333,834 research outputs found

    Genomic landscape characterization of large granular lymphocyte leukemia with a systems genetics approach

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    open10siLeukemia accepted article preview online, 07 February 2017. doi:10.1038/leu.2017.49.openCoppe, A; Andersson, E I; Binatti, A; Gasparini, V R; Bortoluzzi, S; Clemente, M; Herling, M; Maciejewski, J; Mustjoki, S; Bortoluzzi, SCoppe, A; Andersson, E I; Binatti, A; Gasparini, V R; Bortoluzzi, S; Clemente, M; Herling, M; Maciejewski, J; Mustjoki, S; Bortoluzzi,

    Greenblue cloudburst management : a case study on cloudburst protection for already existing buildings in Stockholm

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    På senare år har skyfall skapat översvämningar globalt, och mer frekvent i Sverige än tidigare. Dessa översvämningar har orsakat stora skador på hus och infrastruktur. Det har blivit viktigare att skapa klimatresilienta städer och det händer mycket inom området. När nya byggnader uppförs är det numera vanligt att inkorporera lösningar som skyddar mot översvämningar redan i planeringsstadiet. På grund av förtätning av städer och överbelastade ledningssystem kan äldre byggnader vara mer utsatta gällande dagvattenproblematik än nybyggda hus. Detta arbete ämnade presentera förslag på metoder för att skydda befintliga byggnader i äldre urban miljö, på sätt som är kostnadseffektiva, socialt- och miljömässigt hållbara samt enkla att sköta. Som framgår i fallstudien har en plats givna förutsättningar stor betydelse för hur åtgärder kan utformas. Idag finns digitala verktyg som underlättar översikt av skyfallsrisker, men det är viktigt att utföra platsbesök för att minska risken för felkällor. Det har länge funnits en grundprincip att inte bebygga mark som kan bli översvämmad vid skyfall, men denna regel efterlevs inte alltid. Trots de utmaningar dagvattenhantering kan innebära finns det potentiellt stora nyttor och möjligheter. Tydligare lagstiftning och krav på dagvattenhantering skulle kunna ha en positiv inverkan. Det skulle också vara fördelaktigt om dagvatten övergripande hanterades som en gemensam utmaning och ansvar. Om varje stad var förberedd att hantera 20 mm regn, skulle ett skyfalls följder mildras avsevärt. Öppen dagvattenhantering är effektivt för att snabbt ta omhand stora regnmängder och ger ökade förutsättningar för biodiversitet och miljömässiga nyttor.n recent years cloudbursts have caused floods globally and more frequently in Sweden than before, causing a lot of damage to houses and infrastructure. The need for resilience in the cities has become more urgent, and there are a lot of things happening on the subject. When new buildings are constructed, ways of protecting the buildings against floods are more common than before. Older buildings are in some cases worse off considering water management due to the densification of cities and old sewage systems, however they are seldomly the focus of flooding investments. In this thesis we aimed to propose methods to protect older buildings in urban environments regarding economics, environmental sustainability and maintenance. As shown in the case study, given conditions dictates how changes can be implemented. Today there are digital tools that facilitates pluvial flood risk assessments, however it is still important to visit the site to eliminate potential errors. It has long been a fundamental rule not to build in areas prone to flooding, although this rule is sometimes overlooked. Despite the challenges presented by urban water management there are also possibilities and benefits. Stricter laws and demands concerning water management could have positive effects. Another positive effect would come from handling the challenges and responsibilities regarding water management collectively. If each city was individually prepared to handle 20 mm of rain the consequences of a cloudburst would be significantly mitigated. Open water management is efficient in rapidly handling large amounts of rain and also presents opportunities for biodiversity and other environmental benefits

    Comparative study of two tools intended for ecosystem service analyses

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    Det nuvarande stadsplaneringsidealet leder till att många städer blir allt tätare och att urbana grönytor går förlorade i en accelererande takt. Förtätningen bidrar därmed till att livsviktiga ekosystemtjänster utarmas eller elimineras totalt, vilket i sin tur resulterar i ett flertal negativa konsekvenser på samhällelig nivå. Att ekosystemtjänster utarmas extensivt påverkar exempelvis den allmänna folkhälsan, den biologiska mångfalden och städers förmåga att hantera skadliga naturfenomen. Med anledning av detta är det viktigare än någonsin tidigare att medvetenheten kring ekosystemtjänster ökar, och att deras bevarande prioriteras. För att bevarandet överhuvudtaget ska vara möjligt krävs det att ekosystemtjänster kan synliggöras och identifieras på ett korrekt vis. På grund av detta är syftet med uppsatsen att undersöka och jämföra två olika analysmetoder som används för att identifiera ekosystemtjänster. Anledningen till att denna undersökning genomförs är för att ta reda på om valet av analysmetod har någon signifikant påverkan på resultatet, det vill säga om samma plats kan få varierande värden beroende på vilken analysmetod som nyttjas. Analysmetoderna som valdes för jämförelsen är Boverkets ESTER 2.0, samt Ekologigruppens EKOguide. För att kunna jämföra dessa analysverktyg applicerades de på Siegbahnsparken i centrala Uppsala, där ekosystemtjänster haft en nyckelroll i utformningen. Det kunde konstateras att båda analysverktygen har fördelar och nackdelar, samt styrkor och svagheter. Det fastställdes även att samma plats kan få varierande värden beroende på vilken analysmetod som används. Utifrån detta kunde ett flertal slutsatser dras, bland annat att det är problematiskt att analysverktygen inte producerade likvärdiga resultat eftersom detta är en förutsättning för att ekosystemtjänster ska kunna bevaras. De skilda resultaten kan även få konsekvenser för städers förmåga att uppnå FN:s globala mål på lång sikt.The current urban planning ideal causes cities to become increasingly dense and urban green spaces to be lost at an accelerating rate. Therefore, the densification contributes to the degradation or total elimination of vital ecosystem services, which in turn results in a number of negative consequences on a societal level. The extensive reduction of ecosystem services affects, for example, general public health, biological diversity, and cities ability to manage harmful natural phenomena. Due to this, it is more important than ever before that the awareness of ecosystem services increases, and that their conservation is prioritized. In order for the conservation to be possible, it is required that ecosystem services can be made visible and identified correctly. Because of this, the purpose of this paper is to examine and compare two different analysis methods used to identify ecosystem services. The reason why this subject is being examined is to determine whether the choice of analysis method has any significant influence on the result, as in, if the same location can get varying values depending on which analysis method is used. The analysis methods chosen for this comparison are Boverket’s ESTER 2.0 and Ekologigruppen’s EKOguide. In order for the comparison to be possible, the analysis methods were applied to the Siegbahns-park in central Uppsala, where ecosystem services played a key role in the design. It could be established that both analysis methods have advantages and disadvantages, as well as strengths and weaknesses. It was also determined that the same location can get varying values depending on which analysis method is used. Based on this, a number of conclusions could be drawn, including that it is problematic that the analysis methods did not produce equivalent results, since this essential for ecosystem services to be preserved. The different results can also have consequences for cities’ ability to achieve the UN:s global goals in the long term

    Chernoff's Theorem and Discrete Time Approximations of Brownian Motion on Manifolds

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    Let (S(t)) be a one-parameter family S = (S(t)) of positive integral operators on a locally compact space L. For a possibly non-uniform partition of [0,1] define a measure on the path space C([0,1],L) by using a) S(dt) for the transition between cosecutive partition times of distance dt, and b) a suitable continuous interpolation scheme (e.g. Brownian bridges or geodesics). If necessary normalize to get a probability measure. We prove a version of Chernoff's theorem of semigroup theory and tighness results which together yield convergence in law of such measures as the partition gets finer. In particular let L be a closed smooth submanifold of a Riemannian manifold M. We prove convergence of Brownian motion on M, conditioned to visit L at all partition times, to a process on L whose law has a Radon-Nikodym density with repect to Brownian motion on L which contains scalar, mean and sectional curvature terms. Various approximation schemes for Brownian motion are also given. These results substantially extend earlier work by the authors and by Andersson and Driver.Comment: 35 pages, revised version for publication, more detailed expositio

    Accounting for decarbonisation and reducing capital at risk in the S&P500

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Colin Haslam, Nick Tsitsianis, Glen Lehman, Tord Andersson, and John Malamatenios, ‘Accounting for decarbonisation and reducing capital at risk in the S&P500’, Accounting Forum, Vol. 42 91): 119-129, March 2018. Under embargo until 7 August 2019. The final, definitive version is available online at doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.accfor.2018.01.004.This article accounts for carbon emissions in the S&P 500 and explores the extent to which capital is at risk from decarbonising value chains. At a global level it is proving difficult to decouple carbon emissions from GDP growth. Top-down legal and regulatory arrangements envisaged by the Kyoto Protocol are practically redundant given inconsistent political commitment to mitigating global climate change and promoting sustainability. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and European Commission (EC) are promoting the role of financial markets and financial institutions as drivers of behavioural change mobilising capital allocations to decarbonise corporate activity.Peer reviewe

    Spin Torques in Point Contacts to Exchange-Biased Ferromagnetic Films

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    Hysteretic magneto-resistance of point contacts formed between non-magnetic tips and single ferromagnetic films exchange-pinned by antiferromagnetic films is investigated. The analysis of the measured current driven and field driven hysteresis agrees with the recently proposed model of the surface spin-valve, where the spin orientation at the interface can be different from that in the bulk of the film. The switching in magneto-resistance at low fields is observed to depend significantly on the direction of the exchange pinning, which allows identifying this transition as a reversal of interior spins of the pinned ferromagnetic films. The switching at higher fields is thus due to a spin reversal in the point contact core, at the top surface of the ferromagnet, and does not exhibit any clear field offset when the exchange-pinning direction or the magnetic field direction is varied. This magnitude of the switching field of the surface spins varies substantially from contact to contact and sometimes from sweep to sweep, which suggests that the surface coercivity can change under very high current densities and/or due to the particular microstructure of the point contact. In contrast, no changes in the effect of the exchange biasing on the interior spins are observed at high currents, possibly due to the rapid drop in the current density away from nanometer sized point contact cores.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figs, presented on 11th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference, Jan. 18-22, 2010, Washington, US

    Exchange coupling and magnetoresistance in CoFe/NiCu/CoFe spin-valves near the Curie point of the spacer

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    Thermal control of exchange coupling between two strongly ferromagnetic layers through a weakly ferromagnetic Ni-Cu spacer and the associated magnetoresistance is investigated. The spacer, having a Curie point slightly above room temperature, can be cycled between its paramagnetic and ferromagnetic states by varying the temperature externally or using joule heating. It is shown that the giant magnetoresistance vanishes due to a strong reduction of the mean free path in the spacer at above ~30 % Ni concentration -- before the onset of ferromagnetism. Finally, a device is proposed and demonstrated which combines thermally controlled exchange coupling and large magnetoresistance by separating the switching and the read out elements.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Study of the plutino object (208996) 2003 AZ84 from stellar occultations: size, shape and topographic features

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    We present results derived from four stellar occultations by the plutino object (208996) 2003~AZ84_{84}, detected at January 8, 2011 (single-chord event), February 3, 2012 (multi-chord), December 2, 2013 (single-chord) and November 15, 2014 (multi-chord). Our observations rule out an oblate spheroid solution for 2003~AZ84_{84}'s shape. Instead, assuming hydrostatic equilibrium, we find that a Jacobi triaxial solution with semi axes (470±20)×(383±10)×(245±8)(470 \pm 20) \times (383 \pm 10) \times (245 \pm 8)~km % axis ratios b/a=0.82±0.05b/a= 0.82 \pm 0.05 and c/a=0.52±0.02c/a= 0.52 \pm 0.02, can better account for all our occultation observations. Combining these dimensions with the rotation period of the body (6.75~h) and the amplitude of its rotation light curve, we derive a density ρ=0.87±0.01\rho=0.87 \pm 0.01~g~cm3^{-3} a geometric albedo pV=0.097±0.009p_V= 0.097 \pm 0.009. A grazing chord observed during the 2014 occultation reveals a topographic feature along 2003~AZ84_{84}'s limb, that can be interpreted as an abrupt chasm of width 23\sim 23~km and depth >8> 8~km or a smooth depression of width 80\sim 80~km and depth 13\sim 13~km (or an intermediate feature between those two extremes)