391 research outputs found

    A diversified organic pork production – presentation of a concept based on seasonal outdoor rearing of very small entire males

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    The risk of boar taint in entire males is supposed to increase with increased age and weight. Thus, a method to reduce this risk may be to slaughter the pigs at a low age and weight. This strategy is investigated as part of a new concept for organic pig production. It is hypothesised that organic pork has to differ markedly from conventional in order to overcome the heavy price competition. A seasonal outdoor rearing system based on production of small entire males, large female pigs and sows slaughtered after their first litter is believed to be a feasible strategy for producing organic pork with high credibility and superior eating quality. The study included a traditional breed, the Danish Black-Spotted. 17 gilts farrowed in April. Within the first week after birth all male pigs, except 2 male pigs per litter, were castrated. The piglets were weaned at 10 weeks of age in June/July but stayed in the paddocks with access to the farrowing hut. The entire male pigs were slaughtered in July at approximately 40 kg live weight. The female pigs were slaughtered in the beginning of November. hvad med Preliminary results showed e.g. a higher daily gain for entire males compared to castrated (390 vs. 332 g per day) and indicated higher content of skatole in the traditional breed compared to a more modern breed

    Integrated production of tree biomass and piglets - Effect of paddock design on sow excretory behaviour

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    In systems with an integrated production of trees and piglets it is important that the lactating sows are motivated to urinate and defecate adjacent to the trees to reduce nutrient losses. Adding poplar trees in one end of individual pasture-based paddocks did not motivate the sows to choose the area with trees for elimination independent of paddock design. The location of feed and hut influenced the sows’ excretory behaviour and the effect differed between the different combination of feed and hut location. Future work should focus further on overall paddock design to optimize nutrient uptake and to ensure an outdoor system that from both a welfare- and environmentally point of view is sustainable

    Mott scattering of polarized electrons in a strong laser field

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    We present analytical and numerical results of the relativistic calculation of the transition matrix element SfiS_{fi} and differential cross section for Mott scattering of initially polarized Dirac particles (electrons) in the presence of strong laser field with linear polarization. We use exact Dirac-Volkov wave functions to describe the dressed electrons and the collision process is treated in the first Born approximation. The influence of the laser field on the degree of polarization of the scattered electron is reported.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, Revte

    Seasonal organic pig production with a local breed

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    It is important that organic pork differs markedly from conventional pork regarding taste, appearance and production methods in order to overcome the heavy price competition. That is the hypothesis behind the current project

    Træer i svinefolde

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    Producer svinekød og træbiomasse på samme areal

    The convivial and the pastoral in patient-doctor relationships : a multi-country study of patient stories of care, choice and medical authority in cancer diagnostic processes

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    Experiences of cancer diagnosis are changing in light of both the increasingly technological‐clinical diagnostic processes and the socio‐political context in which interpersonal relations take place. This has raised questions about how we might understand patient–doctor relationship marked by asymmetries of knowledge and social capital, but that emphasise patients’ empowered choices and individualised care. As part of an interview study of 155 participants with bowel or lung cancer across Denmark, England and Sweden, we explored participants’ stories of the decisions made during their cancer diagnostic process. By focusing on the intersections of care, choice and medical authority – a convivial pastoral dynamic – we provide a conceptual analysis of the normative ambivalences in people's stories of their cancer diagnosis. We found that participants drew from care, choice and medical authority to emphasise their relationality and interdependence with their doctors in their stories of their diagnosis. Importantly negotiations of an asymmetrical patient–doctor relationship were part of an on‐going realisation of the healthcare processes as a human endeavour. We were therefore able to draw attention to the limitations of dichotomising emancipatory‐empowerment discourses and argue for a theorisation of the patient–doctor relationship as a contextually bounded and relationally ambivalent humanity

    Squeezing based on nondegenerate frequency doubling internal to a realistic laser

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    We investigate theoretically the quantum fluctuations of the fundamental field in the output of a nondegenerate second harmonic generation process occuring inside a laser cavity. Due to the nondegenerate character of the nonlinear medium, a field orthogonal to the laser field is for some operating conditions indepedent of the fluctuations produced by the laser medium. We show that this fact may lead to perfect squeezing for a certain polarization mode of the fundamental field. The experimental feasibility of the system is also discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Forskellige systemers forventede produktionsmæssige, økonomiske og miljømæssige resultater

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    Selv om der de sidste fire år har været en kraftig stigning i den økologiske svineproduktion i Danmark, udgør den økologiske slagtesvineproduktion mindre end 0,5% af den totale slagtesvineproduktion, og erfaringsgrundlaget for gennemførelsen af den økologiske svineproduktion er derfor spinkelt. I mange tilfælde er svineproduktionen indrettet således, at søerne holdes på friland, mens slagtesvinene året rundt opstaldes i stalde med tilhørende udearealer, og det er for sådanne systemer, at videngrundlaget er bedst

    Mere kvalitet og diversitet i økologisk svineproduktion

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    Forbruget af økologisk svinekød i Danmark er steget markant de senere år, men på trods af dette er markedsandelen stadigvæk meget ringe. Kun 1% af det svinekød, der købes i Danmark, er økologisk produceret. Dette er væsentligt lavere end f.eks. økologisk mælk og økologiske æg, som har markedsandele på hhv. 35% og 27% (Gfk, 2009). En af forklaringerne kan være en betydelig merpris for økologisk svinekød sammenholdt med, at økologisk svinekød ikke i sig selv adskiller sig fra konventionelt svinekød. Forbrugeren, der står ved køledisken og skal vælge, kan ikke se forskel, og senere kan hun heller ikke smage den store forskel på det konventionelle og økologiske. Det er vigtigt, at økologisk svinekød adskiller sig markant fra konventionelt både med hensyn til smag, udseende og den måde dyrene opdrættes på, hvis forbrugeren skal være villig til at betale merprisen. Dét var idéen bag et forskningsprojekt, hvis formål var at bidrage til udvikling af en mere forskelligartet økologisk svineproduktion med høje standarder for spisekvalitet og etisk kvalitet