3,032 research outputs found

    Con olor a cepa

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    Fil: González López, Ana María

    Nuevas tendencias de consumo digital del mercado de motocicletas en Medellín para el año 2014

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    En la actualidad cuando los consumidores se interesan en un producto, deciden buscarlo en internet. El uso de internet masificado hace que los consumidores hoy quieran estar enterados de todo lo que puedan acerca de los productos que desean comprar, antes de dirigirse al punto de venta. Los clientes exploran las redes para tener información que les permita sentirse seguros de la marca que escogieron y además del conocimiento que adquieren, comparten sus opiniones e información con otras personas en línea a través de foros, blogs, videos y redes sociales; lo anterior como resultado de una tendencia de consumo actual, en la que la compra está influenciada por la opinión pública o del grupo social. La anterior situación no es ajena al sector de motocicletas, ya que los usuarios antes de comprar un producto de esta categoría acuden a la información web para conocer detalles de él, características técnicas, precios, nuevos modelos, marcas, etc. Esto les permite ahorrar desplazamientos y tiempos en el momento de búsqueda y una vez se dirigen al punto de venta tienen claro el producto que desean adquirir. Esta investigación permite identificar las estrategias de Marketing Digital a las cuáles deben dirigirse las compañías de este sector, en Medellín, de acuerdo con las nuevas tendencias de consumo digital de los usuarios., identificadas a partir de una investigación de mercadeo cualitativa

    Web Accessibility Requirements for Media Players

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    Video Content continues to strenghten on the Web, because of that fact, it is neccessary to include video content with suitable accessibility requirements to be used by all people. User Agent (such as player, browser), also have to include accessibility requirements. In this paper a set of basic guidelines is included for professionals who want to embed video players on their Web.This research work is supported by the Research Network MAVIR (S2009/TIC-1542 (see wwwmavir.net/)), and GEMMA (TSI-020302-2010-141) and SAGAS (TSI-020100-2010-184) research projects

    Analysis of the capacity for school innovation from the perspective of secondary education teachers: The school as a learning organization

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    Se ha señalado que la capacidad de innovación de una organización está relacionada con su cultura y con el clima de aprendizaje. Las organizaciones que aprenden gozan de un tipo de acción abierta al cambio y a la innovación. Por ello se ha indicado que estas se constituyen en modelos adecuados para los centros de enseñanza. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el impacto de la cultura y la estructura de aprendizaje —dos características clave de las organizaciones docentes— en la capacidad de innovación de los centros educativos. Se lleva a cabo un estudio cuantitativo. Se confecciona un cuestionario ad hoc a través del cual se recoge información sobre las características relacionadas con los procesos de innovación en una muestra de 221 profesores de educación secundaria y bachillerato de 17 centros educativos de la provincia de Valencia. Los resultados confirman las hipótesis de que la cultura y la estructura de aprendizaje inciden en la capacidad de innovación de los centros de enseñanza. Para el desarrollo de la capacidad de innovación se proponen organizaciones escolares con estructuras flexibles que permitan afrontar un currículo abierto y comprometido con el cambio.S’ha assenyalat que la capacitat d’innovació d’una organització està relacionada amb la seva cultura i amb el clima d’aprenentatge. Les organitzacions que aprenen gaudeixen d’un tipus d’acció oberta al canvi i a la innovació. Per això s’ha indicat que aquestes es constitueixen en models adequats per als centres d’ensenyament. Aquest treball té com a objectiu analitzar l’impacte de la cultura i l’estructura d’aprenentatge —dues característiques clau de les organitzacions docents— en la capacitat d’innovació dels centres educatius. S’hi porta a terme un estudi quantitatiu i s’hi mostra un qüestionari ad hoc a través del qual es recull informació sobre les característiques relacionades amb els processos d’innovació en una mostra de 221 professors d’educació secundària i batxillerat de 17 centres educatius de la província de València. Els resultats confirmen les hipòtesis, és a dir: la cultura i l’estructura d’aprenentatge incideixen en la capacitat d’innovació dels centres d’ensenyament. Per desenvolupar la capacitat d’innovació es proposen organitzacions escolars amb estructures flexibles que permetin afrontar un currículum obert i compromès amb el canvi.It has been noted that an organization’s capacity for innovation is related to its culture and learning climate. Learning organizations are organizations with a type of culture open to change and innovation. For this reason, learning organizations constitute suitable models for schools. This work aims to analyze the impact of culture and the learning structure; two key characteristics of learning organizations that are key to the innovation capacity of schools. A quantitative study using an ad hoc questionnaire was conducted to gather information about the characteristics related to innovation processes in a sample of 221 secondary school teachers at 17 schools in Valencia. The results confirm the hypotheses that culture and learning structure affect the innovation capacity of schools. To enhance schools’ capacity for innovation, it is proposed that schools be organized around flexible structures with an open curriculum committed to change

    Diallyl 5-[(4-hexyl­oxyphen­yl)imino­meth­yl]-m-phenyl­ene dicarbonate

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    The title mol­ecule, C27H31NO7, an imine derivative bearing both carbonate and allyl functionalities, was synthesized in the hope of obtaining a mesogenic polymerizable material. The allyl­carbonate arms are fully disordered over two sets of sites, reflecting a large degree of rotational freedom about σ bonds [occupancies: 0.665 (9)/0.335 (9) for one substituent, 0.564 (9)/0.436 (9) for the other]. In contrast, the hexyl chain is ordered, and presents the common all-trans extended conformation. The benzene rings connected via the imine group make a dihedral angle of 9.64 (11)°. In the crystal, the Y-shaped mol­ecules are weakly associated into centrosymmetric dimers through pairs of C—H⋯O(hex­yl) contacts. The resulting layers of dimers, approximately parallel to (25), are closely packed in the crystal, allowing π⋯π inter­actions between benzene rings of neighboring layers: the separation between the centroid of the benzene ring substituted by allyl­carbonate and the centroid of the benzene ring bearing the hex­yloxy group in the adjacent layer is 3.895 (1) Å

    Implicación del padre no custodio y autoestima infantil tras el divorcio parental en España

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    Este trabajo pretende (1) estudiar la implicación del padre no residente tras el divorcio y, (2) analizar si esta se relaciona con la autoestima infantil. Se entrevistaron a 83 madres divorciadas y 96 niños y niñas de Sevilla (España). Estos tenían entre 6 y 14 años (M = 9.21; SD = 1.94). Se accedió a las familias a través de las escuelas. Los resultados mostraron heterogeneidad en la implicación del padre no residente: la frecuencia de contactos variaba entre los que no tenían relación con él y los que lo veían semanal o diariamente; el 88% valoraba positivamente la relación con su padre; el 38.5% pernoctaba con él; el 80.2% de los padres no participaba en las decisiones de sus hijos e hijas; y el 46,8% no pagaba la pensión establecida por el juez. Los resultados indicaron que los niños y niñas presentaban una buena autoestima (M = 2.96; SD = 0.53). Finalmente, mostraron una relación significativa entre la autoestima infantil y la calidad de la relación padre-hijo (F(1,73) = 5.92, p <0.01). Estos resultados ofrecen claves para mejorar la autoestima infantil tras el divorcio parental, considerando el papel que juega sobre la misma la implicación del padre no residente.This study seeks (1) to study nonresident father involvement and (2) analyze whethernonresident father involvement is related to children´s self-esteem after divorce. Eighty-three divorced mothers and 96 children from Seville (Spain) were interviewed. Children were between 6 and 14 years old (M = 9.21; SD = 1.94). Families were accessed through the primary schools where the children attended. The results showed heterogeneity in nonresident father involvement: the contact frequency varied between those who had no relationship with their father and those who saw him weekly or daily; the majority of children (88%) assessed the relationship with their father as positive; 38.5% of them stayed overnight with him; 80.2% of the fathers did not participate in any important decision regarding his children, and almost half of the fathers (46.8%) failed to pay the amount established by the judge. Results indicated that children had a medium level of self-esteem (M = 2.96; SD = 0.53). Finally, data showed a significant relationship between children ´s self-esteem and the quality of the father-child relationship (F(1,73)= 5.92, p <0.01). These results could improve children´s self-esteem after parental divorce by considering the importance of the nonresident father’s involvement

    Diagnosis and detection of the main bacterial pathogens of stone fruit and almond

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    Diagnosis and detection are key aspects related to plant health status. A critical review of the available diagnostic methods utilised for Agrobacterium rhizogenes and A. tumefaciens, Pseudomonas amygdali, P. yringae pv. mors-prunorum, P. syringae pv. persicae, P. syringae pv. syringae and Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni, the main pathogens of the stone fruit trees, is presented. As there is a general lack of updated standardized protocols for the detection of most of these bacteria, the most appropriate media for their isolation are reported along with serological reagents, PCR and real-time PCR protocols with comments on their accuracy for the analysis of these pathogens in plant samples. There are many selective media for isolation, especially for Agrobacterium spp., but fewer for Pseudomonas spp. and X. arboricola pv. pruni. Serological techniques are not very useful for these pathogens due to the current lack of specific antibodies commercially available. As to molecular methods, it is surprising to find so many PCR protocols for Agrobacterium species, very few and unspecific for the Pseudomonas species pathogenic to stone fruit trees, and several recent PCR protocols for X. arboricola pv. pruni. The new advances in genomics and proteomics will provide information for selecting new targets to develop specific and sensitive techniques for the diagnosis and detection of these bacterial pathogens in plant material.The authors thank the contributions of the participants in the EU-COST Action 873 and the project RF2009-00002-C04-01 “Prospección, ecolección, conservación y caracterización de nuevo germoplasma de melocotonero”

    Synergism Effect between Phenolic Metabolites and Endogenous Antioxidants in Terms of Antioxidant Activity

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    Polyphenolic compounds, widely distributed in plant kingdom, have been exhaustively studied for their bioactive properties specially antioxidant activity. However, they are extensively metabolized by human organism and the resulting metabolites are largely responsible for their effects. Furthermore, they may interact with the endogenous antioxidant network being this possibility scarcely studied. Plasma antioxidant network encompasses antioxidant enzymes and other substances such as uric acid. In addition, ascorbic acid is the major compound representing water soluble compartment both in foods and human body. The interaction of this vitamin with phenolic compound is largely unexplored. This work aims to study if there is a synergic effect between phenolic metabolites and main antioxidants (uric and ascorbic acid). For this purpose, the antioxidant activity was evaluated in terms of ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capac ity) and FRAP (ferricreducing antioxidant power) as these tests involved either HAT (Hydrogen Atom Transfer) or SET (Single Electron Transfer) mechanisms. Additionally, a kinetic studied was developed to test if the rate constant presented a synergic effect. Protocatechuic acid, 3, 4 -dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, 3,4 -dihydroxyphenylpropionic acid and 3 -hydroxyphenylacetic acid were selected as they were metabolites of polyphenol compounds such as anthocyanins, quercetin, neohesperidin, chlorogenic acid and hesperetin present in wines, orange and strawberries. A synergic effect was proved for the combination of ascorbic acid with 3,4 -dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, both in terms of antioxidant activity and potent increase of velocity of the antioxidant reaction that took place.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL-2010-22152-C03-0

    Intracellular Ca2 + deposits and catecholamine secretion by chemoreceptor cells of the rabbit carotid body

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    Producción CientíficaThe pívotal role of íntracellular free [Ca2+] fluctuatíons in the control of cellular functíons such as contraction and secretíon, íncludíng the release of neurotransmítters, was recognized many decades ago (see Rubín, 1982). More recently, the list of cellular functíons tríggered or modulated by the levels of Ca2+¡ has grown enormously. Addítional functíons regulated by [Ca2+)¡ include neuronal excítabílity, synaptic plastícíty, gene ex­ pressíon, cellular metabolísm, cell dívísíon and dífferentíatíon, and programmed cell dead (Míller, 1991; Clapham, 1995). Parallelíng the growth in this líst of Ca2+-controlled func­ tíons, a multíplicity of cellular mechanísms aimed at maintaining resting free [Ca2+)¡ in the range of l 00 nM for most cells has been described, allowing increases in Ca2+¡ levels that are specific in their magnitude, time course and spatial distributíon, accordíng to the cell function activated (Toescu, 1995). Since Ca2+ cannot be metabolized, cells regulate theír cytoplasmic levels of free Ca2+ through numerous bínding proteíns and influx and efflux mechanisms (Fíg 1). Ca2+ ínflux to cell cytoplasm from the extracellular milieu occurs vía voltage or receptor operated channels or vía yet ill-defined capacítatíve pathways; the Na+/Ca 2+ exchanger can also produce in sorne círcumstances net ínflux of Ca2+ (Míller, 1991; Clapham, 1995). Ca2+ ef­ flux to the extracellular space occurs against electrochemical gradíents, and thereby the pumpíng out of Ca2+ is directly (Caz+ pump) or indirectly (Na+/Ca2+) coupled to the hy­ drolysis of ATP