2,619 research outputs found

    Spontaneous Cardiomyocyte Differentiation From Adipose Tissue Stroma Cells

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    Cardiomyocyte regeneration is limited in adult life. Thus, the identification of a putative source of cardiomyocyte progenitors is of great interest to provide a usable model in vitro and new perspective in regenerative therapy. As adipose tissues were recently demonstrated to contain pluripotent stem cells, the emergence of cardiomyocyte phenotype from adipose-derived cells was investigated. We demonstrated that rare beating cells with cardiomyocyte features could be identified after culture of adipose stroma cells without addition of 5-azacytidine. The cardiomyocyte phenotype was first identified by morphological observation, confirmed with expression of specific cardiac markers, immunocytochemistry staining, and ultrastructural analysis, revealing the presence of ventricle- and atrial-like cells. Electrophysiological studies performed on early culture revealed a pacemaker activity of the cells. Finally, functional studies showed that adrenergic agonist stimulated the beating rate whereas cholinergic agonist decreased it. Taken together, this study demonstrated that functional cardiomyocyte- like cells could be directly obtained from adipose tissue. According to the large amount of this tissue in adult mammal, it could represent a useful source of cardiomyocyte progenitors.Garcia Verdugo, Jose Manuel, [email protected]

    Biopsy confirmation of metastatic sites in breast cancer patients:clinical impact and future perspectives

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    Determination of hormone receptor (estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor) and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 status in the primary tumor is clinically relevant to define breast cancer subtypes, clinical outcome,and the choice of therapy. Retrospective and prospective studies suggest that there is substantial discordance in receptor status between primary and recurrent breast cancer. Despite this evidence and current recommendations,the acquisition of tissue from metastatic deposits is not routine practice. As a consequence, therapeutic decisions for treatment in the metastatic setting are based on the features of the primary tumor. Reasons for this attitude include the invasiveness of the procedure and the unreliable outcome of biopsy, in particular for biopsies of lesions at complex visceral sites. Improvements in interventional radiology techniques mean that most metastatic sites are now accessible by minimally invasive methods, including surgery. In our opinion, since biopsies are diagnostic and changes in biological features between the primary and secondary tumors can occur, the routine biopsy of metastatic disease needs to be performed. In this review, we discuss the rationale for biopsy of suspected breast cancer metastases, review issues and caveats surrounding discordance of biomarker status between primary and metastatic tumors, and provide insights for deciding when to perform biopsy of suspected metastases and which one (s) to biopsy. We also speculate on the future translational implications for biopsy of suspected metastatic lesions in the context of clinical trials and the establishment of bio-banks of biopsy material taken from metastatic sites. We believe that such bio-banks will be important for exploring mechanisms of metastasis. In the future,advances in targeted therapy will depend on the availability of metastatic tissue

    The NIKA instrument: results and perspectives towards a permanent KID based camera for the Pico Veleta observatory

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    The New IRAM KIDs Array (NIKA) is a pathfinder instrument devoted to millimetric astronomy. In 2009 it was the first multiplexed KID camera on the sky; currently it is installed at the focal plane of the IRAM 30-meters telescope at Pico Veleta (Spain). We present preliminary data from the last observational run and the ongoing developments devoted to the next NIKA-2 kilopixels camera, to be commissioned in 2015. We also report on the latest laboratory measurements, and recent improvements in detector cosmetics and read-out electronics. Furthermore, we describe a new acquisition strategy allowing us to improve the photometric accuracy, and the related automatic tuning procedure.Comment: 24th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, ISSTT 2013, April 8 to 10, 2013, Groningen, the Netherland

    Latest NIKA results and the NIKA-2 project

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    NIKA (New IRAM KID Arrays) is a dual-band imaging instrument installed at the IRAM (Institut de RadioAstronomie Millimetrique) 30-meter telescope at Pico Veleta (Spain). Two distinct Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KID) focal planes allow the camera to simultaneously image a field-of-view of about 2 arc-min in the bands 125 to 175 GHz (150 GHz) and 200 to 280 GHz (240 GHz). The sensitivity and stability achieved during the last commissioning Run in June 2013 allows opening the instrument to general observers. We report here the latest results, in particular in terms of sensitivity, now comparable to the state-of-the-art Transition Edge Sensors (TES) bolometers, relative and absolute photometry. We describe briefly the next generation NIKA-2 instrument, selected by IRAM to occupy, from 2015, the continuum imager/polarimeter slot at the 30-m telescope.Comment: Proceedings of Low Temperature Detectors 15 (LTD-15), Pasadena, June 201

    Multicompartment body composition analysis in older adults: a cross-sectional study

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    Background During aging, changes occur in the proportions of muscle, fat, and bone. Body composition (BC) alterations have a great impact on health, quality of life, and functional capacity. Several equations to predict BC using anthropometric measurements have been developed from a bi-compartmental (2-C) approach that determines only fat mass (FM) and fat-free mass (FFM). However, these models have several limitations, when considering constant density, progressive bone demineralization, and changes in the hydration of the FFM, as typical changes during senescence. Thus, the main purpose of this study was to propose and validate a new multi-compartmental anthropometric model to predict fat, bone, and musculature components in older adults of both sexes. Methods This cross-sectional study included 100 older adults of both sexes. To determine the dependent variables (fat mass [FM], bone mineral content [BMC], and appendicular lean soft tissue [ALST]) whole total and regional dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) body scans were performed. Twenty-nine anthropometric measures and sex were appointed as independent variables. Models were developed through multivariate linear regression. Finally, the predicted residual error sum of squares (PRESS) statistic was used to measure the effectiveness of the predicted value for each dependent variable. Results An equation was developed to simultaneously predict FM, BMC, and ALST from only four variables: weight, half-arm span (HAS), triceps skinfold (TriSK), and sex. This model showed high coefficients of determination and low estimation errors (FM: R2adj: 0.83 and SEE: 3.16; BMC: R2adj: 0.61 and SEE: 0.30; ALST: R2adj: 0.85 and SEE: 1.65). Conclusion The equations provide a reliable, practical, and low-cost instrument to monitor changes in body components during the aging process. The internal cross-validation method PRESS presented sufficient reliability in the model as an inexpensive alternative for clinical field use.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Plan estratégico de sistemas de información: municipio electrónico

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    En los últimos años, ha aumentado la necesidad de implementar proyectos que acerquen al ciudadano con el Estado, de modo que este último provea servicios de mayor calidad basados en alta tecnología. Se revela en todos los sectores de la sociedad (público, privado, civil, académica) la necesidad de usar y optimizar las oportunidades que presentan las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) para mejorar la gobernabilidad, para implementar nuevos canales de comunicación entre gobiernos y ciudadanos, para tejer y reforzar redes comunitarias, para asegurar la transparencia gubernamental, para ingresar en forma proactiva a la Sociedad de la Información y para no quedar al margen de la nueva economía. Se necesitan formas innovadoras de interacción entre los ciudadanos y los gobernantes locales, nuevas concepciones de la política local, utilizando medios electrónicos.In the last years, it has increased the necessity to implement projects that approach the citizen with the State, so that the later provides services of greater quality based on high technology. In all sectors of society (public and private sectors, civil and academic society) there is a need to use and to optimize the opportunities presented by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), to improve governability, to implement new communication channels between governments and citizens, to weave and to reinforce communitarian networks, to assure the governmental transparency, to enter in proactive form the Information Society and not to have left. Innovating forms are needed interaction between the local citizens and governors, new conceptions of the local policy, using electronic devices.III Workshop de Ingeniería de Software y Bases de Datos (WISBD)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Plan estratégico de sistemas de información: municipio electrónico

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    En los últimos años, ha aumentado la necesidad de implementar proyectos que acerquen al ciudadano con el Estado, de modo que este último provea servicios de mayor calidad basados en alta tecnología. Se revela en todos los sectores de la sociedad (público, privado, civil, académica) la necesidad de usar y optimizar las oportunidades que presentan las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) para mejorar la gobernabilidad, para implementar nuevos canales de comunicación entre gobiernos y ciudadanos, para tejer y reforzar redes comunitarias, para asegurar la transparencia gubernamental, para ingresar en forma proactiva a la Sociedad de la Información y para no quedar al margen de la nueva economía. Se necesitan formas innovadoras de interacción entre los ciudadanos y los gobernantes locales, nuevas concepciones de la política local, utilizando medios electrónicos.In the last years, it has increased the necessity to implement projects that approach the citizen with the State, so that the later provides services of greater quality based on high technology. In all sectors of society (public and private sectors, civil and academic society) there is a need to use and to optimize the opportunities presented by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), to improve governability, to implement new communication channels between governments and citizens, to weave and to reinforce communitarian networks, to assure the governmental transparency, to enter in proactive form the Information Society and not to have left. Innovating forms are needed interaction between the local citizens and governors, new conceptions of the local policy, using electronic devices.III Workshop de Ingeniería de Software y Bases de Datos (WISBD)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A framework to rank genomic alterations as targets for cancer precision medicine: the ESMO Scale for Clinical Actionability of molecular Targets (ESCAT)

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    Background: In order to facilitate implementation of precision medicine in clinical management of cancer, there is a need to harmonise and standardise the reporting and interpretation of clinically relevant genomics data. / Methods: The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Translational Research and Precision Medicine Working Group (TR and PM WG) launched a collaborative project to propose a classification system for molecular aberrations based on the evidence available supporting their value as clinical targets. A group of experts from several institutions was assembled to review available evidence, reach a consensus on grading criteria and present a classification system. This was then reviewed, amended and finally approved by the ESMO TR and PM WG and the ESMO leadership. / Results: This first version of the ESMO Scale of Clinical Actionability for molecular Targets (ESCAT) defines six levels of clinical evidence for molecular targets according to the implications for patient management: tier I, targets ready for implementation in routine clinical decisions; tier II, investigational targets that likely define a patient population that benefits from a targeted drug but additional data are needed; tier III, clinical benefit previously demonstrated in other tumour types or for similar molecular targets; tier IV, preclinical evidence of actionability; tier V, evidence supporting co-targeting approaches; and tier X, lack of evidence for actionability. / Conclusions: The ESCAT defines clinical evidence-based criteria to prioritise genomic alterations as markers to select patients for targeted therapies. This classification system aims to offer a common language for all the relevant stakeholders in cancer medicine and drug development
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