8 research outputs found

    Ammonia volatilization from blends with stabilized and controlled-released urea in the coffee system

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    ABSTRACT Application of stabilized and controlled-release urea blends can reduce the losses of N-NH3 as compared to conventional urea. The aim of this study was to quantify ammonia volatilization from conventional nitrogen fertilizers and blends of urea + (urea + NBPT) + controlled release urea applied in drip irrigated coffee system. The experiment was conducted under field conditions in in a Red Latosol located in Lavras-MG, Brazil. The randomized complete block design with six treatments: Urea = 450 kg ha-1 yr-1 N (100% of the recommended dose) divided in three splittings equal to 150 kg ha-1 N with an interval of 50 days; ammonium nitrate = 450 kg ha-1 yr-1 N (100% of the recommended dose) in three splittings equal to 150 kg ha-1 N with an interval of 50 days; Polyblen Extend(r)-100%= 450 kg ha-1 yr-1 (100% of the recommended dose) applied in two splittings, 315 kg ha-1 N in the 1º split and 135 kg ha-1 N in the 2º split; Polyblen Extend(r)-70% = 315 kg ha-1 yr-1 N (70% of the recommended dose) in two splittings, 220.5 kg ha-1 N in the 1º split and 94.5 kg ha-1 N in the 2º split; Polyblen Montanha(r)-100% = 450 kg ha-1 yr-1 (100% of the recommended dose) in an unique application in the 1º split and Polyblen Montanha(r)-70% = 315 kg ha-1 yr-1 N (70% of the recommended dose) at an unique application in the 1º split, with three repetitions. Total accumulated N-NH3 losses followed the decreasing order: Urea (83.2 kg ha-1 N) > Polyblen Extend(r) - 100% (60.3 kg ha-1 N) > Polyblen Montanha(r) - 100% (46.8 kg ha-1 N) > Polyblen Extend(r) - 70% (35.1 kg ha-1 N) > Polyblen Montanha(r) - 70% (24.2 kg ha-1 N) > nitrate ammonium (2.0 kg ha-1 N ). The use of Polyblen Montanha(r) decreases two splittings compared to conventional sources such as urea and ammonium nitrate, by applying only 70% of the recommended dose without affecting yield and coffee crop nutrition

    Ammonia and carbon dioxide emissions by stabilized conventional nitrogen fertilizers and controlled release in corn crop

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    ABSTRACT The market of stabilized, slow and controlled release nitrogen (N) fertilizers represents 1% of the world fertilizer consumption. On the other hand, the increase in availability, innovation and application of these technologies could lead to the improvement of N use efficiency in agroecossystems and to the reduction of environmental impacts. The objective of this study was to quantify agronomic efficiency relative index, ammonia volatilization, and CO2 emissions from conventional, stabilized and controlled release N fertilizers in corn summer crop. The experiment was carried out in a corn crop area located in Lavras, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, without irrigation. All treatments were applied in topdressing at rate of 150 kg ha-1 N. N-NH3 losses from N fertilizers were: Granular urea (39% of the applied N ) = prilled urea (38%) > urea coated with 16% S0 (32%) = blend of urea + 7.9% S0 + polymers + conventional urea (32%) > prilled urea incorporated at 0.02 m depth (24%) > urea + 530 mg kg-1 of NBPT (8%) = Hydrolyzed leather (9%) > urea + thermoplastic resin (3%) = ammonium sulfate (1%) = ammonium nitrate (0.7%). Thermoplastic resin coated urea, ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate presented low values of cumulative CO2 emissions in corn crop. On the other hand, hydrolyzed leather promoted greater C-CO2 emission, when compared with other nitrogen fertilizers

    Ammonia and carbon dioxide emissions by stabilized conventional nitrogen fertilizers and controlled release in corn crop

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT The market of stabilized, slow and controlled release nitrogen (N) fertilizers represents 1% of the world fertilizer consumption. On the other hand, the increase in availability, innovation and application of these technologies could lead to the improvement of N use efficiency in agroecossystems and to the reduction of environmental impacts. The objective of this study was to quantify agronomic efficiency relative index, ammonia volatilization, and CO2 emissions from conventional, stabilized and controlled release N fertilizers in corn summer crop. The experiment was carried out in a corn crop area located in Lavras, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, without irrigation. All treatments were applied in topdressing at rate of 150 kg ha-1 N. N-NH3 losses from N fertilizers were: Granular urea (39% of the applied N ) = prilled urea (38%) > urea coated with 16% S0 (32%) = blend of urea + 7.9% S0 + polymers + conventional urea (32%) > prilled urea incorporated at 0.02 m depth (24%) > urea + 530 mg kg-1 of NBPT (8%) = Hydrolyzed leather (9%) > urea + thermoplastic resin (3%) = ammonium sulfate (1%) = ammonium nitrate (0.7%). Thermoplastic resin coated urea, ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate presented low values of cumulative CO2 emissions in corn crop. On the other hand, hydrolyzed leather promoted greater C-CO2 emission, when compared with other nitrogen fertilizers.</p></div

    Monoamônio fosfato revestido com polímeros e magnésio para plantas de café

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    O revestimento de grânulos de fertilizantes fosfatados com polímeros e magnésio (Mg) é uma tecnologia que pode melhorar a eficiência no uso de fósforo (P) e mitigar os problemas de baixo fornecimento de Mg em lavouras cafeeiras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento e características nutricionais de mudas de café e a eficiência agronômica (EA) de fosfato monoamônico (MAP) revestido com polímeros aniônicos e Mg em comparação com outras tecnologias de fertilizantes fosfatados. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação em vasos de 20 L. Duas mudas de café com cinco meses de idade foram transplantadas para cada vaso. O delineamento experimental foi completamente casualizado com 3 repetições. Os seguintes tratamentos, aplicados na dose correspondente a 20 g vaso-1 de P2O5, foram conduzidos: MAP; MAP revestido com polímeros aniônicos (Policote Phós®); MAP revestido com polímeros aniônicos+Mg (Policote Phós_Mg®); Top-Phós®; e Agrocote®. Um controle (sem P) foi preparado. Altura da planta; área foliar; massa seca de folhas, caules, e raízes; massa seca total; razão parte aérea/raíz; peso específico da folha; teores de P e Mg em plantas e suas disponibilidades no solo após o cultivo e índices de eficiência dos tratamentos com adubação fosfatada foram avaliados. A recuperação do P aplicado e a eficiência agronômica dos fertilizantes fosfatados aumentaram na seguinte ordem: MAP = Top-Phós® = Agrocote®<MAP+Policote Phós® = MAP+Policote Phós_Mg®. O revestimento dos grânulos do MAP+Policote Phós_Mg® aumentaram o crescimento, o teor e acúmulo de P e Mg em mudas de café, a disponibilidade destes nutrientes no solo após o cultivo e a eficiência agronômica da adubação fosfatada.The coating of phosphate fertilizer granules with polymers and magnesium (Mg) is a technology that can improve phosphorus (P) use efficiency and mitigate problems of low Mg supply in coffee crops. The objective of this work was to evaluate the growth and nutrition characteristics of coffee seedlings and the agronomic efficiency (AE) of monoammonium phosphate (MAP) coated with anionic polymers and Mg in comparison with other phosphate fertilizer technologies. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse in 20 L pots. Two five-month-old coffee seedlings were transplanted into each pot. The experimental design was completely randomized with three replicates. The following treatments, applied at a dose corresponding to 20 g pot-1 of P2O5, were carried out: MAP; MAP coated with anionic polymers (Policote Phós®); MAP coated with anionic polymers+Mg (Policote Phós_Mg®); Top-Phós®; and Agrocote®. A control (without P) was prepared. Plant height; leaf area; dry mass of leaves, stems, and roots; total dry mass; shoot/root ratio; specific leaf weight; P and Mg content in plants and their availability in the soil after cultivation and efficiency indicesof the phosphate fertilization treatment were evaluated. The recovery of applied P and the agronomic efficiency of phosphate fertilizers was found to increase in the following order: MAP = Top-Phós® = Agrocote®<MAP+Policote Phós® = MAP+Policote Phós_Mg®. The coating of the MAP+Policote Phós_Mg® granules increased growth, the content and accumulation of P and Mg in coffee seedlings, the availability of these nutrients in the soil after cultivation and the agronomic efficiency of phosphate fertilization

    Monoammonium phosphate coated with polymers and magnesium for coffee plants

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    ABSTRACT The coating of phosphate fertilizer granules with polymers and magnesium (Mg) is a technology that can improve phosphorus (P) use efficiency and mitigate problems of low Mg supply in coffee crops. The objective of this work was to evaluate the growth and nutrition characteristics of coffee seedlings and the agronomic efficiency (AE) of monoammonium phosphate (MAP) coated with anionic polymers and Mg in comparison with other phosphate fertilizer technologies. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse in 20 L pots. Two five-month-old coffee seedlings were transplanted into each pot. The experimental design was completely randomized with three replicates. The following treatments, applied at a dose corresponding to 20 g pot-1 of P2O5, were carried out: MAP; MAP coated with anionic polymers (Policote Phós®); MAP coated with anionic polymers+Mg (Policote Phós_Mg®); Top-Phós®; and Agrocote®. A control (without P) was prepared. Plant height; leaf area; dry mass of leaves, stems, and roots; total dry mass; shoot/root ratio; specific leaf weight; P and Mg content in plants and their availability in the soil after cultivation and efficiency indicesof the phosphate fertilization treatment were evaluated. The recovery of applied P and the agronomic efficiency of phosphate fertilizers was found to increase in the following order: MAP = Top-Phós® = Agrocote®<MAP+Policote Phós® = MAP+Policote Phós_Mg®. The coating of the MAP+Policote Phós_Mg® granules increased growth, the content and accumulation of P and Mg in coffee seedlings, the availability of these nutrients in the soil after cultivation and the agronomic efficiency of phosphate fertilization