897 research outputs found

    Building Up and Improvement of the Institution of the Socialist Oriented Market Economy in Vietnam

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    The market oriented economic reform direction has been officially affirmed since the VI Congress of the Vietnamese Communist Party (1986) with the approval of the economic reform plan towards doi moi. This direction was then legalized in the Constitution (1992) and further developed in official documents of Communist Party Congresses and legal documents of the Government of Vietnam . In the past years, to specify this political direction, the Government and people of Vietnam have made endless efforts to establish a new economic institution system called the socialist oriented market economy.Vietnam, Transitional Economy, Socialist Oriented Market Economy

    Vietnam Economy 2001-2005 and Socio-Economic Development Plan 2006-2010

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    In 2005, Vietnams GDP growth rate attained 8.4%, far exceeding the 2004 figure of 7.8%. This is the highest growth rate that Vietnam has experienced since 1997. Vietnam also scored the second highest growth rate (preceded by China) compared to other East Asian countries. High economic growth rate in 2005 enabled Vietnam to fulfill its targeted average growth rate of 7.5% per annum set in the 2001-2005 Five-year Plan.Vietnam, Socio-Economic Development Plan

    Vietnam’s Educational Philosophy Statement for Human Being, for Prosperous Development

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    The author’s article focuses on analyzing and clarifying the scientific basis, contributing to affirming that Vietnam has an educational philosophy statement of training talents. The weaknesses of Vietnam’s education today originate from lack of inheritance, application, supplementation and development of the existing educational philosophy statement in line with the era of globalization, international integration and knowledge economic development and industrial revolution 4.0. Besides, the state management mechanism and education and training processes, stages and steps are not professional and effective. Therefore, in addition to continuing to research, improve and develop the educational philosophy statement in line with the new situation, Vietnam should pay attention to mechanisms, policies and innovation of operating procedures of the whole political system, first of all, the Ministry of Education and Training to implement Vietnam educational philosophy statement in a more synchronous, comprehensive and effective way. Keywords: Education, educational philosophy statement, Vietnam’seducational philosophy statement, innovation, development, teachers, lecturers. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/9-8-11 Publication date: April 30th 201

    Two Methods of Forecasting the Spread of Disease Using R\u3csub\u3e0\u3c/sub\u3e Coefficient and Gradient-Descent

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    In 2020, COVID-19 became a global pandemic and has been negatively impacting the world ever since. One of the ways to help control the spread of disease is to forecast its growth. Forecasting the spread of disease, though a daunting task, is necessary when a pandemic happens as it could help create social policies that could potentially mitigate the effects of the disease. This research aims to provide two disease prediction methods: the R0-based method and the gradient-descent method. The R0-based method produces short-term predictions by simulating the mobility of residents and utilizing the R0 coefficient. The gradientdescent method maps the linear regression model onto non-linear model in order to fit the exponential growth of the disease. Experimental results show that the R0-based method is accurate at forecasting during pandemic outbreaks. The gradient-descent method is able to study the spread of epidemics on a city-to-city scale through transport network, but with less accuracy than the R0-based technique

    Vietnam’s Accession to the World Trade Organization: Economic Projections to 2020

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    This study presents a set of assessments of the long term economic effects of Vietnam’s accession to the WTO. Generally speaking, our results indicate that Vietnam would benefit from accelerating its participation in more open multilateralism. However, it is also clear from our analysis that these benefits will remain modest in the absence of comprehensive and complementary domestic economic reforms. Passive external liberalization, even when coupled with determined domestic reform, is inferior to WTO participation combined with negotiated market access and other activist multilateral agreements. Finally, our analysis shows that capital insufficiency is a very serious constraint on Vietnamese economic growth and diversification. Capital market reform can play an essential role in dynamic and sustained economic development for the country.Vietnam, WTO, Trade

    Optimal connection of wind turbines to distribution grid to minimize power loss

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    This research aims to connect wind turbines to a distribution grid to minimize the power loss and to satisfy the grid’s normal operating condition. The proposed algorithm will determine optimal positions, optimal operation mode and wind turbine type. We must choose the best operation mode from available modes including the constant power factor mode and the constant voltage mode. According to the optimal operation mode, we decide the optimal setting data of wind turbine. This algorithm is coded in MATLAB software and implemented to IEEE 33-buses distribution grid. Noted that in this research, we tested two cases including the original IEEE 33-buses grid and its modification where the power system connected to this grid at multi-position. Results indicated that the proposed algorithm could determine the number of wind turbines, position, optimal operation mode, wind turbine type and the priority order of wind turbine installation to minimize power loss. Moreover, results were also compared to that of other algorithms
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