586 research outputs found

    Coral reef distribution, status and geomorphology-biodiversity relationship in Kuna Yala (San Blas) archipelago, Caribbean Panama

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    Most of the knowledge of the reef geomorphology and benthic communities of Kuna Yala coral reefs (Caribbean Panama) comes from the western side of the archipelago, a few tens of kilometers around Punta San Blas (Porvenir). To bridge the gap between Porvenir and the Colombia-Panama border, we investigated with Landsat images the extent and geomorphological diversity of the entire Kuna Yala to provide geomorphologic maps of the archipelago in 12 classes. In addition to remote sensing data, in situ survey conducted in May-June 2001 provided a Kuna Yala-wide first synoptic vision of reef status, in terms of benthic diversity (number of species of coral, octocorals, and sponges) and reef health (coral versus algal cover). For a total reef system estimated to cover 638 km(2) along 480 km of coastline, 195 km(2) include coral dominated areas and only 35 km(2) can be considered covered by corals. A total of 69 scleractinian coral, 38 octocoral, and 82 sponge species were recorded on the outer slopes of reef formations, with a slightly higher diversity in the area presenting the most abundant and diverse reef formations (western Kuna Yala). Attempts to relate benthic diversity and geomorphological diversity provided only weak relationships regardless of the taxa, and suggest that habitat heterogeneity within geomorphological areas explain better the patterns of coral diversity. This study confirms the potential of combined remote sensing and in situ surveys for regional scale assessment, and we suggest that similar approaches should be generalized for reef mapping and assessment for other reef sites

    Evaluation of large-scale unsupervised classification of New Caledonia reef ecosystems using Landsat 7 ETM+ imagery

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    The capacity of the Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus sensor to classify the shallow benthic ecosytems of New Caledonia (South Pacific) is tested using a novel unsupervised classification method. The classes are defined by using a set of multiple spectral decision rules based on the image spectral bands. A general model is applied to the entire Southwest lagoon (5500 km(2)) and tested on three representative sites: a section of the barrier reef, a cay reef flat rich in corals, and a cay reef flat rich in algae and seagrass beds. In the latter one, the classification results are compared with a locally optimized model, with aerial color photographs and extensive ground-truthed observations. Results show that a reconnaissance of the main benthic habitats in shallow areas (<5 m depth) is possible, at a geomorphological scale for coral reef structure and at a habitat scale for seagrass beds. However, results directly issued from the model must be cautiously interpreted according to empirical spatial rules, especially to avoid confusion between coral slopes and shallow dense seagrass.Le but de cette étude est de tester la capacité des images Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus à discriminer les principales classes d’habitats benthiques rencontrées dans les parties peu profondes du système récifal et lagonaire de Nouvelle-Calédonie (Pacifique Sud). Une méthode originale de classification non-supervisée est proposée. Les habitats benthiques correspondent à une combinaison de plusieurs règles de décision établies à partir des bandes radiométriques Landsat. Cette modélisation statistique des habitats benthiques est appliquée au lagon sud-ouest de Nouvelle-Calédonie (5500 km2). Les résultats sont testés sur trois sites témoins contrastés: un platier de récif barrière, un platier d’îlot riche en corail et un platier d’îlot riche en herbiers/algueraies. Pour ce dernier, le résultat est comparé à celui d’un modèle optimisé, construit à échelle locale et validé à partir de photographies aériennes et d’observations de terrain. Les résultats montrent qu’une reconnaissance des différentes classes benthiques est possible pour des fonds peu profonds (< 5 m de profondeur), à l’échelle géomorphologique pour les structures récifales et à l’échelle des habitats pour les herbiers. Toutefois, les résultats bruts du modèle doivent être interprétés en fonction de critères spatiaux pour corriger les confusions entre certaines classes, notamment entre les pentes coralliennes et les herbiers denses

    Fiches d'identification des habitats récifo-lagonaires de Nouvelle-Calédonie

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    Habitats as surrogates of taxonomic and functional fish assemblages in coral reef ecosystems : a critical analysis of factors driving effectiveness

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    Species check-lists are helpful to establish Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and protect local richness, endemicity, rarity, and biodiversity in general. However, such exhaustive taxonomic lists (i.e., true surrogate of biodiversity) require extensive and expensive censuses, and the use of estimator surrogates (e.g., habitats) is an appealing alternative. In truth, surrogate effectiveness appears from the literature highly variable both in marine and terrestrial ecosystems, making it difficult to provide practical recommendations for managers. Here, we evaluate how the biodiversity reference data set and its inherent bias can influence effectiveness. Specifically, we defined habitats by geomorphology, rugosity, and benthic cover and architecture criteria, and mapped them with satellite images for a New-Caledonian site. Fish taxonomic and functional lists were elaborated from Underwater Visual Censuses, stratified according to geomorphology and exposure. We then tested if MPA networks designed to maximize habitat richness, diversity and rarity could also effectively maximize fish richness, diversity, and rarity. Effectiveness appeared highly sensitive to the fish census design itself, in relation to the type of habitat map used and the scale of analysis. Spatial distribution of habitats (estimator surrogate's distribution), quantity and location of fish census stations (target surrogate's sampling), and random processes in the MPA design all affected effectiveness to the point that one small change in the data set could lead to opposite conclusions. We suggest that previous conclusions on surrogacy effectiveness, either positive or negative, marine or terrestrial, should be considered with caution, except in instances where very dense data sets were used without pseudo-replication. Although this does not rule out the validity of using surrogates of species lists for conservation planning, the critical joint examination of both target and estimator surrogates is needed for every case study

    The importance of fishing grounds as perceived by local communities can be undervalued by measures of socioeconomic cost used in conservation planning

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    Marine reserve placement must account for the importance of places for resource use to minimize negative socioeconomic impacts and improve compliance. It is often assumed that placing marine reserves in locations that minimize lost fishing opportunities will reduce impacts on coastal communities, but the influence of the fishing data used on this outcome remains poorly understood. In the Madang Lagoon (Papua New Guinea), we compared three types of proxies for conservation costs to local fishing communities. We developed two types of proxies of opportunity costs commonly used in marine conservation planning: current fishing activity with fisher surveys (n = 68) and proximity from shore. We also developed proxies based on areas of importance for fishing as perceived by surveyed households (n = 52). Although all proxies led to different configurations of potential marine reserves, the three types of cost data reflect different aspects of importance for fishing and should be used as complementary measures

    A monospecific Millepora reef in Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia

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    The procedures that relate to the 'relative frequency' and 'subjective probability' senses are clearly empirical: their outcomes depend on how the world is, not merely on how we talk about it. Accordingly, these concepts are called empirical probability concepts. Those procedures relating to the 'degree of confirmation' sense, however, are non-empirical: their outcomes do not depend on how the world is, but simply on the language we use to describe it and the principle of inductive reasoning ..

    Habitats as surrogates of taxonomic and functional fish assemblages in coral reef ecosystems: a critical analysis of factors driving effectiveness

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    Species check-lists are helpful to establish Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and protect local richness, endemicity, rarity, and biodiversity in general. However, such exhaustive taxonomic lists (i.e., true surrogate of biodiversity) require extensive and expensive censuses, and the use of estimator surrogates (e.g., habitats) is an appealing alternative. In truth, surrogate effectiveness appears from the literature highly variable both in marine and terrestrial ecosystems, making it difficult to provide practical recommendations for managers. Here, we evaluate how the biodiversity reference data set and its inherent bias can influence effectiveness. Specifically, we defined habitats by geomorphology, rugosity, and benthic cover and architecture criteria, and mapped them with satellite images for a New-Caledonian site. Fish taxonomic and functional lists were elaborated from Underwater Visual Censuses, stratified according to geomorphology and exposure. We then tested if MPA networks designed to maximize habitat richness, diversity and rarity could also effectively maximize fish richness, diversity, and rarity. Effectiveness appeared highly sensitive to the fish census design itself, in relation to the type of habitat map used and the scale of analysis. Spatial distribution of habitats (estimator surrogate’s distribution), quantity and location of fish census stations (target surrogate’s sampling), and random processes in the MPA design all affected effectiveness to the point that one small change in the data set could lead to opposite conclusions. We suggest that previous conclusions on surrogacy effectiveness, either positive or negative, marine or terrestrial, should be considered with caution, except in instances where very dense data sets were used without pseudo-replication. Although this does not rule out the validity of using surrogates of species lists for conservation planning, the critical joint examination of both target and estimator surrogates is needed for every case study
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