14 research outputs found

    The linkage between psoriasis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a literature review

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    Psoriasis is a chronic systemic inflammatory disease mainly affecting the skin. Population-based surveys have shown a higher prevalence of non-alcoholic fat liver disease (NAFLD) in patients with psoriasis compared with the general population, especially in those with a greater psoriasis area and severity index (PASI). It is speculated that similar pathogenic bases may play a role in this association, highlighting insulin resistance and the release of inflammatory cytokines as the most likely causes. In the present work, we review basic aspects of the relationship between psoriasis and NAFLD.</p

    Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia

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    p. 473-475Congenital Hypertrichosis Lanugionsa is a rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder, with fewer than 50 cases reported in the literature. It is characterized by excessive lanugo hair, sparing only the mucous membranes, palms and soles. It may be associated with other organic abnormalities and should form part of the dermatologist's current knowledge. We discuss some aspects of the syndrome in question arising from the case report of a 2-year-old female patient, black, with classic clinical presentation, with no other associated congenital abnormalities.Rio de janeir

    Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia

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    Restrito: p. 473-475Congenital Hypertrichosis Lanugionsa is a rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder, with fewer than 50 cases reported in the literature. It is characterized by excessive lanugo hair, sparing only the mucous membranes, palms and soles. It may be associated with other organic abnormalities and should form part of the dermatologist's current knowledge. We discuss some aspects of the syndrome in question arising from the case report of a 2-year-old female patient, black, with classic clinical presentation, with no other associated congenital abnormalities

    Do you know this syndrome? Você conhece esta síndrome?

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    Congenital Hypertrichosis Lanugionsa is a rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder, with fewer than 50 cases reported in the literature. It is characterized by excessive lanugo hair, sparing only the mucous membranes, palms and soles. It may be associated with other organic abnormalities and should form part of the dermatologist's current knowledge. We discuss some aspects of the syndrome in question arising from the case report of a 2-year-old female patient, black, with classic clinical presentation, with no other associated congenital abnormalities.<br>A hipertricose Lanugionsa Cong&#234;nita &#233; uma desordem gen&#233;tica rara, autoss&#244;mica dominante, com menos de 50 casos descritos na literatura. &#201; caracterizada por p&#234;lo lanugo excessivo, poupando apenas membranas mucosas, palmas e plantas. Pode estar associada a outras anormalidades org&#226;nicas, devendo ser de conhecimento do dermatologista. Discutiremos aspectos da s&#237;ndrome em quest&#227;o a partir do relato de caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, negra, 02 anos, com apresenta&#231;&#227;o cl&#237;nica cl&#225;ssica, sem outras anormalidades cong&#234;nitas associadas

    Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia

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    p.144-147Psoriasis affects 0.12% to 0.71% of all chil dren. Erythrodermic pso ria sis is an uncom mon but serious disor der, occur ring in less than 1.5% of cases. Tumor necro sis fac tor-alpha bloc kers (TNF-) are a new class of drugs used to treat mode ra te to seve re pso ria sis refrac tory to con ven tio nal the ra pies. Etanercept is a TNFrecep tor fusion pro tein, appro ved by the FDA for trea ting juve ni le rheu ma toid arth ri tis. We pre sent the case of a 7-year-old suf fe ring from pla que pso ria sis since 8 months old which evol ved into eryth ro der ma refrac tory to cyclos po ri ne and metho tre xa te. Patient res pon ded excel lently to eta ner cept, with no adver se side effects.Rio de Janeir

    Psoríase eritrodérmica refratária em criança com excelente resposta ao etanercepte

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    A psoríase acomete 0,12% a 0,71% da população infantil, sendo que a forma eritrodérmica, grave e rara, ocorre em menos de 1,5% dos casos. Os antagonistas do Fator de Necrose Tumoral-&#945; (TNF&#945;) constituem nova classe de drogas, utilizada para tratamento da psoríase grave a moderada, refratária às terapias convencionais. O Etanercepte é uma proteína de fusão do receptor do TNF-&#945;, aprovada pelo Food and Drug Administration para tratamento da artrite reumatoide juvenil no grupo infantil. Apresentamos um caso de criança com 7 anos de idade, com psoríase em placa desde 8 meses de vida, que evoluiu para eritrodermia refratária a ciclosporina e metotrexato, com excelente resposta ao etanercepte, sem feitos adverso