3,204 research outputs found

    Applied argument analysis, Nappe tectonics and Palynostratigraphy in the middle Lahn-syncline (Stratigraphy and facies relations in the Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of the middle Lahn-syncline between Weilburg and ruin Aardeck)

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    INTRODUCTION: The study area is situated in Germany in the federal state Hesse at the eastern margin of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge within the Lahn syncline. It is part of the former Variscan geosyncline. In 1910 and 1921 AHLBURG developed a new concept for the interpretation of the geological situation in the Lahn region between Marburg and Limburg: the syncline-theory. Within this "Lahn-syncline" an idealised symmetrical succession of structural and facies features - most obvious within Middle Devonian strata - was proposed. He recognised a general trend to a basinal facies from Emsian to Upper Devonian times within the "syncline", which was divided from the Middle Devonian onwards by the build-up of volcanoes and reefs in its middle part. The syncline was thus 3-fold divided into: a) the "Southern Marginal Facies", b) a zone of volcanic ridges and reefs in the middle and c) the "Northern Marginal Facies" which nowadays is called Hörre-facies. Small remnants of proposed Upper Devonian basinal facies within the middle volcano-and-reef facies were attributed by him to the Northern Marginal Facies; but since no direct contact to the latter was observable, he gave them a separate name: "Gaudernbacher Schichten (layers)". Within this study the struggle which persisted over 80 years about the nature, origin, spatial distribution and palaeogeographic setting of the "Gaudernbacher Schichten" sensu AHLBURG (1918) will be settled: The Gaudernbach layers as a separate stratigraphic unit does not exist! It will be shown in this study that this conclusion can be, in the first instance, verified solely by logical inferences and historical contradictions. But what else - if not the occurrence of a "special facies" - could have forced AHLBURG to recognise something unique in this region? In order to solve this problem the following methods have been applied: a) reconstruction of palynostratigraphy and palynofacies, b) applied argument analysis, c) compilation of new correlation charts and historical analysis, d) analysis of Milankovitch cycles, e) fractal analysis, f) petrographic analyses, g) drill core descriptions. RESULTS: 1) The Gaudernbach layers do not exist. 2) Remnants of the Giessen nappe have been encountered in the area between Weilburg and Holzheim. 3) The Giessen nappe in the middle Lahn-syncline comprises a) late Viséan Kulm-slates (Kulmtonschiefer), b) the Viséan Bruchberg sandstone north of Limburg, c) Viséan light flinty-slates, d) Tournaisian dark flinty-slates, e) Tournaisian dark slates, f) Deckdiabas and Erdbach limestone, g) newly encountered early Famennian debris flow sediments and small occurrences of greywacke. 4) The clasts of the Viséan Bruchberg sandstone were derived from the north (Laurussia), whereas the components of the Famennian greywackes came from a southerly situated source region. 5) Milankovitch cycles have been detected within the background sediments of the Bruchberg sandstone formation and the Helle Lydite (Light flinty slate) formation. Sedimentation rates in the order of less than 10 mm/ka have been derived for both analysed sediments with the obtained data. 6) Autochthonous and allochthonous lithologies show no differences in their fractal properties. But apart from that, fractal analysis proved to be a valuable tool for the quantification of tectonic trends. 7) A new Lower Carboniferous correlation chart (LCC2003) is presented. 8) Applied argument analysis has been introduced to geology for the first time. In exemplary analyses the reliability of the Giessen-Harz Nappe concept is analysed and a scheme to make appropriate judgements on the speculative nature of two palaeogeographic texts is presented. 9) A scheme for the structured registration of biostratigraphic results in electronically processable data sets is presented. 10) 18 drill cores from mostly Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous lithologies, drilled north of Limburg, have been analysed and their strata graphically rotated to zero dip for palaeofacies analysis. 11) The palynostratigraphy has been - for the first time - successfully applied in the area between Weilburg and Holzheim. Palynofacies determinations have been undertaken. For the first time reliable statistical data about to what extent reworked fossils could be comprised in greywacke-bearing Upper Devonian debris flow sediments become available. 12) Special attention has been paid on the description of occurrence and formation of framboidal pyrite in pelites and in phycomata of acritarchs therein. 13) A geological sketch map 1:25000, featuring the area between Weilburg and Holzheim, is presented in enclosure 4. 14) Hypothetical reconnaissance maps showing the northern Gondwana — southern Laurussia topography during the Middle Devonian and Lower Carboniferous are presented

    Schutz gegen industrielle Schadstoffe durch den ABC-Schutzfilter 74

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    This paper reports protection performance data of the NBC-canister (NBC-SF 74) against some important industrial agents under various experimental conditions (humidity, challenge concentration). The principles of construction and function of the NBC-SF 74 are explained, and a description of the measuring apparatus is given. The protection capabilities against different compounds are discussed, and for 25 substances the evaluated data listed. For challenge concentrations below 0.5 vol.-% and agents with b.p. > 65°, sufficient protection levels are observed. The protection levels against industrial agents with low b.p. are lower and must be carefully evaluated as a function of the prevailing environment conditions

    Die quantitative Analyse von Markerproteinen im Urin Quantitative analysis of marker proteins in urine

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    Die Analyse von spezifischen Proteinen im zweiten Morgenurin, bezogen auf den Kreatiningehalt der Probe, erlaubt heute nicht nur den Nachweis oder den Ausschluss von Nierenerkrankungen, sondern darüber hinaus auch die Differenzierung und Verlaufskontrolle von Nephropathien. Störungen lassen sich aufgrund ihres Markerproteinprofils in solche mit hauptsächlich glomerulärem oder tubulärem Anteil und zusätzlich in weitere Untergruppen einteilen. Im Zusammenhang mit den Teststreifenresultaten kann die Quelle einer Blutung mit spezifischen Quotienten näher eingegrenzt und Kontaminationen können von tatsächlichen renalen Proteinurien unterschieden werden. Eine Plausibilitätsprüfung und Interpretation der erhaltenen Ergebnisse ist unbedingt erforderlich. Da eineVielzahl von Regeln überprüft werden muss, ist eine Berechnung und Darstellung der Ergebnisse nur mit Hilfe von wissensbasierten Systemen in Kombination mit einer grafischen Befunddarstellung sinnvol

    Energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy of biological samples on highly transparent carbon nanomembranes

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    Ultrathin carbon nanomembranes (CNM) comprising crosslinked biphenyl precursors have been tested as support films for energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM) of biological specimens. Due to their high transparency CNM are ideal substrates for electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI) of stained and unstained biological samples. Virtually background-free elemental maps of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and ferritin have been obtained from samples supported by ~ 1 nm thin CNM. Furthermore, we have tested conductive carbon nanomembranes (cCNM) comprising nanocrystalline graphene, obtained by thermal treatment of CNM, as supports for cryoEM of ice-embedded biological samples. We imaged ice-embedded TMV on cCNM and compared the results with images of ice-embedded TMV on conventional carbon film (CC), thus analyzing the gain in contrast for TMV on cCNM in a quantitative manner. In addition we have developed a method for the preparation of vitrified specimens, suspended over the holes of a conventional holey carbon film, while backed by ultrathin cCNM

    A global climatology of the ocean surface during the Last Glacial Maximum mapped on a regular grid (GLOMAP)

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    We present a climatology of the near-sea-surface temperature (NSST) anomaly and the sea-ice extent during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 23 000–19 000 years before present) mapped on a global regular 1∘×1∘ grid. It is an extension of the Glacial Atlantic Ocean Mapping (GLAMAP) reconstruction of the Atlantic NSST based on the faunal and floral assemblage data of the Multiproxy Approach for the Reconstruction of the Glacial Ocean Surface (MARGO) project and several recent estimates of the LGM sea-ice extent. Such a gridded climatology is highly useful for the visualization of the LGM climate, calculation of global and regional NSST averages, and estimation of the equilibrium climate sensitivity, as well as a boundary condition for atmospheric general circulation models. The gridding of the sparse NSST reconstruction was done in an optimal way using the Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis (DIVA) software, which takes into account the uncertainty in the reconstruction and includes the calculation of an error field. The resulting Glacial Ocean Map (GLOMAP) confirms the previous findings by the MARGO project regarding longitudinal and meridional NSST differences that were greater than today in all oceans. Taken at face value, the estimated global and tropical cooling would imply an equilibrium climate sensitivity at the lower end of the currently accepted range. However, because of anticipated changes in the seasonality and thermal structure of the upper ocean during the LGM as well as uneven spatial sampling, the estimated cooling and implied climate sensitivity are likely to be biased towards lower values

    A candidate protostellar object in the L1457 / MBM12 cloud

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    The association of young T Tauri stars, MBM12A, indicates that L1457 was forming stars not too long ago. With our study we want to find out whether or not there are still signs for ongoing star formation in that cloud. Using the Max-Planck-Millimeter-Bolometer MAMBO at the IRAM 30m telescope we obtained a map of about 8' by 8' centered on L1457 in the dust continuum emission at 230 GHz. Towards the most intense regions in our bolometer map we obtained spectra at high angular resolution in the CS (2-1) and the N2H+(1-0) lines using the IRAM 30m telescope. We find that the cold dust in L1457 is concentrated in several small cores with high H2 column densities and solar masses. The density profiles of the cores are inconsistent with a sphere with constant density. These cores are closer to virial equilibrium than the cloud as a whole. Data from the VLA and Spitzer archives reveal two point sources in the direction of one dust core. One of the sources is probably a distant quasar, whereas the other source is projected right on a local maximum of our dust map and shows characteristics of a protostellar object.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Integrated quantized electronics: a semiconductor quantized voltage source

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    The Josephson effect in superconductors links a quantized output voltage Vout = f \cdot(h/2e) to the natural constants of the electron's charge e, Planck's constant h, and to an excitation frequency f with important applications in electrical quantum metrology. Also semiconductors are routinely applied in electrical quantum metrology making use of the quantum Hall effect. However, despite their broad range of further applications e.g. in integrated circuits, quantized voltage generation by a semiconductor device has never been obtained. Here we report a semiconductor quantized voltage source generating quantized voltages Vout = f\cdot(h/e). It is based on an integrated quantized circuit of a single electron pump operated at pumping frequency f and a quantum Hall device monolithically integrated in series. The output voltages of several \muV are expected to be scalable by orders of magnitude using present technology. The device might open a new route towards the closure of the quantum metrological triangle. Furthermore it represents a universal electrical quantum reference allowing to generate quantized values of the three most relevant electrical units of voltage, current, and resistance based on fundamental constants using a single device.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Power Reduction Opportunities on End-User Devices in Quality-Steady Video Streaming

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    This paper uses a crowdsourced dataset of online video streaming sessions to investigate opportunities to reduce the power consumption while considering QoE. For this, we base our work on prior studies which model both the end-user's QoE and the end-user device's power consumption with the help of high-level video features such as the bitrate, the frame rate, and the resolution. On top of existing research, which focused on reducing the power consumption at the same QoE optimizing video parameters, we investigate potential power savings by other means such as using a different playback device, a different codec, or a predefined maximum quality level. We find that based on the power consumption of the streaming sessions from the crowdsourcing dataset, devices could save more than 55% of power if all participants adhere to low-power settings.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Análise das Perspectivas Econômico financeiras de uma concessionária de veículas na cidade de Balneário Comboriú

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio Econômico, Curso de Administração.A retração da economia brasileira impactou negativamente diversos setores da economia. Destes, o mercado automotivo foi altamente prejudicado. O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar as perspectivas econômico-financeiras de uma concessionária de veículos na cidade de Balneário Camboriú. A natureza da pesquisa é aplicada e seu objetivo, exploratório. Para a análise, foi realizada uma projeção para os próximos cinco anos e foram aplicados índices econômico-financeiros em um período de dez anos. Conjuntamente, foi realizada a valoração da empresa pelo método do fluxo de caixa descontado. O estudo possibilitou um entendimento maior sobre a situação econômico-financeiro da empresa e de seu futuro, sendo realizada uma proposta de ações a serem seguidas, a fim de melhorar a eficiência econômico-financeira da empresa.Brazil's economic downturn has had a negative impact on several sectors of the country's economy, one of them being the automotive industry. The aim of this paper is to analyze the economic and financial prospect of a car dealership in the city of Balneário Camboriú. The nature of this survey is that of applied research and its objective is exploratory. For the analysis, a projection was made for the upcoming five years and economic and financial indexes were applied for a ten-year period. Concomitantly, the company's valuation was conducted by means of the discounted cash flow method. The study enabled a better understanding of the company's economic and financial status and its future, resulting in a proposal of actions to be undertaken, so as to improve the company's economic and financial efficiency
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