757 research outputs found

    Impact of ROS Presence on Oncogenic Ras Activity

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    Previous research has suggested a connection between oncogenic Ras and the cell’s levels of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). The underlying cellular mechanism is not well understood. To investigate this connection, we applied the UAS-GAL4 system in Drosophila melanogaster flies to control the expression of Ras and Keap1, a key redox regulator.2 We expected the activity of Ras to vary with its redox environment and thus impact protein activity downstream of Ras signaling cascades. In monitoring three proteins downstream of Ras—Dcp-1, Akt, and MAPK—we aimed to determine which pathways were impacted by ROS modulation

    The Efficiency of Coercion

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    Oppgaven tester hvorvidt det eksisterer effektive og ineffektive intervaller av tvangsbruk innad autoritÌre regimer. Ved bruk av offentlig tilgjengelig data som blir brukt som mül pü tvangsbruk, tester vi for om fordelingen av tvangsbruk er multimodal (flertoppet), og forsøker ü identifisere effektive og ineffektive intervaller dera

    How purchasing departments facilitate organizational ambidexterity

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    Companies must pursue both exploration and exploitation of supplier’s knowledge in increasingly competitive and complex production environments. This has been referred to as pursuing an ambidextrous supply strategy, extending the mobilisation of resources in pursuit of both aims beyond the borders of the lead manufacturer and into supplier organizations as well. Purchasing and supply management plays an increasingly central role in mobilizing and involving the suppliers in the pursuit of this agenda. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the literature on organizational ambidexterity and operations management by exploring how purchasing departments contribute to the organizational pursuit of organizational ambidexterity. We explore practices followed by purchasing departments for mediating tensions between supply networks and organizational functions

    Concepts for a multi-criteria sustainability assessment of a new more biobased economy in rural production landscapes

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    This study presents a new approach to model the biophysical potentials for increased biomass harvest in Denmark, and a multi-criteria sustainability assessment of the socio-economic and environmental effects of different scenarios for such increased production and new biobased economy in rural landscapes. Thereby the results serve as input to the ongoing productivism – post-productivism debate related to rural spaces in Europe. Empirical results from a case study of large scale conversion to biorefenery technologies, aiming to increase the total Danish harvest of biomass by 10 million tonnes via the conversion to new types of crop production and land management, is used as an example, and will be related to the common conceptual model presented by the workshop convenors, and a so called “Traffic-light” multi-criteria sustainability assessment scheme introduced and exemplified in the present paper. The aim is to contextualize how the problems in relation to the concrete scenario results can be considered with the landscape as the meeting basis, and used as input for a discussion of innovative models for future farming systems, landscape research and management

    Business Relationship Resroration After Severe Norm Violation Episodes.

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    Relational norms provide behavioural guidelines for individual actors interacting in business relationships. Frequently, norms are violated and the involved actors initiate a normalization process to restore exchange order. However, in rare instances violations occur with a severity where the exchange cannot be normalized by the means available in the interpersonal relationship. Furthermore, dissolution is not an option due to high perceived dependence. In this paper, we report on an investigation of three such severe norm violation episodes. We identify the violated norm sets and violating behaviours of core actors along with emotional reactions and effects on the business exchange. In addition, we map the processes of violation and normalization. We find evidence of serial norm violations, causing the interpersonal relationship to enter a state of suspension. Furthermore, cross case analysis shows that exchange was normalised through an organizational level process of alternative actor channel activation and executive intervention
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