 2,9-77,9). Observamos 58 óbitos pela doença. O tipo histológico (seroso ou não seroso) não esteve associado com a sobrevida (HR 0,4; IC95% 0,1-1,1). Mulheres com idade de 50 anos ou menos (HR 0,4; IC95% 0,1-0,9) e aquelas que estavam em menacme (HR 0,3; IC95% 0,1-0,9) tiveram maior sobrevida quando comparadas, respectivamente, àquelas com idade acima de 50 anos e na menopausa. Carcinomas de alto grau histológico (G2 e G3) (p<0,01), estádio II a IV (p<0,008) e citologia peritoneal positiva (p<0,001) estiveram significativamente relacionados com pior prognóstico. O nível sérico de CA125 e a presença de ascite não se relacionaram com a sobrevida. A sobrevida foi menor quando a doença foi diagnosticada em estágios II a IV em comparação àquela das mulheres diagnosticadas no estádio I (log-rank p<0,01) independentemente do tipo histológico (seroso ou não seroso). CONCLUSÕES: A proporção de carcinomas de alto grau histológico (G2 ou G3) foi significativamente maior entre os carcinomas serosos comparados com não serosos. O tipo histológico seroso ou não seroso não esteve associado à sobrevida total.19620

    VIII Seminário de Pesquisas em Andamento e IV Encontro de Egressos (PGET/UFSC) : Caderno de Resumos e Artigos

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    Editoria: Florianópolis: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2015. Páginas: 262 p. Língua da publicação: Português Referência ABNT: Guerini, Andréia; Andrade, Adriana Aikawa da Silveira; Sousa, Aída Carla Rangel de; Riconi, Andréia; Marini, Clarissa Prado; Gonçalves, Davi; Bignardi, Ingrid; Abreu, Juliana de; Sales, Kall; Gonzalez, Mara; Cherobin, Nicoletta; Costa, Patrícia Rodrigues; Silva, Rodrigo D’Ávila Braga; Santos, Saionara Figuereido; Hanes, Vanessa Lopes Lourenço (Orgs.). VIII Seminário de Pesquisas em Andamento e IV Encontro de Egressos (PGET/UFSC) : Caderno de Resumos e Artigos. Florianópolis: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2015. 262 p

    In vivo efficacy and toxicity of curcumin nanoparticles in breast cancer treatment : a systematic review

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    Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent types of malignant tumors in the world, resulting in a high incidence of death. The development of new molecules and technologies aiming to apply more effective and safer therapy strategies has been intensively explored to overcome this situation. The association of nanoparticles with known antitumor compounds (including plant-derived molecules such as curcumin) has been considered an effective approach to enhance tumor growth suppression and reduce adverse effects. Therefore, the objective of this systematic review was to summarize published data regarding evaluations about efficacy and toxicity of curcumin nanoparticles (Cur-NPs) in in vivo models of breast cancer. The search was carried out in the databases: CINAHL, Cochrane, LILACS, Embase, FSTA, MEDLINE, ProQuest, BSV regional portal, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Web of Science. Studies that evaluated tumor growth in in vivo models of breast cancer and showed outcomes related to Cur-NP treatment (without association with other antitumor molecules) were included. Of the 528 initially gathered studies, 26 met the inclusion criteria. These studies showed that a wide variety of NP platforms have been used to deliver curcumin (e.g., micelles, polymeric, lipid-based, metallic). Attachment of poly(ethylene glycol) chains (PEG) and active targeting moieties were also evaluated. Cur-NPs significantly reduced tumor volume/weight, inhibited cancer cell proliferation, and increased tumor apoptosis and necrosis. Decreases in cancer stem cell population and angiogenesis were also reported. All the studies that evaluated toxicity considered Cur-NP treatment to be safe regarding hematological/biochemical markers, damage to major organs, and/or weight loss. These effects were observed in different in vivo models of breast cancer (e.g., estrogen receptor-positive, triple-negative, chemically induced) showing better outcomes when compared to treatments with free curcumin or negative controls. This systematic review supports the proposal that Cur-NP is an effective and safe therapeutic approach in in vivo models of breast cancer, reinforcing the currently available evidence that it should be further analyzed in clinical trials for breast cancer treatments

    Physical and chemical properties of humic cambisol under two management systems after twelve years of cultivation

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    The soil is the base of the food production chain and is increasingly looking to improve it, because many areas have been and are being exploited in the wrong way, causing its physical, chemical and biological degradation. Therefore, maintaining or improving soil quality may contribute to the increase crop production. The objective was to evaluate soil physical and chemical attributes in a long-term experiment submitted to different tillage systems associated with cropping systems. The experiment was carried out in Lages, SC, on an leptic Aluminic Humic Cambisol, for 12 years of cultivation under the following management systems: conventional tillage (CT) and no-till (NT), combined with two cropping systems: rotation (r) and succession (s) of crops. The crop sequence used was: conventional tillage rotation: beans-fallow-maize-fallow-soybean; conventional tillage succession: maize-fallow; no-till rotation: beans-oats-maize-turnip-soybean-vetch; no-till succession: maizevetch. The experimental design was a random block with four replicates. The soil samples were collected in the layers 0-2.5, 2.5-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm. The performed analysis were soil density, porosity, stability of aggregates, degree of flocculation, retention of water, infiltration, mechanical strength, and the following chemical properties; total organic carbon, total nitrogen, Ca, Mg, P, K, water pH and Al. The no-till showed better soil aggregation in the surface layer (0-5 cm) compared to conventional tillage, combined with higher levels of total organic carbon and total nitrogen. The microporosity was higher in the no-till in relation to conventional tillage, reflecting the increased water retention in the former treatments. The no-till showed higher levels of nutrients in the surface layer compared to conventional tillage, that was little influenced by cropping systems. The infiltration was higher in no-till with crop succession and crop yields were not affected by tillage and cultivation systemsO solo é a base da cadeia produtiva de alimentos e cada vez mais se procura melhorá-lo, pois muitas áreas foram e estão sendo exploradas de forma incorreta, levando à sua degradação física, química e biológica do solo. A manutenção ou melhoria da qualidade do solo pode contribuir para o incremento da produção vegetal. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os atributos físicos e químicos do solo de um experimento de longa duração submetido a diferentes sistemas de manejo do solo associados a sistemas de cultivo e a produtividade das culturas. O experimento foi conduzido em Lages, SC, num Cambissolo Húmico Alumínico léptico, de textura argilosa, após 12 anos de cultivo, sob os seguintes sistemas de manejo: preparo convencional (PC) com rotação (r) e sucessão (s) de culturas e semeadura direta (SD), com rotação (r) e sucessão (s) de culturas. A seqüência de cultivo adotada desde o início do experimento foi: preparo convencional rotação: feijão-pousio-milhopousio- soja-pousio; preparo convencional sucessão: milho-pousio; semeadura direta rotação: feijão-aveia-milho-nabo-soja-ervilhaca; semeadura direta sucessão: milhoervilhaca. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições. As amostras de solo foram coletadas nas camadas 0-2,5, 2,5-5, 5-10 e 10-20 cm. As avaliações físicas foram densidade do solo, porosidade, agregação, grau de floculação, retenção de água, infiltração, resistência mecânica e os seguintes atributos químicos: teores de carbono orgânico total, nitrogênio total, Ca, Mg, P, K, pH em água e Al. A semeadura direta tem maior estabilidade de agregados do solo na camada superficial (0-5 cm) em relação ao preparo convencional, associado a maiores teores de carbono orgânico total e nitrogênio total. A microporosidade foi maior na semeadura direta em relação ao preparo convencional, refletindo-se na maior retenção de água. A semeadura direta apresentou maiores teores de nutrientes na camada superficial comparada ao preparo convencional, que foram pouco influenciados pelos sistemas de cultivo. A infiltração foi maior na semeadura direta com sucessão de culturas e a produção vegetal não foi influenciada pelo preparo e pelo sistema de cultivo. Não houve efeito de tratamentos no rendimento das culturasConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológic

    Carbon stock and fractions and physical properties in Rhodic Kandiudox related to manure applications on production systems

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    Swine and poultry production consists one of the main activities with economic and social importance in Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil. The intensive animal production systems produce large quantities of manure requiring a proper disposal. The impact of these materials in the soil depends on the conditions of use and the amounts added. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of swine manure and poultry litter on the total organic carbon contents, its distribution in aggregate and granulometric size fractions and changes in physical properties and water storage on Rhodic Kandiudox, in Concordia, SC. The areas analyzed had different uses and times of application of swine manure and poultry litter, namely: maize for silage (M7 years), maize for silage (M20 years); ryegrass (P3 years); ryegrass ( P15 years); perennial pasture (PP20 years); mate (EM20 years); native forest (NF) and native pasture with no manure application (P0 years). Soil samples were collected at 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm, were evaluated for total organic carbon (TOC), particulate organic carbon (POC), organic carbon associated to minerals (OCam), organic carbon contained in aggregates size fractions (C-aggregates). In the layer 0-5 cm humic substances were analyzed. The soil physical properties evaluated were bulk density, total porosity, macro and microporosity, aggregate stability, degree of flocculation, penetration resistance and water storage through curves of water retention. We carried out the Proctor test to determine maximum compaction. Values of TOC and POC were higher in native forest in the mean of the three layers. The largest stock of TOC was observed in P3 compared with other areas receiving animal manures, in the sum of three layers. The highest OCam values were observed in MN and P3, which differed from other areas. NM had the highest levels of C-aggregate of all treatments in all three classes of aggregates evaluated and M7 had the lowest levels. The application of animal manure did not increase levels of soil organic carbon. The use of animal manures and different use systems adopted reduced degree of flocculation of the clays and low macroporosity was observed in some of the evaluated areas. Nevertheless, we observed good physical condition related to soil structure, such as bulk density and penetration resistance. The soil use changed water retention curves in relation to MN. Areas with application of manure had higher water retention that MN, considering tensions between field capacity and wilting point. The amount of available water was lower than the ideal required by cropsSuinocultura e avicultura representam para Santa Catarina uma das principais atividades de importância econômica e social. Os sistemas intensivos originam grandes quantidades de estercos. O impacto no uso desses materiais no solo depende das condições de uso e das quantidades adicionadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de estercos de suínos e cama de aves no conteúdo de carbono orgânico total, sua distribuição nas frações granulométricas e em classes de agregados e nos atributos físicos e armazenamento de água de um Nitossolo Vermelho Eutrófico, em Concórdia, SC. As áreas analisadas abrangeram diferentes usos e tempos de aplicação de estercos de suínos e cama de aves, a saber: milho para silagem (M7 anos); milho para silagem (M20 anos); pastagem de azevém (P3 anos); pastagem de azevém (P15 anos); pastagem permanente (PP20 anos); erva mate (EM20 anos); mata nativa (MN) e pastagem nativa sem aplicação de estercos (P0 anos). As amostras de solo foram coletadas nas camadas 0-5; 5-10 e 10-20 cm, sendo avaliados os teores de carbono orgânico total (COT), carbono orgânico particulado (COP), carbono orgânico associado aos minerais (COam) e carbono orgânico contido nos agregados (C-agregados). Na camada 0-5 cm foram analisadas as substâncias húmicas. Dentre os atributos físicos avaliou-se densidade, porosidade total, macro e microporosidade, agregação, grau de floculação, resistência à penetração e armazenamento de água através das curvas características de retenção de água no solo. Realizou-se o ensaio de Proctor para determinar valores de densidade máxima de compactação. Os estoques de COT e COP foram maiores na área de mata nativa na média das três camadas. O estoque de COT foi maior em P3 em relação as demais áreas que receberam estercos de animais, na soma das três camadas. Os maiores valores de COam foram observados na MN e P3, que diferiram das demais áreas. A MN teve os maiores teores de C-agregados de todos os tratamentos nas três classes de agregados avaliados e M7 teve os menores teores. As áreas com aplicação de estercos não evidenciaram aumento nos teores de CO do solo. As áreas com uso de estercos e diferentes sistemas de uso tiveram menor grau de floculação das argilas e foi observada baixa macroporosidade em algumas áreas avaliadas. Apesar disso, observaram-se condições físicas satisfatórias ligadas à estrutura do solo, como densidade do solo e resistência à penetração. O uso do solo alterou as curvas de retenção de água do solo em relação a MN. As áreas com aplicação de estercos tiveram maior retenção de água que MN nas tensões entre capacidade de campo e ponto de murcha permanente. A quantidade de água disponível ficou abaixo do ideal requerido pelas culturasConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológic

    Andragogy in nursing: a literature review

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    Objective. To describe the use of the term andragogy in the contents of nursing publications. Methodology. Bibliographic study. A search was undertaken in the databases MEDLINE, LILACS, BDENF, EMBASE and ERIC, for articles published between 1999 and 2011 which included the term 'andragogy' or derived terms in the English language. Results. 51 publications were found. The study's main categories were: ideological and theoretical bases (71%), historical antecedents (37%), andragogy's operationalization (43%) and application in Nursing (86%). The most-frequently treated issue was continuing education (45%). Most articles were published in the United States (41%). In Brazil, the use of andragogy is more recent than in other countries. The studies indicate that andragogy has a positive influence in the students' work lives. Conclusion. Although the use of andragogy in nursing education is less frequent, its use in nurse training shows it to be important for future professional performance