577 research outputs found

    The Effect of the Launch of Bitcoin Futures on the Cryptocurrency Market: An Economic Efficiency Approach

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    We analyze the economic efficiency of the cryptocurrency market after the launch of Bitcoin futures by means of the Data Envelopment Analysis and Malmquist Indexes. Our results show that the introduction of Bitcoin futures did not affect the economic efficiency of the cryptocurrency market. However, we observe that Bitcoin obtained the highest risk-return trade-off due to its liquidity compared to the rest of cryptocurrencies. Therefore, our paper underlines the support of investors on Bitcoin to the detriment of the rest of cryptocurrencies

    Online group consultation on labor analgesia for pregnant women: is it feasible?

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    Introduction: Our department of anesthesiology has been conducting weekly, for several years, a group consultation to educate childbearing people about labor analgesia. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic forced an adaptation to a virtual consultation format. Since there are no studies about online group consultation on labor analgesia in order to understand its role, an anonymous questionnaire was created and applied. The objective was to evaluate this new consultation format, namely the ease of access, usefulness of the content provided, and its impact on the satisfaction and experience of childbirth. Materials and methods: An observational prospective study was conducted. A questionnaire was sent by email after childbirth to all childbearing people participating in the online consultation from January 20, 2021, to March 2, 2022. SPSS Statistics version 28.0 (IBM Corp. Released 2021. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 28.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp) was used for statistical analysis. Internal consistency was analyzed using Cronbach’s alpha. Results: A total of 563 participants were eligible, and 404 (71.8%) completed questionnaires were analyzed. A few technical problems were reported. The participants considered their privacy respected, and more than 90% were satisfied with the content of the online consultation, the opportunity to pose questions, and the help managing expectations. Considering face-to-face consultation, 89.6% of patients considered the online format an effective alternative, 63.2% believed it could replace the old model, and 96.3% would recommend it. Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that online consultation on labor analgesia was a good strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic and has the potential to be used in this format in the future.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hyaluronic acid-amphotericin B nanocomplexesa: a promising anti-leishmanial targeted drug delivery system

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    Leishmaniasis has been classified as one of the most neglected tropical diseases, causing 50 thousand deaths and 1.5 to 2 million new cases every year, according to the World Health Organization. This disease, promoted by protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania, has a high incidence affecting 89 countries worldwide. Nowadays, current treatment strategies still rely on the antifungal agent amphotericin B (AmB) but are rather inadequate due to the high prevalence of the disease within low-income population of sub-developed regions, the intracellular location of the parasite and the emergence of parasite resistance. Thus, other strategies have been pursued to improve the therapeutic efficacy and to reduce the toxicity of AmB such as the use of biocompatible polysaccharides as carriers. In this work, a simple and inexpensive production process using hyaluronic acid (HA, 50 kDa) was used in order to develop water-soluble hyaluronic acid-amphotericin B nanocomplex (HA-AmB). HA is the main ligand of CD44 receptor, thus being favorably internalized by macrophages that overexpress this receptor upon infection. Therefore, HA arises as a suitable polysaccharide to target the AmB delivery to the leishmania-infected macrophages. The nanocomplex, obtained by simply processing the mixture of the polysaccharide with the drug in a nanospray dryer (HA-AmB SD), was characterized in terms of size/zeta potential (DLS) and morphology (SEM and Cryo-SEM). Furthermore, an HPLC-MS detection method was optimized and used to determine the AmB content in the nanocomplex. Also, to ascertain the interaction between AmB and the HA, FTIR, DSC and PXRD analysis were performed. Cytotoxic and hemolytic effects were assessed on different cell lines through the resazurin test and in dogs blood, respectively. Anti-leishmanial activity was assessed in vitro in axenic cultures of Leishmania by resazurin and in infected bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM) stained with different fluorescent probes using high-content microscopy. Our results shown that the produced material has a spherical morphology in aqueous solution with a mean hydrodynamic diameter of 318.4 ± 34.7 nm and low polydispersity (0.239 ± 0.02). Moreover, this material that presents an AmB content of 13.56 ± 3.49 %, has a good colloidal stability due to the highly negative surface charge (-39.45 ± 1.12 mV). DSC and PXRD analysis strongly suggested the formation of an amorphous inclusion complex between AmB and the complex polysaccharide chain networks, explaining the high solubility of the drug in water. The in vitro assays showed that compared to free-AmB, the nanocomplex had significantly less cytotoxicity against BMM and HEK293T cell lines, significant less hemolytic effect and inhibited the infection in the Leishmania-infected BMM. Exploratory in vivo assays are being conducted in mice. In conclusion, this work has shown that the hyaluronic acid-AmB nanocomplex is a promising system for the treatment of Leishmaniasis, possessing similar effects to the free-AmB against Leishmania-infected macrophages and Leishmania axenic cultures, with reduced cytotoxicity. Given the affordability, simplicity, low-toxicity and facile scale up of the developed formulation, the hyaluronic acid-AmB nanocomplex may represent an alternative to the expensive nanoformulations available.The authors would like to acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for supporting this study under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684) and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01- 0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. Ricardo Silva-Carvalho also acknowledges FCT for the PhD scholarship SFRH/BD/118880/2016.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prevalence of undiagnosed rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases and its association with health-related quality of life and with physical function

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    AIM: To estimate the disease specific prevalence of undiagnosed rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) in Portugal and determine if people with undiagnosed RMDs have worse quality of life, physical function and higher health resources consumption, than people without RMDs. METHODS: A subgroup analysis of EpiReumaPt was made that included all participants≥18 years evaluated by a rheumatologist. Participants were stratified into three groups: undiagnosed RMDs; previously diagnosed RMDs; non-RMDs. A descriptive analysis of the three groups was performed. To estimate the prevalence of undiagnosed RMDs, weighted proportion were computed considering the sample design. The three groups were compared (Undiagnosed RMDs vs non-RMDs; Previously diagnosed RMDs vs non-RMDs) for health related quality of life (HRQoL) (EQ5D), physical function (HAQ), mental health (HADS) and health resources consumption. The effect of being undiagnosed for these outcomes was assessed in multivariable models adjusted for age, gender, geographical region and years of education (reference: non-RMD). RESULTS: A total of 3877 participants were included. The prevalence of undiagnosed RMDs was 29%. Compared to participants without RMDs, undiagnosed participants had lower HRQoL (EQ-5D: β (95% CI)=-0.07 (-0.103,-0.043)) and physical function (HAQ: β (95% CI)=0.10 (0.05, 0.15)), more anxiety (OR (95% CI)=2.3 (1.4, 3.7)) and depression symptoms (OR (95% CI)=1.4 (0.8, 2.4)). Undiagnosed RMDs participants were more likely to visit an orthopedist (OR (95% CI)=2.0 (1.1, 3.5)) and had a higher number of orthopedic appointments (IRR (95% CI)=2.5 (1.3, 4.9)) than participants without RMDs. CONCLUSION: Patients with undiagnosed RMDs are frequent in Portugal, have worse HRQoL, physical function and mental health than people without RMDs. Undiagnosed patients are nonetheless consumers of health resources and tend to seek help from specialties other than rheumatology. Increasing the awareness of RMDs might promote their early identification and treatment leading to both personal and societal benefits.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin

    Maturidade sexual de Chilabothrus angulifer (Serpentes: Boidae) em estado selvagem

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    El majá de Santa María (C. angulifer) es el único boido en Cuba. Es el mayor miembro del género, así como el mayor ofidio del Caribe Insular (> 400 cm de longitud hocico-cloaca), esto la convierte en una especie icónica de la herpetofauna cubana. A pesar de que su historia natural se conoce muy poco, varios estudios describen aspectos de su biología reproductiva en cautiverio. Aquí documentamos las edades y tallas con que ambos sexos alcanzan la madurez sexual en la naturaleza y mostramos que el majá de Santa María alcanza la adultez con una talla mucho más pequeña de lo que previamente se ha reportado para especímenes de cautiverio. Basados en la escasa información sobre la tasa de crecimiento de C. angulifer en la naturaleza, los machos deben alcanzar la talla adulta después de los 3 años y las hembras después de los 5 añosA jiboia-cubana, Chilabothrus angulifer, é o único boídeo de Cuba. É a maior serpente do gênero e também das Índias Ocidentais (comprimento rostro-cloacal > 400 cm); por essa razão, trata-se de uma espécie icônica da herpetofauna cubana. Apesar de sua história natural ser pouco-conhecida, diversos estudos descrevem aspectos de sua biologia reprodutiva em cativeiro. Documentamos aqui o tamanho e a idade em que ambos os sexos atingem a maturidade sexual na natureza e mostramos que essa serpente atinge a idade adulta com um tamanho muito menor do que previamente relatado para indivíduos cativos. Com base na informação limitada sobre a taxa de crescimento de C. angulifer na natureza, os machos atingem o tamanho reprodutivo após 3 anos, e as fêmeas, após 5 anosThe Cuban Boa (C. angulifer) is the only boid snake in Cuba. It is the largest member of the genus, as well as the largest snake in the West Indies (> 400 cm in snout-vent length); as such, it is an iconic species of the Cuban herpetofauna. Although the snake’s natural history is poorly known, several studies describe aspects of its reproductive biology in captivity. Herein we document the sizes and ages at which both sexes reach sexual maturity in nature, and show that the Cuban Boa reaches adulthood at a much smaller size than previously reported for captive snakes. Based on the limited information on the growth rate of C. angulifer in nature, males must reach breeding size after 3 years and females after 5 year

    Testing variations of methodological characteristics in the 5-0-5 test: impact of the linear sprint on change-of-direction deficit in adult male soccer players

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    Purpose. The study compared the change-of-direction deficit (CODD) using the first 10-m sprint of a 40-m sprint test (CODDoriginal), the 10-m time that precedes the 5-0-5 test (CODD5-0-5start), and the best 10-m split of a 40-m sprint test (CODDbest). Methods. A cross-sectional study design was applied. Twenty elite male soccer players (age: 21.6 ± 2.0 years; experience: 8.7 ± 2.3 years; body mass: 73.2 ± 6.1 kg; stature: 174.8 ± 4.5 cm) voluntarily participated in this study. They were assessed in the following tests: (i) 40-m linear sprint test and (ii) 5-0-5 test with a pre-planned 180° change-of-direction (COD) (left and right sides). CODD for both sides was calculated as the difference between average 5-0-5 and CODDoriginal, COODbest, and CODD5-0-5start. Results. The time over 10 m during the 30–40-m split of a 40-m sprint test was significantly shorter than the first 10 m of the same sprint test (best times: p 0.999, d = 0.133; average times: p = 0.990, d = 0.047). Comparisons of CODD revealed significant differences between approaches (best times: F = 201.7, p 0.05). Conclusions. CODD calculated with the first 10 m and the best 10 m of a sprint test was significantly different; similarities existed between the initial 10 m of a 40-m sprint test and the 5-0-5 test. Therefore, to save time and resources, practitioners could use the first 10-m acceleration phase of the 5-0-5 since no significant differences were found between the initial 10 m of a linear sprint test

    Synergy of light harvesting and energy transfer as well as short-range charge shift reactions in multicomponent conjugates

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    We report herein on the design, the synthesis, and the characterization of a panchromatic, charge stabilizing electron donor-acceptor conjugate: (BBPA)3-ZnPor-ZnPc-SubPc 1. Each component, that is, bis(biphenyl)phenylamine (BBPA), Zn(ii) porphyrin (ZnPor), Zn(ii) phthalocyanine ZnPc, and subphthalocyanine (SubPc), has been carefully chosen and modified to enable a cascade of energy and charge transfer processes. On one hand, ZnPor, has been functionalized with three electron-donating BBPA as primary and secondary electron donors and to stabilize the final charge-separated state, and, on the other hand, a perfluorinated SubPc has been selected as ultimate electron acceptor. In addition, the ZnPc unit contains several trifluoromethylphenyl moieties to match its energy levels to those of the other components. In fact, irradiation of the heteroarray 1 triggers a cascade of light harvesting across the entire visible range, unidirectional energy transfer, exergonic charge separating, and short-range charge shifting to afford in 14% quantum yield a (BBPA)3+-ZnPor-ZnPc-SubPc- charge-separated state. The lifetime of the latter reaches well into the range of tens of nanosecondsFinancial support from Comunidad de Madrid, Spain (S2013/MIT-2841, FOTOCARBON), and MINECO, Spain (CTQ2017-85393-P), and the “Solar Energy goes Hybrid” Initiative of the Bavarian Ministry for Science, Culture and Education (SolTech) is acknowledge

    Edible alginate-based films with anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity

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    © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).The viability of SARS-CoV-2 on food surfaces and its propagation through the food chain has been discussed by several stakeholders, as it may represent a serious public health problem, bringing new challenges to the food system. This work shows for the first time that edible films can be used against SARS-CoV-2. Sodium alginate-based films containing gallic acid, geraniol, and green tea extract were evaluated in terms of their antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2. The results showed that all these films have strong in vitro antiviral activity against this virus. However, a higher concentration of the active compound (1.25%) is needed for the film containing gallic acid to achieve similar results to those obtained for lower concentrations of geraniol and green tea extract (0.313%). Furthermore, critical concentrations of the active compounds in the films were used to evaluate their stability during storage. Results showed that gallic acid-loaded films lose their activity from the second week of storage, while films with geraniol and green tea extract only show a drop in activity after four weeks. These results highlight the possibility of using edible films and coatings as antiviral materials on food surfaces or food contact materials, which may help to reduce the spreading of viruses through the food chain.This work received funding from EIT Food (Grant agreement ID: 20400), the innovation community on Food of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the EU, under Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pseudotyping retrovirus like particles vaccine candidates with Hepatitis C virus envelope protein E2 requires the cellular expression of CD81

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infects 3% of world population being responsible for nearly half a million deaths annually urging the need for a prophylactic vaccine. Retrovirus like particles are commonly used scaffolds for antigens presentation being the core of diverse vaccine candidates. The immunogenicity of host proteins naturally incorporated in retrovirus was hypothesized to impact the performance of retrovirus based vaccines. In this work, the capacity of engineered retrovirus like particles devoided of host protein CD81 to display HCV envelope antigens was compared to non-engineered particles. A persistent inability of CD81 negative VLPs to incorporate HCV E2 protein as a result from the inefficient transport of HCV E2 to the plasma membrane, was observed. This work enabled the identification of a CD81-mediated transport of HCV E2 while stressing the importance of host proteins for the development of recombinant vaccines.publishe