563 research outputs found

    Wind anisotropy and stellar evolution

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    Mass loss is a determinant factor which strongly affects the evolution and the fate of massive stars. At low metallicity, stars are supposed to rotate faster than at the solar one. This favors the existence of stars near the critical velocity. In this rotation regime, the deformation of the stellar surface becomes important, and wind anisotropy develops. Polar winds are expected to be dominant for fast rotating hot stars. These polar winds allow the star to lose large quantities of mass and still retain a high angular momentum, and they modify the evolution of the surface velocity and the final angular momentum retained in the star's core. We show here how these winds affect the final stages of massive stars, according to our knowledge about Gamma Ray Bursts. Computation of theoretical Gamma Ray Bursts rate indicates that our models have too fast rotating cores, and that we need to include an additional effect to spin them down. Magnetic fields in stars act in this direction, and we show how they modify the evolution of massive star up to the final stage

    The basic role of magnetic fields in stellar evolution

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    Magnetic field is playing an important role at all stages of star evolution from star formation to the endpoints. The main effects are briefly reviewed. We also show that O-type stars have large convective envelopes, where convective dynamo could work. There, fields in magnetostatic balance have intensities of the order of 100 G. A few OB stars with strong polar fields (Henrichs et al. 2003a) show large N-enhancements indicating a strong internal mixing. We suggest that the meridional circulation enhanced by an internal rotation law close to uniform in these magnetic stars is responsible for the observed mixing. Thus, it is not the magnetic field itself which makes the mixing, but the strong thermal instability associated to solid body rotation. A critical question for evolution is whether a dynamo is at work in radiative zones of rotating stars. The Tayler-Spruit (TS) dynamo is the best candidate. We derive some basic relations for dynamos in radiative layers. Evolutionary models with TS dynamo show important effects: internal rotation coupling and enhanced mixing, all model outputs being affecte

    On the Eddington limit and WR Stars

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    We examine some properties of stars evolving close to the classical Eddington limit for electron-scattering opacity, when these stars maintain a chemically homogeneous structure as a result of mixing and/or mass loss. We consider analytical relations and models computed with the Geneva code. Homologous, chemically homogeneous stars evolving with a constant Eddington factor obey a relation of the form mu^2 M = const. This applies, for example, to Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars in stages without hydrogen. The value of the constant may depend on the metallicity, initial mass, evolutionary stage, and physical processes included in the considered homologous evolutionary sequence. An average value of the constant between 20 and 40 in solar units is consistent with the masses of Galactic WR stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 7 pages, 6 figure

    Analysis of Galileo E5 and E5ab code tracking

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    The world of global navigation satellite systems has been enhanced with several new or improved signals in space aiming to optimize accuracy, reliability, navigation solution, and interoperability between different constellations. However, such developments bring various challenges to the receivers' designers. For example, acquisition and tracking stages turn into more complex processes while handling the increasing bandwidth requires additional processing power. In this context, we study the code tracking of Galileo E5ab in a full band or of only one of its components, i.e., either E5a or E5b. More specifically, an architecture for tracking the E5 pilot channel as an AltBOC(15,10) or BPSK(10) modulation is introduced, and the performance of well-known discriminator types is analyzed using analytical derivations and simulations of linearity and stability regions, thermal noise tracking errors, multipath error envelopes and tracking thresholds. Different parameters, such as the front-end filter bandwidth, the early/late chip spacing, un-normalized and normalized discriminators, are taken into consideration. The results obtained are used to illustrate the main advantages and drawbacks of tracking the E5 signal as well as to help defining the main tracking loop parameters for an enhanced performanc

    Massive star evolution: from the early to the present day Universe

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    Mass loss and axial rotation are playing key roles in shaping the evolution of massive stars. They affect the tracks in the HR diagram, the lifetimes, the surface abundances, the hardness of the radiation field, the chemical yields, the presupernova status, the nature of the remnant, the mechanical energy released in the interstellar medium, etc... In this paper, after recalling a few characteristics of mass loss and rotation, we review the effects of these two processes at different metallicities. Rotation probably has its most important effects at low metallicities, while mass loss and rotation deeply affect the evolution of massive stars at solar and higher than solar metallicitie

    Stellar evolution models at the Magellanic Cloud metallicities

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    The Magellanic Clouds are great laboratories to study the evolution of stars at two metallicities lower than solar. They provide excellent testbeds for stellar evolution theory and in particular for the impact of metallicity on stellar evolution. It is important to test stellar evolution models at metallicities lower than solar in order to use the models to predict the evolution and properties of the first stars. In these proceedings, after recalling the effects of metallicity, we present stellar evolution models including the effects of rotation at the Magellanic Clouds metallicities. We then compare the models to various observations (ratios of sub-groups of massive stars and supernovae, nitrogen surface enrichment and gamma-ray bursts) and show that the models including the effects of rotation reproduce most of the observational constraint

    Massive Stars as Cosmic Engines Through the Ages

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    Some useful developments in the model physics are briefly presented, followed by model results on chemical enrichments and WR stars. We discuss the expected rotation velocities of WR stars. We emphasize that the (C+O)/He ratio is a better chemical indicator of evolution for WC stars than the C/He ratios. With or without rotation, at a given luminosity the (C+O)/He ratios should be higher in regions of lower metallicity Z. Also, for a given (C+O)/He ratio the WC stars in lower Z regions have higher luminosities. The WO stars, which are likely the progenitors of supernovae SNIc and of some GRBs, should preferentially be found in regions of low Z and be the descendants of very high initial masses. Finally, we emphasize the physical reasons why massive rotating low Z stars may also experience heavy mass los

    Massive stellar models: rotational evolution, metallicity effects

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    The Be star phenomenon is related to fast rotation, although the cause of this fast rotation is not yet clearly established. The basic effects of fast rotation on the stellar structure are reviewed: oblateness, mixing, anisotropic winds. The processes governing the evolution of the equatorial velocity of a single star (transport mechanisms and mass loss) are presented, as well as their metallicity dependence. The theoretical results are compared to observations of B and Be stars in the Galaxy and the Magellanic Cloud

    Massive stellar models: rotational evolution, metallicity effects

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    The Be star phenomenon is related to fast rotation, although the cause of this fast rotation is not yet clearly established. The basic effects of fast rotation on the stellar structure are reviewed: oblateness, mixing, anisotropic winds. The processes governing the evolution of the equatorial velocity of a single star (transport mechanisms and mass loss) are presented, as well as their metallicity dependence. The theoretical results are compared to observations of B and Be stars in the Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds.Instituto de AstrofĂ­sica de La Plat
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