2,886 research outputs found

    Star Maps and Travelling to Ceremonies -- the Euahlayi People and Their Use of the Night Sky

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    The Euahlayi people are an Australian Aboriginal language group located in north-central New South Wales and south-central Queensland. They have a rich culture of astronomy, and use of the night sky in resource management. Like several other Aboriginal peoples, they did not travel extensively at night, and so were assumed not to use the night sky for navigation. This study has confirmed that they, like most other Aboriginal groups, travelled extensively outside their own country for purposes of trade and ceremonies. We also found that, previously unknown, they used star maps in the night sky for learning and remembering waypoints along their routes of travel, but not for actual navigation. Further research may find that this was common to many Aboriginal groups in Australia.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Superconductivity in CoO2_2 Layers and the Resonating Valence Bond Mean Field Theory of the Triangular Lattice t-J model

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    Motivated by the recent discovery of superconductivity in two dimensional CoO2_2 layers, we present some possibly useful results of the RVB mean field theory applied to the triangular lattice. Away from half filling, the order parameter is found to be complex, and yields a fully gapped quasiparticle spectrum. The sign of the hopping plays a crucial role in the analysis, and we find that superconductivity is as fragile for one sign as it is robust for the other. Nax_xCoO2y_2\cdot yH2_2O is argued to belong to the robust case, by comparing the LDA Fermi surface with an effective tight binding model. The high frequency Hall constant in this system is potentially interesting, since it is pointed out to increase linearly with temperature without saturation for T >> Tdegeneracy_{degeneracy}.Comment: Published in Physical Review B, total 1 tex + 9 eps files. Erratum added as separate tex file on November 7, 2003, a numerical factor corrected in the erratum on Dec 3, 200

    Robotic ubiquitous cognitive ecology for smart homes

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    Robotic ecologies are networks of heterogeneous robotic devices pervasively embedded in everyday environments, where they cooperate to perform complex tasks. While their potential makes them increasingly popular, one fundamental problem is how to make them both autonomous and adaptive, so as to reduce the amount of preparation, pre-programming and human supervision that they require in real world applications. The project RUBICON develops learning solutions which yield cheaper, adaptive and efficient coordination of robotic ecologies. The approach we pursue builds upon a unique combination of methods from cognitive robotics, machine learning, planning and agent- based control, and wireless sensor networks. This paper illustrates the innovations advanced by RUBICON in each of these fronts before describing how the resulting techniques have been integrated and applied to a smart home scenario. The resulting system is able to provide useful services and pro-actively assist the users in their activities. RUBICON learns through an incremental and progressive approach driven by the feed- back received from its own activities and from the user, while also self-organizing the manner in which it uses available sensors, actuators and other functional components in the process. This paper summarises some of the lessons learned by adopting such an approach and outlines promising directions for future work

    Classification of a supersolid: Trial wavefunctions, Symmetry breakings and Excitation spectra

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    A state of matter is characterized by its symmetry breaking and elementary excitations. A supersolid is a state which breaks both translational symmetry and internal U(1) U(1) symmetry. Here, we review some past and recent works in phenomenological Ginsburg-Landau theories, ground state trial wavefunctions and microscopic numerical calculations. We also write down a new effective supersolid Hamiltonian on a lattice. The eigenstates of the Hamiltonian contains both the ground state wavefunction and all the excited states (supersolidon) wavefunctions. We contrast various kinds of supersolids in both continuous systems and on lattices, both condensed matter and cold atom systems. We provide additional new insights in studying their order parameters, symmetry breaking patterns, the excitation spectra and detection methods.Comment: REVTEX4, 19 pages, 3 figure

    Defects and glassy dynamics in solid He-4: Perspectives and current status

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    We review the anomalous behavior of solid He-4 at low temperatures with particular attention to the role of structural defects present in solid. The discussion centers around the possible role of two level systems and structural glassy components for inducing the observed anomalies. We propose that the origin of glassy behavior is due to the dynamics of defects like dislocations formed in He-4. Within the developed framework of glassy components in a solid, we give a summary of the results and predictions for the effects that cover the mechanical, thermodynamic, viscoelastic, and electro-elastic contributions of the glassy response of solid He-4. Our proposed glass model for solid He-4 has several implications: (1) The anomalous properties of He-4 can be accounted for by allowing defects to freeze out at lowest temperatures. The dynamics of solid He-4 is governed by glasslike (glassy) relaxation processes and the distribution of relaxation times varies significantly between different torsional oscillator, shear modulus, and dielectric function experiments. (2) Any defect freeze-out will be accompanied by thermodynamic signatures consistent with entropy contributions from defects. It follows that such entropy contribution is much smaller than the required superfluid fraction, yet it is sufficient to account for excess entropy at lowest temperatures. (3) We predict a Cole-Cole type relation between the real and imaginary part of the response functions for rotational and planar shear that is occurring due to the dynamics of defects. Similar results apply for other response functions. (4) Using the framework of glassy dynamics, we predict low-frequency yet to be measured electro-elastic features in defect rich He-4 crystals. These predictions allow one to directly test the ideas and very presence of glassy contributions in He-4.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figure

    Prospects for Supersymmetry at LEP2

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    Working within the framework of the minimal supergravity model with gauge coupling unification and radiative electroweak symmetry breaking (SUGRA), we map out regions of parameter space explorable by experiments at LEP2, for center of mass energy options of s=150, 175\sqrt{s}=150,\ 175, 190190 and 205 GeV. We compute signals from all accessible 222 \rightarrow 2 SUSY pair production processes using the ISAJET simulation program, and devise cuts that enhance the signal relative to Standard Model backgrounds, and which also serve to differentiate various supersymmetric processes from one another. We delineate regions of SUGRA parameter space where production of neutralino pairs, chargino pairs, slepton pairs and the production of the light Higgs scalar of SUSY is detectable above Standard Model backgrounds and distinguishable from other SUSY processes. In addition, we find small regions of SUGRA parameter space where \te\te, \tz_2\tz_2 and \tnu_L\tnu_L production yields spectacular events with up to four isolated leptons. The combined regions of parameter space explorable by LEP2 are compared with the reach of Tevatron Main Injector era experiments. Finally, we comment on how the reach via the neutralino pair channel is altered when the radiative electroweak symmetry breaking constraint is relaxed.Comment: 22 page REVTEX file + 9 uuencoded figures; a uuencoded PS file with PS figures is available via anonymous ftp at ftp://hep.fsu.edu/preprints/baer/FSUHEP950501.u

    A glassy contribution to the heat capacity of hcp 4^4He solids

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    We model the low-temperature specific heat of solid 4^4He in the hexagonal closed packed structure by invoking two-level tunneling states in addition to the usual phonon contribution of a Debye crystal for temperatures far below the Debye temperature, T<ΘD/50T < \Theta_D/50. By introducing a cutoff energy in the two-level tunneling density of states, we can describe the excess specific heat observed in solid hcp 4^4He, as well as the low-temperature linear term in the specific heat. Agreement is found with recent measurements of the temperature behavior of both specific heat and pressure. These results suggest the presence of a very small fraction, at the parts-per-million (ppm) level, of two-level tunneling systems in solid 4^4He, irrespective of the existence of supersolidity.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Hydrodynamic Hunters

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    The Gram-negative Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus (BV) is a model bacterial predator that hunts other bacteria and may serve as a living antibiotic. Despite over 50 years since its discovery, it is suggested that BV probably collides into its prey at random. It remains unclear to what degree, if any, BV uses chemical cues to target its prey. The targeted search problem by the predator for its prey in three dimensions is a difficult problem: it requires the predator to sensitively detect prey and forecast its mobile prey’s future position on the basis of previously detected signal. Here instead we find that rather than chemically detecting prey, hydrodynamics forces BV into regions high in prey density, thereby improving its odds of a chance collision with prey and ultimately reducing BV’s search space for prey. We do so by showing that BV’s dynamics are strongly influenced by self-generated hydrodynamic flow fields forcing BV onto surfaces and, for large enough defects on surfaces, forcing BV in orbital motion around these defects. Key experimental controls and calculations recapitulate the hydrodynamic origin of these behaviors. While BV’s prey (Escherichia coli) are too small to trap BV in hydrodynamic orbit, the prey are also susceptible to their own hydrodynamic fields, substantially confining them to surfaces and defects where mobile predator and prey density is now dramatically enhanced. Colocalization, driven by hydrodynamics, ultimately reduces BV’s search space for prey from three to two dimensions (on surfaces) even down to a single dimension (around defects). We conclude that BV’s search for individual prey remains random, as suggested in the literature, but confined, however—by generic hydrodynamic forces—to reduced dimensionality

    Protecting climate with forests

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    Policies for climate mitigation on land rarely acknowledge biophysical factors, such as reflectivity, evaporation, and surface roughness. Yet such factors can alter temperatures much more than carbon sequestration does, and often in a conflicting way. We outline a framework for examining biophysical factors in mitigation policies and provide some best-practice recommendations based on that framework. Tropical projects-avoided deforestation, forest restoration, and afforestation-provide the greatest climate value, because carbon storage and biophysics align to cool the Earth. In contrast, the climate benefits of carbon storage are often counteracted in boreal and other snow-covered regions, where darker trees trap more heat than snow does. Managers can increase the climate benefit of some forest projects by using more reflective and deciduous species and through urban forestry projects that reduce energy use. Ignoring biophysical interactions could result in millions of dollars being invested in some mitigation projects that provide little climate benefit or, worse, are counter-productive