38 research outputs found

    The role of education in Romania\u27s tourism sector: from level descriptors to learning outcomes

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    Tourism is generally and globally acknowledged as one of the few economic sectors that has more than significant growth prospects and is characterized as a catalyst for peace and prosperity. At the same time, this sector is known for its high turnover of staff, persistent lack of qualified personnel and rapidly changing skill needs. If Romania wants to be a competitive tourist destination, we must assure a high quality of the tourism services and the people who deliver them. The most important labour shortage in Romania’s tourism is at the management level (top and middle management) and entrepreneurs. There are several reasons for this. For a long time, Romania’s tourist industry was dominated by large public enterprises. Most often, top and middle management were not appointed and promoted according to their education and capabilities, but according to other non-professional criteria. Education at all levels, especially higher education, has not been producing a competent labour force. Management education has been especially weak, with no specialized education for management in tourism. Some available programmes were of too general and with little practical training. Although there are several institutions of higher education which provide education for tourism, all of them need to modernize their programmes with a greater emphasis on management, foreign languages, ICT, and practical training. Today, Romania started to reform education. This is a significant challenge for the entire education system, including higher education in tourism. This year a consultation process was started to identify the most important competences that should be formed or developed in a degree programme. The outcome of this consultation process will be reflected in the set of reference points – generic and subject specific competences – identified by 10 subject areas, including tourism


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    The present paper aims to determine the influence of EU member countries’ economic development on their citizens’ pro-environmental attitudes using a path analysis. In this sense, we have used the results of the 2012 survey on the „Attitudes of Europeans towards building the single market for green products”, as well as the 2012 statistical information referring to EU member countries’ economic development, provided by Eurostat. The results indicated which macroeconomic variables exert a significant influence on each pro-environmental attitudinal component. Future studies may consider using less macroeconomic variables in order to identify their influence on different pro-environmental attitudinal components


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    This study intends to identify the reasons which determine young people to choose fast-food restaurants, as well as the criteria they bear in mind, when they choose such places to eat. There are relatively a few studies in Romania, on this field, which deal with young people’s perceptions about fast-food and the products they offer. This study intends to add new information to the specific literature in this field, where we face a growing number of fast - food restaurants and a huge interest young people shown them. The sample included 13 students from Transilvania University in Brasov. Although the research method is a qualitative one, using the focus- group, the results can be taken into consideration by the public decisional factors in the fast- food field in order to elaborate the proper strategies to attract and keep the young consumers

    Students’ Attitude Towards Dental Complete Denture Treatment : A Questionnaire Study

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    Aim. The purpose of the study was to identify the students' opinion regarding the degree of difficulty felt by them when studying and performing clinical procedures for the manufacture of complete dentures. Materials and methods. A questionnaire survey was designed and distributed to the dental students from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj-Napoca, Romania.  The questionnaire had 5 questions about procedures involved in the fabrication of complete dentures. Results. The subjects involved were students (n=236) who had completed five years of dental education. Questionnaires were distributed and Data analysis was done using Excel spreadsheet. Conclusion. The students admit less confidence regarding the maxillomandibular relationship registration

    Improving the profile of the European tourist destinations through the European tourism indicators system

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    Within the most recent European Policy for Tourism, the competitiveness of the European tourism industry is directly linked to the image of Europe and to its perception, as a collection of sustainable and high-quality tourist destinations. In such context, improving the profile of the European tourist destinations has become a main target. During the last years, the European Commission focused on the sustainable development of tourist destinations. Several projects were developed, the most recent one introducing a practical tool - the European Tourism Indicators System (ETIS) for the sustainable development of destinations. The present paper advances the idea that such tool can be successfully used in order to achieve the goal of improving the profile of the European tourist destinations


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    Sport event tourism is a huge and growing global industry with important economic implications for both the sport, the event and the impact of travel and tourism related benefits on host destinations. A primary function of a sport event is to provide the host community with an opportunity to secure high prominence in the tourism market place. However, international or regional prominence may be gained with significant social and environmental costs. Hosting sport events has been a focus of destination marketers as a strategy to enhance its destination image and differentiate its tourism products. Communities are attracted to hosting sport events to draw marketing benefits that will contribute to the success of the destination in the long run by creating awareness, improving their image with visitors and attracting tourism business to generate future inbound travel. As such, destination images can be influenced by the hosting of a sport event and the attributes associated with this event. The purpose of this paper is to outline the role of sport event tourism in the promotion of tourist destinations. A case study has been chosen in order to illustrate the interdependence between event and destination marketing: BraĹźov, hosting the winter edition of The European Youth Olympic Festival in 2013. The paper includes a series of recommendations for destination managers in order to maximise the benefits of this event and take this opportunity to promote BraĹźov on the international market

    Exploring the Motivations, Abilities and Opportunities of Young Entrepreneurs to Engage in Sustainable Tourism Business in the Mountain Area

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    An important driver of socio-economic development in mountain areas is sustainable tourism. Young entrepreneurs can represent a solution for the sustainable development of the mountain area. However, little is known if an opportunity or necessity drives them to engage in sustainable tourism business in the mountain area. The present study uses the motivation–ability–opportunity (MAO) framework in an effort to understand young entrepreneurs’ sustainable behavior. Semi-structured interviews with young tourism entrepreneurs in the Romanian Carpathian Mountains (n = 21) showcase why young business owners are motivated to engage in sustainable behaviors, how they make the sustainable outcome happen, and what is entrepreneurs’ perception on the opportunities that allow them to do sustainable business. This paper brings new perspectives presenting the perception of young entrepreneurs regarding the opportunities provided by natural resources in the mountain area for the sustainable development of the tourism business. The results reveal that intrinsic motivation is dominant, sustainable business development being considered an extension of personal lifestyle by most of the study participants. All respondents stated that they have knowledge about alternative energy sources, and they want to use them as much as possible in their business. Most respondents have the managerial capability to integrate the specifics of the area in the offers and to use the natural resources and infrastructure to business advantage. The use of technologies that help save resources is considered an opportunity to build a sustainable business by all study respondents, followed by facilities offered by the local community. The findings may be used by governments and other stakeholders to make key decisions that stimulate sustainable forms of entrepreneurship in the mountain area


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    In the context of increased competition on the international tourism market, the assessment of destination image has become a research subject for both managers aiming to improve destination positioning and academic researchers. In order to obtain a competitive advantage, every tourist destination must identify, maintain and reinforce, through appropriate marketing policies, unique items that form and build over time "the destination' s image". Accordingly, the ultimate target of the tourist destinations' promoters should be to achieve a high level of coincidence between the promoted or projected image and the perceived image of the destination, held by potential and actual tourists. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to illustrate promotional techniques and methods used by the authorities of the Canary Islands over the years (projected image), and to identify, through a survey among the citizens of BraĹźov, the image that they have of the Canary Islands (perceived image)


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    The aim of this study was to observe the clinical presentation and to descibe same clinical, endoscopic and prognosis aspects for outgoing patients with diverticulosis from ArgeĹź area. Material and method. 192 patients were included in this study, with no prior medical records attesting the presence of diverticulosis. The study was conducted between 2011 and 2015 in ambulatory setting. Medical history, clinical exam and colonoscopy were undertaken during the visit. Inclusion criteria was the diagnosis of diverticulosis. Results. Colonoscopy was the method of investigation for confirmation of diverticulosis. Sex distribution was almost equal, for diverticulitis the sex ratio was raised towards female sex. Most patients were asymptomatic and from urban environment. Hemorrhoids were the cause for most of the hematochezia cases, only one case of diverticular bleeding. Discussions. the outgoing patients have mild symptoms and good clinical status compared to those needing hospitalisation. Differential diagnosis with irritable bowel syndrome needs a careful anamnesis. Conclusions. Frequent location of the diverticula was in the sigmoid and descending colon. Most patients have no symptoms and the number is slightly smaller compared with other studies, but they represent the majority in the analysed group. Most of the diverticulitis patients were older than 66 and females. There is an association between diverticular disease and irritable bowel syndrom


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    The paper presents the results of an exploratory survey among Romanian companies from the furniture industry. The study aimed to identify: (1) respondents’ opinions regarding the main competences that a candidate needs to prove in order to be hired; (2) attitudes regarding the competences of the graduates from the Wood Engineering Faculty, Transilvania University of Brasov; and (3) main current employment needs of Romanian furniture industry. The results indicated that the highest importance in the selection of employees is given to transversal competences such as: orientation to quality; learning capacity; and availability for self-development, team working; and involvement in meeting customers’ requirements. The interviewed representatives of the studied companies mainly need skilled workers in the furniture industry but also engineers able to manage the company’s processes, or to design certain processes and products. The results of the present study may be used by the Wood Engineering Faculty in their attempt to adapt the academic curriculum and course contents; and give their graduates a chance to acquire relevant competences which may enhance their employability