9 research outputs found

    Iron excess affects rice photosynthesis through stomatal and non-stomatal limitations

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    Iron toxicity is the most important stressor of rice in many lowland environments worldwide. Rice cultivars differ widely in their ability to tolerate excess iron. A physiological evaluation of iron toxicity in rice was performed using non-invasive photosynthesis, photorespiration and chlorophyll a fluorescence imaging measurements and chlorophyll content determination by SPAD. Four rice cultivars (BR IRGA 409; BR IRGA 412; BRA 041171 and BRA 041152) from the Brazilian breeding programs were used. Fe2+ was supplied in the nutrient solution as Fe–EDTA (0.019, 4, 7 and 9 mM). Increases in shoot iron content due to Fe2+ treatments led to changes in most of the non-invasive physiological variables assessed. The reduction in rice photosynthesis can be attributed to stomatal limitations at moderate Fe2+ doses (4 mM) and both stomatal and non-stomatal limitations at higher doses. Photorespiration was an important sink for electrons in rice cultivars under iron excess. A decreased chlorophyll content and limited photochemical ability to cope with light excess were characteristic of the more sensitive and iron accumulator cultivars (BRA 041171 and BRA 041152). Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging revealed a spatial heterogeneity of photosynthesis under excessive iron concentrations. The results showed the usefulness of non-invasive physiological measurements to assess differences among cultivars. The contributions toward understanding the rice photosynthetic response to toxic levels of iron in the nutrient solution are also discussed

    Differential physiological responses in rice upon exposure to excess distinct iron forms

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    Rice can be cultivated in highlands, which can expose it to iron deficiency, or under irrigation, which can lead to iron toxicity and lower productivity. This study aimed to investigate the strategies used by rice plants under different divalent and trivalent sources of iron excess. Rice plants from a lowland and upland cultivar were grown in nutrient solution with toxic concentrations of ferrous or ferric iron. A mineral nutrient quantification and anatomical analysis were performed on leaves and roots. Physiological damage was assessed by leaf photochemical parameters and lipid peroxidation. Expression levels of genes related to iron homeostasis were analyzed. More pronounced nutritional deficiencies, oxidative stress and physiological damage were observed in plants exposed to toxic levels of ferrous iron. Ferritin expression increased in leaves of both cultivars under ferrous or ferric iron excess. We showed that sulfate iron was more toxic to the two rice cultivars even though this iron source was less translocated in the plant. Trivalent iron complexed to citrate is easily translocated through rice plants, but it is less toxic than the divalent iron. Rice plants are able to cope with this iron overload by keeping photosynthetic apparatus working properly

    Reciprocal grafting between clones with contrasting drought tolerance suggests a key role of abscisic acid in coffee acclimation to drought stress

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    The role of abscisic acid (ABA) in drought tolerance of Coffea canephora is unknown. To determine whether ABA is associated with drought tolerance and if the use of tolerant rootstocks could increase ABA and drought tolerance, we performed reciprocal grafting experiments between clones with contrasting tolerance to drought (clone 109, sensitive; and clone 120, tolerant). Plants were grown in large (120 L) pots in a greenhouse and subjected to drought stress by withholding irrigation. The non-grafted 120 plants and graft treatments with 120 as a rootstock showed a slower reduction of predawn leaf water potential (Ψpd) and a lower negative carbon isotopic composition ratio compared with the other grafting combinations in response to drought. The same 120 graft treatments also showed higher leaf ABA concentrations, lower levels of electrolyte leakage, and lower activities of ascorbate peroxidase and catalase under moderate (Ψpd = − 1.0 or − 1.5 MPa) and severe (Ψpd = − 3.0 MPa) drought. Root ABA concentrations were higher in plants with the 120 rootstocks regardless of watering regime. The 120 shoots could also contribute to drought tolerance because treatment with 120/109 rootstock/scion combination showed postponed dehydration, higher leaf ABA concentration, and lower leaf electrolyte leakage compared with the sensitive clone. We conclude that both the shoot and root systems of the tolerant clone can increase the concentrations of ABA in leaves in response to drought. This further suggests that ABA is associated with a delayed onset of severe water deficit and decreased oxidative damage in C. canephora

    Arbuscular mycorrhizae and absence of cluster roots in the Brazilian Proteaceae Roupala montana Aubl.

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    Plants growing on soils poor in phosphorus (P) develop P-acquisition strategies such as symbiotic associations with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). In very poor soils, cluster roots, a non-symbiotic alternative strategy enables plants to extract P uptake by developing modified roots. The latter strategy is characteristic (if not a derived trait) of the Southern Hemisphere Proteaceae, which are thus non-mycorrhizal. The Proteaceae have been studied mainly in Australia, where they are very diverse, especially on very P-poor soils. We investigated the presence of cluster roots and/or AMF in the Proteaceae Roupala montana Aubl. from three areas of the Brazilian Cerrado. This is, a seasonal neotropical savanna on highly weathered soils characterised by high aluminium content, low pH, and very low available P. We discovered that R. montana forms arbuscular mycorrhiza and no cluster roots were observed. All the plantlets collected were mycorrhizal. We also evaluated the fertility of the soil (especially the P availability). It was found that R. montana grows in soils containing more than 220 mg kg−1 total P. Thus, they are, more fertile than in most of Australian soils and likely have sufficient available P to support plant nutrition by way of mycorrhizae. Further research should investigate whether other Brazilian, and more generally non-Australian, Proteaceae species can establish associations with AMF, and the link with soil P availability. Our findings have implications for the phylogenetic patterns of loss of symbiosis with AMF within the Proteaceae