60 research outputs found

    Characterization of older hipertensive registered in the state of sishiperdia paraíba: allowance for health surveillance

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    Objective: To characterize the profile of hypertensive coverage registered in the Registration and Monitoring of Hypertensive Diabetics System (HIPERDIA Program) in the state of Paraíba, Brazil, between the years 2008-2012, considering their representation as subsidy strategies for surveillance of diseases and health promotion. Method: descriptive study with a quantitative approach. Results: Data demonstrate the similarity of the State of Paraíba to indices of Brazilian epidemiological profile. Conclusion: we stress the need to increase government awareness of indicators and insertion of public policies in relation to injuries that manage hypertension between the aging population in favor of measures aimed at the prevention of functional disability and allow for healthy aging

    Health promotion in groups of elderly: reflections for active ageing

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    Objectives: To analyze the perceptions of the elderly on health promotion in favor of an active aging; reflect on viable health promotion among elderly groups aiming to reach active aging strategies. Method: A descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative approach, conducted with 45 subjects belonging to a group of conviviality. The project was approved by Brazil under the Platform CAAE 07243812.6.0000.5187. Results: Most elderly people belonging to this group had access to information about their pattern of aging. When inquiring about health promotion and active aging, possible to list out two thematic categories: I) Perceptions of the elderly on health and II) Perceptions of people on strategies for health promotion and empowerment of active aging. Conclusion: Spaces of experiences and elderly group allow the preparation of proposals for promoting the health and empowerment of active aging

    Profile of caregivers of elderly patients in Units of Health in the city of João Pessoa - PB

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    Objective: To describe the profile of informal careers of elderly patients in health facilities in the city of João Pessoa. Method: Study of quantitative, observational and cross through interviews the careers from April to June 2011, using a script data for socio-demographic characteristics of caregivers, information related to health/disease of the elderly and whether they have help in caring for the elderly. We considered as caregivers of elderly people living in the city of João Pessoa-PB and treated at these institutions, making a total of 251 caregivers, which after analysis of the consistency of data collected sample of 219 caregivers. Results: There was a caregiver for the elderly is mostly female, aged between 41 and 50 years, lives with spouse or partner, has twelve or more years of study, is the son of the elderly, but not live with it. They consider themselves informed about health / disease of the elderly and how to care for them, despite not having done any training or specific course. Need help and / or help others to provide nutritional care through the use of medication and takes them to the query returns. Conclusion: However, the results of this study could provide information to health services, so that strategies are formulated and implemented continuing education in health

    Diagnósticos de enfermagem para idosos utilizando-se a Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem e o modelo de vida

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    OBJECTIVE: To develop nursing diagnosis statements for the elderly based on the Activities of Living Model and on the International Classification for Nursing Practice. METHOD: Descriptive and exploratory study, put in practice in two stages: 1) collection of terms and concepts that are considered clinically and culturally relevant for nursing care delivered to the elderly, in order to develop a database of terms and 2) development of nursing diagnosis statements for the elderly in primary health care, based on the guidelines of the International Council of Nurses and on the database of terms for nursing practice involving the elderly. RESULTS: 414 terms were identified and submitted to the content validation process, with the participation of ten nursing experts, which resulted in 263 validated terms. These terms were submitted to cross mapping with the terms of the International Classification for Nursing Practice, resulting in the identification of 115 listed terms and 148 non-listed terms, which constituted the database of terms, from which 127 nursing diagnosis statements were prepared and classified into factors that affect the performance of the elderly's activities of living - 69 into biological factors, 19 into psychological, 31 into sociocultural, five into environmental, and three into political-economic factors. CONCLUSIONS: After clinical validation, these statements can serve as a guide for nursing consultations with elderly patients, without ignoring clinical experience, critical thinking and decision-making.OBJETIVO: Construir afirmativas de diagnósticos de enfermería para ancianos fundamentadas en el Modelo de Vida y en la Clasificación Internacional para la Práctica de Enfermería. MÉTODO: Estudio exploratorio descriptivo, llevado a cabo en dos etapas: 1) recolecta de términos y conceptos considerados relevantes, clínica y culturalmente, para la atención de enfermería al anciano, visando a la construcción de un banco de términos y 2) construcción de afirmativas de diagnósticos de enfermería para ancianos en la atención básica, con base en las directivas del Consejo Internacional de Enfermeras y en el banco de términos para la práctica de enfermería con ancianos. RESULTADOS: Fueron identificados 414 términos, que fueron sometidos al proceso de validación de contenido, con la participación de diez enfermeros especialistas, lo que resultó en 263 términos validados. Esos términos fueron sometidos al mapeo cruzado con los términos de la Clasificación Internacional para la Práctica de Enfermería, lo que resultó en la identificación de 115 términos constantes y 148 términos no constantes, que constituyeron el banco de términos, a partir del cual fueron elaboradas 127 afirmativas de diagnósticos de enfermería, clasificadas en los factores que influyen en el desarrollo de las actividades de vida del anciano - 69 en los factores biológicos, 19 en los factores psicológicos, 31 en los factores socioculturales, cinco en los factores ambientales, y tres en los factores político-económicos. CONCLUSIONES: Se considera que estas afirmativas, tras su validación clínica, servirán de guión para uso por los enfermeros durante la consulta de enfermería en la práctica con ancianos, sin dispensar la experiencia clínica, el raciocinio crítico y la toma de decisión.OBJETIVO: construir afirmativas de diagnósticos de enfermagem para idosos, fundamentadas no Modelo de Vida e na Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem. MÉTODO: este é um estudo exploratório descritivo, para cuja operacionalização foram realizadas duas etapas: 1) coleta de termos e de conceitos considerados relevantes, clínica e culturalmente, para a assistência de enfermagem ao idoso, visando a construção de um banco de termos e 2) construção de afirmativas de diagnósticos de enfermagem para idosos na atenção básica, com base nas diretrizes do Conselho Internacional de Enfermeiras e no banco de termos para a prática de enfermagem com idosos. RESULTADOS: foram identificados 414 termos, que foram submetidos ao processo de validação de conteúdo, com a participação de dez enfermeiros peritos, o que resultou em 263 termos validados. Esses termos foram submetidos ao mapeamento cruzado com os termos da Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem, o que resultou na identificação de 115 termos constantes e 148 termos não constantes, que constituíram o banco de termos, a partir do qual foram elaboradas 127 afirmativas de diagnósticos de enfermagem, classificadas nos fatores que influenciam a realização das atividades de vida do idoso - 69 nos fatores biológicos, 19 nos fatores psicológicos, 31 nos fatores socioculturais, cinco nos fatores ambientais e três nos fatores político-econômicos. CONCLUSÕES: considera-se que essas afirmativas, após a validação clínica, servirão de guia para serem utilizadas pelos enfermeiros na operacionalização da consulta de enfermagem na prática com idosos, sem que se dispensem a experiência clínica, o raciocínio crítico e a tomada de decisão

    Fragility profile of elderly care in primary health care / Perfil de fragilidade de idosos atendidos na atenção primária à saúde

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    Objetivo: avaliar a prevalência e os graus da fragilidade em idosos atendidos na Atenção Primária à Saúde, através da Edmonton Frail Scale. Método: os dados foram obtidos por meio de um questionário previamente elaborado. Excetuando-se as perdas e recusas amostrais, participaram do estudo 118 idosos. A coleta de dados foi realizada na Unidade Básica de Saúde ou no domicílio dos idosos. Resultados: obteve-se predominância de pessoas do sexo feminino (72%), a idade média foi de aproximadamente 71,55 anos. No tocante a fragilidade de forma geral, 28% (n=3) dos entrevistados obtiveram escores comuns à fragilidade, 32,2% (n=38) foram considerados aparentemente vulneráveis e 39,8% (n=47) não frágeis. Conclusão: considerando as alterações que o idoso fragilizado pode enfrentar com o avanço desse problema, são necessárias intervenções precoces, as quais a Atenção Primária à Saúde é capaz de priorizar, contudo são necessários estudos maiores para avaliarem variáveis relacionadas à fragilidade em diferentes realidades.

    Prevalence of symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress in military police / Prevalência de sintomas de depressão, ansiedade e estresse em policiais militares

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    Objective: to determine the prevalence of symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress in the working and personal life of Military Police in the city of Campina Grande-PB. Method: This is a descriptive field research with a quantitative method that was conducted in the 2nd Battalion of the Military Police in the municipality of Campina Grande, Paraíba. A questionnaire including sociodemographic variables and questions about the police officer's employment and personal life, as well as instruments such as Beck's Depression Inventory, Beck's Anxiety Scale, and Lipp's Stress Inventory for Adults, were used to collect data. Data were coded and transcribed into a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet version 2016 for analysis using R version 4.1. Results: The majority of professionals did not exhibit significant levels of depression, anxiety, or stress. Although there was no statistically significant difference between depression and anxiety when gender was considered, women are more prone to acquire such conditions. The education level indicated a significant difference in relation to anxiety level. Female gender and marital status were connected with stress. Conclusion: It is clear that the adoption of public policies and programs aimed at addressing these concerns and reducing the chances of acquiring anxiety, depression, and stress is critical.Objetivo: evaluar la prevalencia de síntomas de depresión, ansiedad y estrés que pueden afectar la vida profesional y personal de los Policías Militares de la ciudad de Campina Grande-PB. Método: se trata de un estudio descriptivo de campo con abordaje cuantitativo, que fue desarrollado en el 2º Batallón de la Policía Militar del municipio de Campina Grande, Paraíba. Para la recolección de datos, se utilizó un cuestionario con características sociodemográficas y preguntas que involucran la vida laboral y personal de los policías, y escalas como el Inventario de Depresión de Beck, la Escala de Ansiedad de Beck y el Inventario de Estrés para Adultos de Lipp. Los datos se codificaron y transcribieron en una hoja de cálculo de Microsoft Excel® versión 2016 para su análisis con SPSS Statistics v. 25. Resultados: La mayoría de los profesionales no presentaron niveles elevados de signos y síntomas de depresión, ansiedad y estrés. No hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre la depresión y la ansiedad teniendo en cuenta el género, sin embargo, las mujeres son más propensas a desarrollar este tipo de enfermedades. La variable educación mostró diferencia estadística relacionada con el nivel de ansiedad. Las variables asociadas al estrés fueron: sexo femenino y estar casado. Conclusión: es evidente, por lo tanto, la importancia de desarrollar políticas públicas y proyectos que tengan como objetivo abordar los problemas, buscando reducir los riesgos de desarrollar ansiedad, depresión y estrés.Objetivo: avaliar a prevalência de sintomas de depressão, ansiedade e estresse que podem afetar a vida profissional e pessoal de Policiais Militares. Método: trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa e transversal, desenvolvido no 2º Batalhão da Polícia Militar do município de Campina Grande-Paraíba. Foi utilizado um questionário com características sociodemográficas, Inventário de Depressão de Beck, Escala de Ansiedade de Beck e Inventário de Stress para adultos de Lipp. Os dados obtidos foram transcritos na planilha e em seguida, analisados através do programa R. Resultados: a maior parte dos profissionais não apresentaram níveis elevados de sintomas de depressão, ansiedade e estresse. As mulheres apresentaram maior tendência a desenvolver depressão e ansiedade. Conclusão: evidencia-se a importância do desenvolvimento de políticas públicas e projetos que visem trabalhar essas questões, buscando diminuir os riscos do desenvolvimento de ansiedade, depressão e estresse em Policiais Militares.

    Nursing diagnoses for the elderly using the International Classification for Nursing Practice and the activities of living model

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    OBJECTIVE: To develop nursing diagnosis statements for the elderly based on the Activities of Living Model and on the International Classification for Nursing Practice. METHOD: Descriptive and exploratory study, put in practice in two stages: 1) collection of terms and concepts that are considered clinically and culturally relevant for nursing care delivered to the elderly, in order to develop a database of terms and 2) development of nursing diagnosis statements for the elderly in primary health care, based on the guidelines of the International Council of Nurses and on the database of terms for nursing practice involving the elderly. RESULTS: 414 terms were identified and submitted to the content validation process, with the participation of ten nursing experts, which resulted in 263 validated terms. These terms were submitted to cross mapping with the terms of the International Classification for Nursing Practice, resulting in the identification of 115 listed terms and 148 non-listed terms, which constituted the database of terms, from which 127 nursing diagnosis statements were prepared and classified into factors that affect the performance of the elderly's activities of living - 69 into biological factors, 19 into psychological, 31 into sociocultural, five into environmental, and three into political-economic factors. CONCLUSIONS: After clinical validation, these statements can serve as a guide for nursing consultations with elderly patients, without ignoring clinical experience, critical thinking and decision-making