30 research outputs found


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    Discourse of leadership is always facual and actual to be discussed. It is increasingly discussed by Indonesian in which general elction is coming up this year. This article attempts to examine discourse of leadership on QS. Al-Baqarah 2 / 30-34 which is analyzed through semiotic perspective that is introduced by Charles Sander Pierce. The article finds that requirement of being khalifah which is discussed by Q. 2/31-34 is having knowledge. Besides, spiritual piety is needed to become khalifah but not as significant as having knowladge.  In the other hand, the Qur'an, by Q. 2/31-34, criticizes that to become a leader is not depending on lineage factors and spiritual piety (only)

    Before Orthodoxy; The Story of Abraham's Sacrifice (Dzabīh) in Early Muslim Commentaries

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    The story of Abraham's sacrifice holds significant place in Islam, and what Muslims believe about Ishmael as the intended sacrifice is not the only belief in the Muslim tradition. This paper examines the historical transformation of Abraham’s sacrifice narratives in Muslim commentaries (tafsīrs), with a focus on revealing how, when, why, and at whose hands this transformation occurred. Employing the theory of tafsir as a genealogical tradition of Walid A. Saleh and adopting a socio-historical approach, this paper investigates the evolution of the interpretation of the story of dzabīh from Isaac to Ismael and the factors contributing to this evolution. The analysis reveals that in the first four centuries of Islam, Muslim interpretations and attitudes regarding the story of dzabīh were the complete opposite of what is common today. Muslim commentators, such as al-Suddī, Ibn Juraij, Muqatil ibn Sulaiman, al-Thabarī, and al-Samarqandī, firmly believed that Isaac is dzabīh. However, Ibn Athiyyah and al-Baghawī, the commentators of the sixth century hijri, showed different responses towards this story, neutral and favoring Ismael as dzabīh. Additionally, in the eighth century Hijri, Ishmael as dzabīh gained orthodoxy and popularity, as demonstrated by Ibn Taimiyyah and Ibn Kathir. They condemned the pro-Isaac as heretical interpretation and rejected it. Even though they disagree with the pro-Isaac commentators, they still quoted the narrations and opinions of previous commentators by providing counter-arguments, and this is what is called tafsir as a genealogical tradition. Furthermore, power dynamics and the socio-political setting of the eighth century may have had an impact on this change in the story of dzabīh. This evolution highlights the dynamic nature of Islamic interpretation, where interpretation is not necessarily static but evolves over time, shaped by historical contingencies and socio-political dynamics. This historical re-evaluation illuminates the complexity of Islamic intellectual history and the fluidity of religious interpretation in the Muslim tradition

    Menyikapi Fenomena Labelling Olok-olok Politik di Media Sosial Perspektif Hadis Nabi

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    This article discusses the case of social labelling in social media in relation to recent political issues. This case is increasing among Indonesian people since 2014 general election up to date which gives bad effects to society. This article explains the case in more detail by using social sciences theories. Then it takes hadith as inspiration to solve the case by using paradigm method which is introduced by Kuntowijoyo. Users of netizen, practically, collaborates both of hadith and alquran to get comprehensive argument. In short, this article finds some ways to face the case of labelling in social media in relation to politic issues, people are communicating respectly with others; keeping good attitude in social media includes avoiding to give bad titles (labelling) to others; saying or doing nothing for unable to say or do good things; and supporting the candidates wisely to reject “fanaticsm”.  AbstrakArtikel ini mendiskusikan problem sosial tentang labelling olok-olok politik di media sosial yang massif terjadi dewasa ini di tengah-tengah hiruk pikuk menyambut pesta demokrasi akbar Indonesia 2019. Gegap gempita masyarakat Indonesia dalam menjamu momentum “gadang” tersebut sangat luar biasa. Antusiasme tersebut patut diacungkan jempol. Namun di sisi lain, antusiasme berlebihan tersebut justru menimbulkan kegaduhan di media sosial yang berdampak di kehidupan nyata. Sebut saja perilaku labelling olok-olok politik antara simpatisan pendukung dari partai dan calon pemimpin. Perilaku labelling ini pada gilirannya menimbulkan gesekan dan perpecahan di masyarakat. Artikel inimeninjau fenomena tersebut dari perspektif ilmu sosial (labelling theory, sensate culture theory dan tindakan sosial). Kemudian tulisan ini menggali inspirasi-inspirasi hadis nabi untuk menyikapi fenomena ini dengan pendekatan teori Paradigma Kuntowijoyo di mana hadis dijadikan sebagai paradigma. Dalam menyikapi labelling olok-olok politik di media social artikel ini menemukanetika baik dalam berkomunikasi seperti memberikan label atau julukan yang baik, berkata positif, diam, dan mendukung (mencintai calon pemimpin) sewajaranya agar tidak jatuh ke dalam sikap fanatisme buta

    Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktfif Materi Pertumbuhan Ilmu Pengetahuan Pada Masa Umayyah Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 50 Surabaya

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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pengembangan multimedia interaktif materi pertumbuhan ilmu pengetahuan pada masa umayyah kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 50 Surabaya. Model pengembangan yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan multimedia interaktif ini adalah model pengembangan ADDIE yang terdiri dari 5 langkah seperti Analisis, Desain, Pengembangan, Implementasi, dan Evaluasi. Dalam pengumpulan data sendiri menggunakan instrumen berupa angket tertutup dengan menggunakan skala Likert agar mempermudah validator dalam memberikan penilaian. Angket tersebut ditujukan kepada ahli media dan ahli materi untuk mendapatkan kelayakan materi dan media yang disajikan. Hasil dari validasi materi sendiri mendapatkan hasil 91% sementara untuk validasi media mendapatkan hasil 94,6% dimana hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa multimedia interaktif sangat layak digunakan untuk membantu proses pembelajaran di SMP Negeri 50 Surabaya khususnya pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam materi Pertumbuhan Ilmu Pengetahuan pada Masa Umayyah.Kata Kunci : Pengembangan, Multimedia Interaktif, UmayyahAbstractThis study aims to develop interactive multimedia material for the growth of science during the Umayyad VIII grade at SMP Negeri 50 Surabaya. The development model used to develop this interactive multimedia is the ADDIE development model which consists of 5 steps such as Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. In collecting the data itself, using an instrument in the form of a closed questionnaire using a Likert scale to make it easier for the validator to provide an assessment. The questionnaire was addressed to media experts and material experts to obtain the feasibility of the material and media presented. The results of the validation of the material itself get 91% results while for media validation it gets 94.6% results where these results indicate that interactive multimedia is very suitable to be used to help the learning process at SMP Negeri 50 Surabaya, especially in the subject of Islamic Religious Education. Umayyad period.Keywords : Development, Interactive Multimedia, Umayya

    Menyikapi Pluralisme Agama Perspektif Al-Qur’an

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    Nowadays, the discourses of religion pluralism is one of the frequently-discussed issue among muslim. This case appears along with the emergence of books, works, writings in the mass media, congress, seminars, discussions, and dialogue which are focusing on the religion pluralism. One of the factors causing the emergence of this discourse is a number of conflicts that happened among different religious adherents which was often began by an excessive truth claim. The discourse presented in this paper aims to create harmony life and peace among different religion adherents. Al-Qur’an both admits the existence of other religions and commands its followers to live in harmony as well as respect each other. Islam is “rahmah lil ’ālamīn”, but yet the reality that happens in muslim world is not in line with the ideality. So the question arises in our minds; where is Islam as rahmah lil ’ālamīn? the fact is there are still many muslim who can’t wisely face the plurality as it has been taught by the Qur’an. So how is the Qur’anic guidance to face the plurality? Based on this reason, this article would like to discuss on the Qur’anic guidance in facing the religion pluralism using descriptive-analysis method.[Dewasa ini, wacana tentang pluralisme agama merupakan isu yang sangat hangat diperbincangkan, terutama di kalangan muslim. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari lahirnya buku-buku, karya-karya, tulisan-tulisan di media masa, kongres, seminar- seminar, diskusi, dan dialog-dialog yang membahas tentang pluralime agama. Faktor yang melatarbelakangi munculnya wacana ini antara lain adalah konflik-konflik yang marak terjadi antar umat beragama yang sering kali bermula dari klaim kebenaran yang berlebihan. Wacana ini bertujuan untuk mewujudkan kerukunan dan perdamaian antar umat beragama. al-Qur’an sendiri mengakui keberadaan agama-agama lain dan menyeru umatnya agar hidup berdampingan dan saling menghormati antar sesama. Islam datang sebagai rahmah lil’almin, namun realitas yang terjadi tidak singkron dengan idealitas. Lalu timbul pertanyaan, di manakah letak Islam yang rahmah lil’alamin itu? Faktanya, disana sini banyak umat Islam yang tidak bisa menyikapi keanekaragaman dengan bijaksana, sebagaimana yang diajarkan dalam al-Qur’an. Lalu bagaimanakah tuntunan al-Qur’an untuk menyikapi perbedaan? Berdasarkan itu, tulisan ini akan mendiskusikan tentang tuntunan al-Qur’an dalam menyikapi pluralisme agama dengan metode deskriptif-analitis.


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    This studyaimed todetermine the influence of P fertilizer on the growth of mycorrizhal rubber seedlings (Havea brasilliensis. Muell, Arg) of PB 260 stum eye clones. The research was carried out in Pagaranri Pargarutan Village, East Angkola Sub District, South Tapanuli District, North Sumatera. It was conducted during January to April 2012 and arranged ina randomized block design with five rates of P fertilizeras treatments i.e 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 g plant-1. The results showed that the effect of P fertilizer was not significant on plant height, stem diameter, number of stems and leaf area but significant on dry weight of roots. Highest root weight was 472.69 mg found inno P fertilizer treatment with the my cor rizhal infection rate was 100%. This infection rate was the same with that in the 5 g P fertilizer rate treatment.

    Keragaan dan Produksi Umbi G2 Kentang Menggunakan Sumber Benih yang Berbeda

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    Produksi benih G2 kentang (Solanum tuberosum L.) menggunakan umbi dan setek dari dua varietas lokal dilakukan untuk mengetahui keragaan dan produksinya di Lapangan. Saat ini di Indonesia, setek kentang digunakan secara terbatas untuk produksi umbi G0 dan G1 pada kondisi terkontrol (rumah kaca atau rumah kasa). Rancangan Kelompok Lengkap Teracak (RKLT) faktorial digunakan pada penelitian ini dengan varietas (RGH01 dan Medians) dan sumber benih (umbi (G0) dan setek) sebagai faktor dan lima ulangan. Data dianalisis dengan sidik ragam yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Tanaman kentang yang ditanam dengan sumber benih setek menghasilkan jumlah daun dan cabang yang lebih banyak pada kedua varietas. Namun, tidak berbeda nyata pada peubah tinggi tanaman. Jumlah umbi per tanaman menunjukkan hasil tidak berbeda nyata pada seluruh kombinasi perlakuan dengan 5.2 hingga 5.9 umbi per tanaman. Produktivitas umbi yang lebih besar dihasilkan oleh tanaman kentang dengan sumber benih umbi pada kedua varietas. Persentase umbi kelas S (<40 g) yang lebih besar diperoleh dari tanaman kentang dengan sumber benih setek sebesar 82.0% (Medians) dan 94.1% (RGH01). Kata kunci: perbanyakan benih, perbanyakan kentang, setek, Solanum tuberosum L., umbiPotato (Solanum tuberosum L.) seed production by using tubers and cuttings from two local varieties have been conducted to determine their performance and production in the field. Currently in Indonesia, the use of potato cuttings is limited to the production of G0 and G1 tuber seeds in controlled conditions (greenhouse or screenhouse). This research used a factorial Randomized Complete Block Design with varieties (RGH01 and Medians) and seed sources (tubers (G0) and cuttings) as the factor and five replication. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance followed by Duncan's multiple range tests. The result showed that the plants derived from cuttings on both varieties produced more leaves and branches. Otherwise plant height were not significantly different. The production of tubers was not significantly different with 5.2 to 5.9 tubers per plant. Tuber yield of plants derived from tubers on both cultivars was higher than the plants derived from cuttings. However small size tuber (< 40 g) percentage of plants derived from cuttings was higher with 82.0% (Medians) and 94.1% (RGH01) per plant. Keywords: cuttings, potato propagation, seed propagation, Solanum tuberosum L., tube

    ANALISIS PERILAKU MAHASISWA DALAM PROSES KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PRODUK PANGAN HALAL: Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Universitas Lampung [The Student’s Behavior Analysis in The Buying Process for Halal Food Products: Case Study of The University Lampung]

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    This research was aimed to analyze student’s behavior and dominant factors in the buying decision for halal food product. The research was conducted by survey method using quisioner to 100 responden. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and factor analysis using a Kaiser Meyer Olkin (KMO) method and principal component analysis. The research showed stages in decisions process to purchase of halal food product were need assesment (hunger 30% and life style 30%), information retrieval (directly see 41% and meeting religion 19,9%), alternative evaluation (looking the expiration date 34% and not consume food comes from pork 29%), the purchase decision (always see halal label 85% and not so buy without halal label 51%) and post purchase of food product halal (uncertain eat at canteen college 54% and need to be given a halal certificate any campus canteen 93%). The result of factor analysis showed that there were four factors which affecting the decision. These factors were product’s attributes (product label, making process ingredient and production date); internal factor (income, motivation and lifestyle); religion/culture (halal label and certificate) and the external factor (seller, place and price)Keyword : behavior, halal food, purchasing and studen

    REINTERPRETASI SUNNAH (Studi Pemikiran Muhammad Syahrur terhadap Sunnah)

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    Discussion on Sunnah were never ended, like an never drying sea. It has been discussed since the Prophet era up to date, both by moslem scholars as well non-moslem (outsiders). One of the evidences is the emergence of Muslim scholars with their comprehensive and enlightening works such as Muhammad Shahrur. One controversial contemporary Muslim scholars, Shahrur encourage muslims in sueding and opposing concept against sunnah which has been agreed by the majority of ‘Ulama. In order to unfold his arguable idea, this article will discuss Shahrur’s thought on sunnah using descriptive-analytic method

    Perancangan Aplikasi Informasi Jarak Terdekat Praktek Dokter Spesialis di Samarinda

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sebuah aplikasi yang dapat menampung setiap profil dokter spesialis di kota samarinda dan lokasi terdekatnya dengan memanfaatkan Google Maps API, Tujuan penelitian tersebut dapat dicapai melalui pemanfaatan GPS pada smartphone dan teknologi mobile Android yang dimiliki hampir disetiap lapisan masyarakat.. Untuk membangun aplikasi informasi jarak terdekat praktek dokter spesialis ini digunakan IDE Android Studio. Dalam pembangunan aplikasi ini menggunakan metode rapid application development(RAD) dikarenakan metode tersebut tidak memerlukan waktu yang lama dan kodingan yang panjang saat pembuatan aplikasi tersebut. Hasil pengujian perangkat Android menunjukan aplikasi yang dibuat dapat berjalan lancar dan cocok pada versi 6.0 keatas dengan aspek rasio layar 16:9. Dari hasil sampling telah di Analisa bahwa keakurasian aplikasi dalam hal pengukuran jarak lokasi dari pengguna ke lokasi dokter tidak memiliki perbedaan yang besar antara lokasi dokter yang sebenarnya dan lokasi dokter yang telah di input secara manual melalui database