43 research outputs found
Creating a Link between School and Home Literacy Practices: The Case of Rural Primary Schools in Kisii Central District, Kisii County, Kenya
There is overwhelming evidence about the important role that parents play in enhancing their children’s reading development. Despite, this growing evidence, parental involvement in developing the reading skills of primary school-going children in Kenya has not been given appropriate attention. This paper presents findings of a study that sought to establish whether Standard 4 teachers of English language and school Heads involve parents in developing pupils’ reading skills. The study sought to answer the question on how parents were involved in the development of learners’ reading skills. The study is built on Bernhardt’s 1986 Constructivist Model of Second Language Reading which emphasizes that reading is an active process of constructing meaning where the reader incorporates textual information to his existing system of knowledge - prior knowledge. The study used a descriptive research design. 20 teachers and 20 head teachers were sampled using three sampling procedures: proportional stratified sampling, criterion purposive sampling and simple random sampling. A parental reading involvement questionnaire and an interview schedule were used to collect data from teachers and head teachers. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings indicate that parents are not meaningfully involved in their children’s reading development. The results provide important insights into the literacy educational opportunities for teachers, parents and learners
Study Of Attitudes Towards Mathematics Among Learners In Grade 10 In Namibia
The purpose of the study is to investigate grade 10 learners' attitudes towards mathematics in the Ondangwa educational region. In the past, learning mathematics, teaching of mathematics was underdeveloped, considered difficult, and only a few learners were encouraged to pursue mathematics. This atmosphere provided a good opportunity to examine the attitudes ofgrade 10 learners towards mathematics. Furthermore, the poor performance of grade 10 learners in mathematics provides an additional rationale for investigating their attitudes towards learning mathematics, Attitudes are of part.icular interest as more learners are being encouraged by the Namibian government to study mathematics. The Namibian government has declared mathematics and science as priority areas. Considerable attention is being given to enhancing mathematics education across the country
The Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and Biology Learning Outcomes of Student
The achievement of learning objectives can be seen from the learning outcomes obtained by students after the learning process. Appropriate learning strategies by paying attention to multiple intelligences in students can affect learning outcomes. This research aims to analyze the relationship of intelligence learning outcomes with the student's biological learning outcomes. This research was conducted on 1st-grade students of natural sciences at Padang High School. The sampling technique is stratified using purposive sampling and proportional random sampling. The research instrument used multiple intelligence questionnaires and multiple-choice questions. The data in this study were analyzed using the Spearman rank correlation test. The results showed that each multiple intelligences had a significant relationship with student learning outcomes, except for three types of intelligence: visual-spatial, physical kinesthetic, and intrapersonal intelligenc
Jumlah kunjungan pasien mengalami peningkatan dari tahun 2016 sampai 2017 sebanyak 15% akan tetapi waktu tunggu pelayanan resep yang dilakukan tenaga farmasi belum sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditentukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kebutuhan tenaga farmasi dengan menggunakan metode Workload Indicators Staffing Need (WISN) di Pelayanan Apotek Sentral Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah dr. Rasidin. Desain penelitian ini adalah kualitatif-kuantitatif (Mix-Methode) dengan model Current Embedded Strategy. Penelitian Kualitatif dilakukan kepada 8 informan dan ditentukan berdasarkan purposive sampling. Penelitian kuantitatif dilakukan dengan mengobservasi 100 sampel dan menghitung kebutuhan menggunakan rumus WISN. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan telaah dokumen. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi metode. Hasil penelitian ini untuk kualitatif beban kerja tenaga farmasi yang dikeluhkan yaitu ketika resep yang masuk banyak dan tenaga farmasi masih merasa kekurangan untuk melayani resep yang masuk dan untuk hasil kuantitatif jumlah tenaga farmasi yang ada di apotek sentral 18 orang yang merupakan tenaga teknis kefarmasian. Waktu kerja tersedia dalam setahun adalah 132.960 menit/tahun, standar beban kerja tertinggi penyiapan obat racik dengan standar kelonggaran 0,28, jumlah tenaga yang dibutuhkan berdasarkan perhitungan WISN adalah 2 orang dengan rasio WISN sebesar 0,90. Disarankan kepada pihak rumah sakit untuk mempertimbangkan penambahan tenaga dan meningkatkan kemampuan tenaga farmasi di pelayanan apotek sentral dengan mengikuti pelatihan sehingga tercapainya kinerja tenaga farmasi yang optimal.
Kata Kunci : Apotek Sentral, WISN, Tenaga Farmas
Modeling of GPS total electron content over the African low-latitude region using empirical orthogonal functions
In this paper, an empirical total electron content (TEC) model and trends in
the TEC over the African low-latitude region are presented.
GPS-derived TEC data from Malindi, Kenya (geographic coordinates
40.194∘ E, 2.996∘ S), and global ionospheric maps (GIMs)
were used. We employed an empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis method
together with least-squares regression to model the TEC. The EOF-based TEC
model was validated through comparisons with GIMs, the GPS-derived TEC and
the TEC derived from the International Reference Ionosphere 2016 (IRI-2016)
model for selected quiet and storm conditions. The single-station EOF-based
TEC model over Malindi satisfactorily reproduced the known diurnal,
semiannual and annual variations in the TEC. Comparison of the EOF-based TEC
model results with the TEC derived from the IRI-2016 model showed that the
EOF-based model predicted the TEC over Malindi with fewer errors than the
IRI-2016. For the selected storms, the EOF-based TEC model simulated the
storm time TEC response over Malindi better than the IRI-2016. In the case of
the regional model, the EOF-based TEC model was able to reproduce the TEC
characteristics in the equatorial ionization anomaly region. The EOF-based
TEC model was then used as a background for estimating TEC trends. A
latitudinal dependence in the trends was observed over the African
low-latitude region.</p
Multiple Intellegences of Social Sciences and Linguistics Students Grade X Crossing Biology Interest
Multiple intelligences are the development of intelligence of the brain or intelligence quotient (IQ), emotional intelligence or emotional quotient (EQ), and spiritual intelligence or Spiritual Quotient (SQ). The intelligence consists of nine levels of intelligence is known as the Multiple Intelligences (MI) which includes: linguistic intelligence, mathematical-logical intelligence, visual spatial intelligence, physical-kinesthetic intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, naturalist intelligence, and existential lntelligence. This theory shows that there is no human activity that uses only one intelligence, but uses all intelligence that exists in humans. Intelligence is a single talent that students use in situations of solving any problem. Every student has a different intelligence. This is because there are several factors that influence it, namely the hereditary factor, interest factor, formation factor, maturity factor, and freedom factor.This research are descriptive study which aims to reveal the level of MI of social sciences and linguistcs student grade X crossing biology interest at SMAN 1V Koto KampungDalam. Results of the study, it was faund that the most dominant intelligence in social science students is naturalist intelligence. In the linguistics scienscestudents, the most dominant intelligence is existential intelligence
Itun berria.ren euskal itzulpenak eta Zaitegi Abaren "Bidalien egiñak"
El autor clasifica en tres grandes grupos las traducciones al vascuence del Nuevo Testamento, en función de los propósitos que guiaron a los traductores: el protestante Leizarraga y seguidores; las encargadas por el prÃncipe Bonaparte y, finalmente, el grupo más heterogéneo representado por Haraneder, que incluye a Olabide, entre otros. A esta clasificación tripartita y documentada, añade el que considera único comentario sobre el Nuevo Testamento hecho en vasco: "Los Hechos de los Apóstoles" del padre Zaitegi.Egileak hiru talde handitan sailkatzen ditu Itun Berriaren euskarazko itzulpenak, itzultzaileak gidatu zituzten helburuen arabera: Leizarraga protestantea eta haren jarraitzaileak; Bonaparte printzeak eginarazi zituenak eta, azkenik, talde heterogeneoena, Haraneder ordezkari duena eta, besteak beste, Olabide hartzen duena bere baitan. Dokumentaturiko sailkapen hirukoitz horri, Itun Berriari buruz euskaraz egin den iruzkin bakarra erasten dio: Zaitegi apaizaren "Bidalien eginak".L'auteur classe les traductions en basque du Nouveau Testament en trois grands groupes, en fonction des intentions qui guidèrent les traducteurs: le protestant Leizarraga et ses adeptes; celles commandées par le prince Bonaparte et, finalement, le groupe le plus hétérogène représenté par Haraneder, qui comprend Olabide, entre autres. Il ajoute à cette classification tripartiteet documentée ce qu'il considère comme seul commentaire sur le Nouveau Testament fait en basque: "Los Hechos de los Apóstoles" du père Zaitegui.The author classifies translations to Basque of the New Testament in large three groups, depending on the purposes that guided the translators: the Protestant Leizarraga and his followers; those commissioned by prince Bonaparte and, finally, the most heterogeneous group represented by Haraneder, that includes Olabide, among others. To this tripartite and documented classification, one can also add the one that considers the only commentary on the New Testament made in Basque: "The Deeds of the Apostles" by father Zaitegi
Desarrollo de una aplicación web libre para la clasificación y obtención del marcado CE para productos sanitarios en el marco legislativo europeo
[ES] Este Proyecto consiste en el estudio de la legislación que aplica a los productos sanitarios en el mercado europeo. La legislación estudiada a lo largo del proyecto comprende los aspectos legales del diseño, la producción y la comercialización que todo producto sanitario ha de cumplir. La Directiva Europea 93/42/CEE y sus normas armonizadas especifica que todo producto o accesorio con aplicaciones sanitarias necesita obtener un marcado CE, asegurando asà un correcto funcionamiento y unos mÃnimos en seguridad para usuarios y pacientes. A lo largo del proyecto, se estudiará el proceso a seguir para la obtención de dicho marcado con el objetivo de crear una guÃa para una obtención del mismo eficiente, agilizando los procesos y trámites burocráticos a realizar.
Uno de los pasos cruciales tanto en la Directiva Europea 93/42/CEE, como en sus normas armonizadas, es la clasificación del producto dependiendo de su riesgo. Dicha clasificación nos indicará la ruta a seguir por el productor para la obtención del marcado. En este proyecto, se recogen todos los pasos a seguir desde la clasificación hasta la aceptación del producto por parte del organismo notificado. Además de ello, se propone una aplicación web mediante la cual la clasificación del producto sanitario se agilice, permitiendo recortar tiempo y, por ende, gastos[EN] The project consists on the study of the legislation that applies to the medical devices in the European market. The legislation studied at this project comprehends the design, production and commercialisation aspects that every medical device has to comply with. The European Directive 93/42/eec, as well as the Spanish transcript the Royal Decree 1591 specifies that every product or product accessories with medical applications need an approved CE mark which ensures a correct functioning and safety to users. Within this project, the process to obtain the CE mark will be analysed with the main objective of reducing time to obtain it, which implies a cost reduction of the final product and a cost reduction for the manufacturer.
One of the crucial steps of the European Directive 93/42/eec, is the classification of the product depending on the risk factors. This classification decides the course that the manufacturer has t follow for the CE mark obtaining, being stricter as the risk increases. Therefore, a thorough analysis of the product at the classification step ensures a higher percentage of success at the notified body audit. This project offers a solution in which a correct classification of the product might be achieved in short time providing the manufacturers a tool to save time and money.Beitia Vivanco, A. (2018). Desarrollo de una aplicación web libre para la clasificación y obtención del marcado CE para productos sanitarios en el marco legislativo europeo. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/110183TFG
A family of asymmetric Ellis-type theorems
Bouziad in 1996 generalized theorems of Montgomery (1936) and Ellis (1957), to prove that every Cech complete space with a separately continuous group operation must be a topological group. We generalize these results in a new direction, by dropping the requirement that the spaces be T2 or even T1. Our theorems then become applicable to groups with asymmetric topologies, such as the group of real numbers with the upper topology, whose open sets are the open upper rays. We first show a generic Ellis-type theorem for groups with a Hausdor k-bitopological structure whose symmetrization belongs to a class of k-spaces for which a classical Ellis-type theorem is known. We then develop a number of specific cases, including the following: Let (G T) be a group with a topology making multiplication separately continuous, whose k dual T k makes (G T Tk) a Hausdor k-bispace such that T T k is Cech complete. Then multiplication is jointly continuous with respect to both T and T k, and inversion is a homeomorphism between (G T) and (G T k)