23 research outputs found

    Growth index of matter perturbations in the light of Dark Energy Survey

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    We study how the cosmological constraints from growth data are improved by including the measurements of bias from Dark Energy Survey (DES). In particular, we utilize the biasing properties of the DES Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs) and the growth data provided by the various galaxy surveys in order to constrain the growth index (γ\gamma) of the linear matter perturbations. Considering a constant growth index we can put tight constraints, up to 10%\sim 10\% accuracy, on γ\gamma. Specifically, using the priors of the Dark Energy Survey and implementing a joint likelihood procedure between theoretical expectations and data we find that the best fit value is in between γ=0.64±0.075\gamma=0.64\pm 0.075 and 0.65±0.0630.65\pm 0.063. On the other hand utilizing the Planck priors we obtain γ=0.680±0.089\gamma=0.680\pm 0.089 and 0.690±0.0710.690\pm 0.071. This shows a small but non-zero deviation from General Relativity (γGR6/11\gamma_{\rm GR}\approx 6/11), nevertheless the confidence level is in the range 1.32σ\sim 1.3-2\sigma. Moreover, we find that the estimated mass of the dark-matter halo in which LRGs survive lies in the interval 6.2×1012h1M\sim 6.2 \times 10^{12} h^{-1} M_{\odot} and 1.2×1013h1M1.2 \times 10^{13} h^{-1} M_{\odot}, for the different bias models. Finally, allowing γ\gamma to evolve with redshift [Taylor expansion: γ(z)=γ0+γ1z/(1+z)\gamma(z)=\gamma_{0}+\gamma_{1}z/(1+z)] we find that the (γ0,γ1)(\gamma_{0},\gamma_{1}) parameter solution space accommodates the GR prediction at 1.72.9σ\sim 1.7-2.9\sigma levels.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, discussion added, to appear in European Physical Journal C (EPJC

    First evidence that non-metricity f (Q) gravity could challenge Lambda CDM

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    We propose a novel model in the framework of f(Q) gravity, which is a gravitational modification class arising from the incorporation of non-metricity. The model has General Relativity as a particular limit, it has the same number of free parameters to those of Lambda CDM, however at a cosmological framework it gives rise to a scenario that does not have Lambda CDM as a limit. Nevertheless, confrontation with observations at both background and perturbation levels, namely with Supernovae type Ia (SNIa), Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations (BAO), cosmic chronometers (CC), and Redshift Space Distortion (RSD) data, reveals that the scenario, according to AIC, BIC and DIC information criteria, is in some datasets slightly preferred comparing to Lambda CDM cosmology, although in all cases the two models are statistically indiscriminate. Finally, the model does not exhibit early dark energy features, and thus it immediately passes BBN constraints, while the variation of the effective Newton's constant lies well inside the observational bounds. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Observational constraints on Myrzakulov gravity

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    We use data from Supernovae Pantheon sample, from baryonic acoustic oscillations, and from cosmic chronometers measurements of the Hubble parameter, alongside arguments from big bang nucleosynthesis, in order to extract constraints on Myrzakulov F(R,N) gravity. This is a connection-based theory belonging to the Riemann-Cartan subclass, that uses a specific but nonspecial connection, which then leads to extra degrees of freedom. Our analysis shows that both considered models lead to approximately 1 sigma compatibility in all cases. For the involved dimensionless parameter, we find that it is constrained to an interval around zero; however, the corresponding contours are slightly shifted toward positive values. Furthermore, we use the obtained parameter chains to reconstruct the corresponding Hubble function, as well as the dark energy equation-of-state parameter, as a function of redshift. As we show, model 1 is very close to Lambda-Cold Dark Matter (Lambda CDM) scenario, while model 2 resembles it at low redshifts; however, at earlier times, deviations are allowed. Finally, applying the Akaike Information Criterion, Bayesian Information Criterion, and combined Deviance Information Criterion criteria, we deduce that both models present a very efficient fitting behavior and are statistically equivalent with Lambda CDM cosmology, despite the fact that model 2 does not contain the latter as a limit

    Observational constraints on Barrow holographic dark energy

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    We use observational data from Supernovae (SNIa) Pantheon sample, as well as from direct measurements of the Hubble parameter from the cosmic chronometers (CC) sample, in order to extract constraints on the scenario of Barrow holographic dark energy. The latter is a holographic dark energy model based on the recently proposed Barrow entropy, which arises from the modification of the black-hole surface due to quantum-gravitational effects. We first consider the case where the new deformation exponent Δ\Delta is the sole model parameter, and we show that although the standard value Δ=0\Delta =0, which corresponds to zero deformation, lies within the 1σ1\sigma region, a deviation is favored. In the case where we let both Δ\Delta and the second model parameter to be free we find that a deviation from standard holographic dark energy is preferred. Additionally, applying the Akaike, Bayesian and Deviance Information Criteria, we conclude that the one-parameter model is statistically compatible with ΛCDM\Lambda \hbox {CDM} paradigm, and preferred comparing to the two-parameter one. Finally, concerning the present value of the Hubble parameter we find that it is close to the Planck value