69 research outputs found

    Meiosis in Budding Yeast

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    Meiosis is a specialized cell division program that is essential for sexual reproduction. The two meiotic divisions reduce chromosome number by half, typically generating haploid genomes that are packaged into gametes. To achieve this ploidy reduction, meiosis relies on highly unusual chromosomal processes including the pairing of homologous chromosomes, assembly of the synaptonemal complex, programmed formation of DNA breaks followed by their processing into crossovers, and the segregation of homologous chromosomes during the first meiotic division. These processes are embedded in a carefully orchestrated cell differentiation program with multiple interdependencies between DNA metabolism, chromosome morphogenesis, and waves of gene expression that together ensure the correct number of chromosomes is delivered to the next generation. Studies in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have established essentially all fundamental paradigms of meiosis-specific chromosome metabolism and have uncovered components and molecular mechanisms that underlie these conserved processes. Here, we provide an overview of all stages of meiosis in this key model system and highlight how basic mechanisms of genome stability, chromosome architecture, and cell cycle control have been adapted to achieve the unique outcome of meiosis

    A conserved filamentous assembly underlies the structure of the meiotic chromosome axis.

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    The meiotic chromosome axis plays key roles in meiotic chromosome organization and recombination, yet the underlying protein components of this structure are highly diverged. Here, we show that 'axis core proteins' from budding yeast (Red1), mammals (SYCP2/SYCP3), and plants (ASY3/ASY4) are evolutionarily related and play equivalent roles in chromosome axis assembly. We first identify 'closure motifs' in each complex that recruit meiotic HORMADs, the master regulators of meiotic recombination. We next find that axis core proteins form homotetrameric (Red1) or heterotetrameric (SYCP2:SYCP3 and ASY3:ASY4) coiled-coil assemblies that further oligomerize into micron-length filaments. Thus, the meiotic chromosome axis core in fungi, mammals, and plants shares a common molecular architecture, and likely also plays conserved roles in meiotic chromosome axis assembly and recombination control

    Crossover recombination and synapsis are linked by adjacent regions within the N terminus of the Zip1 synaptonemal complex protein

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    Accurate chromosome segregation during meiosis relies on the prior establishment of at least one crossover recombination event between homologous chromosomes. Most meiotic recombination intermediates that give rise to interhomolog crossovers are embedded within a hallmark chromosomal structure called the synaptonemal complex (SC), but the mechanisms that coordinate the processes of SC assembly (synapsis) and crossover recombination remain poorly understood. Among known structural components of the budding yeast SC, the Zip1 protein is unique for its independent role in promoting crossover recombination; Zip1 is specifically required for the large subset of crossovers that also rely on the meiosis-specific MutSgamma complex. Here we report that adjacent regions within Zip1\u27s N terminus encompass its crossover and synapsis functions. We previously showed that deletion of Zip1 residues 21-163 abolishes tripartite SC assembly and prevents robust SUMOylation of the SC central element component, Ecm11, but allows excess MutSgamma crossover recombination. We find the reciprocal phenotype when Zip1 residues 2-9 or 10-14 are deleted; in these mutants SC assembles and Ecm11 is hyperSUMOylated, but MutSgamma crossovers are strongly diminished. Interestingly, Zip1 residues 2-9 or 2-14 are required for the normal localization of Zip3, a putative E3 SUMO ligase and pro-MutSgamma crossover factor, to Zip1 polycomplex structures and to recombination initiation sites. By contrast, deletion of Zip1 residues 15-20 does not detectably prevent Zip3\u27s localization at Zip1 polycomplex and supports some MutSgamma crossing over but prevents normal SC assembly and Ecm11 SUMOylation. Our results highlight distinct N terminal regions that are differentially critical for Zip1\u27s roles in crossing over and SC assembly; we speculate that the adjacency of these regions enables Zip1 to serve as a liaison, facilitating crosstalk between the two processes by bringing crossover recombination and synapsis factors within close proximity of one another

    A conserved filamentous assembly underlies the structure of the meiotic chromosome axis

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    The meiotic chromosome axis plays key roles in meiotic chromosome organization and recombination, yet the underlying protein components of this structure are highly diverged. Here, we show that 'axis core proteins' from budding yeast (Red1), mammals (SYCP2/SYCP3), and plants (ASY3/ASY4) are evolutionarily related and play equivalent roles in chromosome axis assembly. We first identify 'closure motifs' in each complex that recruit meiotic HORMADs, the master regulators of meiotic recombination. We next find that axis core proteins form homotetrameric (Red1) or heterotetrameric (SYCP2:SYCP3 and ASY3:ASY4) coiled-coil assemblies that further oligomerize into micron-length filaments. Thus, the meiotic chromosome axis core in fungi, mammals, and plants shares a common molecular architecture, and likely also plays conserved roles in meiotic chromosome axis assembly and recombination control

    HO Endonuclease-Initiated Recombination in Yeast Meiosis Fails To Promote Homologous Centromere Pairing and Is Not Constrained To Utilize the Dmc1 Recombinase

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    Crossover recombination during meiosis is accompanied by a dramatic chromosome reorganization. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the onset of meiotic recombination by the Spo11 transesterase leads to stable pairwise associations between previously unassociated homologous centromeres followed by the intimate alignment of homologous axes via synaptonemal complex (SC) assembly. However, the molecular relationship between recombination and global meiotic chromosome reorganization remains poorly understood. In budding yeast, one question is why SC assembly initiates earliest at centromere regions while the DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) that initiate recombination occur genome-wide. We targeted the site-specific HO endonuclease to various positions on S. cerevisiae’s longest chromosome in order to ask whether a meiotic DSB’s proximity to the centromere influences its capacity to promote homologous centromere pairing and SC assembly. We show that repair of an HO-mediated DSB does not promote homologous centromere pairing nor any extent of SC assembly in spo11 meiotic nuclei, regardless of its proximity to the centromere. DSBs induced en masse by phleomycin exposure likewise do not promote homologous centromere pairing nor robust SC assembly. Interestingly, in contrast to Spo11, HO-initiated interhomolog recombination is not affected by loss of the meiotic kinase, Mek1, and is not constrained to use the meiosis-specific Dmc1 recombinase. These results strengthen the previously proposed idea that (at least some) Spo11 DSBs may be specialized in activating mechanisms that both 1) reinforce homologous chromosome alignment via homologous centromere pairing and SC assembly, and 2) establish Dmc1 as the primary strand exchange enzyme

    Synapsis-dependent and -independent mechanisms stabilize homolog pairing during meiotic prophase in C. elegans

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    Analysis of Caenorhabditis elegans syp-1 mutants reveals that both synapsis-dependent and -independent mechanisms contribute to stable, productive alignment of homologous chromosomes during meiotic prophase. Early prophase nuclei undergo normal reorganization in syp-1 mutants, and chromosomes initially pair. However, the polarized nuclear organization characteristic of early prophase persists for a prolonged period, and homologs dissociate prematurely; furthermore, the synaptonemal complex (SC) is absent. The predicted structure of SYP-1, its localization at the interface between intimately paired, lengthwise-aligned pachytene homologs, and its kinetics of localization with chromosomes indicate that SYP-1 is an SC structural component. A severe reduction in crossing over together with evidence for accumulated recombination intermediates in syp-1 mutants indicate that initial pairing is not sufficient for completion of exchange and implicates the SC in promoting crossover recombination. Persistence of polarized nuclear organization in syp-1 mutants suggests that SC polymerization may provide a motive force or signal that drives redispersal of chromosomes. Whereas our analysis suggests that the SC is required to stabilize pairing along the entire lengths of chromosomes, striking differences in peak pairing levels for opposite ends of chromosomes in syp-1 mutants reveal the existence of an additional mechanism that can promote local stabilization of pairing, independent of synapsis

    Full-Length Synaptonemal Complex Grows Continuously during Meiotic Prophase in Budding Yeast

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    <div><p>The synaptonemal complex (SC) links two meiotic prophase chromosomal events: homolog pairing and crossover recombination. SC formation involves the multimeric assembly of coiled-coil proteins (Zip1 in budding yeast) at the interface of aligned homologous chromosomes. However, SC assembly is indifferent to homology and thus is normally regulated such that it occurs only subsequent to homology recognition. Assembled SC structurally interfaces with and influences the level and distribution of interhomolog crossover recombination events. Despite its involvement in dynamic chromosome behaviors such as homolog pairing and recombination, the extent to which SC, once installed, acts as an irreversible tether or maintains the capacity to remodel is not clear. Experiments presented here reveal insight into the dynamics of the full-length SC in budding yeast meiotic cells. We demonstrate that Zip1 continually incorporates into previously assembled synaptonemal complex during meiotic prophase. Moreover, post-synapsis Zip1 incorporation is sufficient to rescue the sporulation defect triggered by SCs built with a mutant version of Zip1, Zip1-4LA. Post-synapsis Zip1 incorporation occurs initially with a non-uniform spatial distribution, predominantly associated with Zip3, a component of the synapsis initiation complex that is presumed to mark a subset of crossover sites. A non-uniform dynamic architecture of the SC is observed independently of (i) synapsis initiation components, (ii) the Pch2 and Pph3 proteins that have been linked to Zip1 regulation, and (iii) the presence of a homolog. Finally, the rate of SC assembly and SC central region size increase in proportion to Zip1 copy number; this and other observations suggest that Zip1 does not exit the SC structure to the same extent that it enters. Our observations suggest that, after full-length assembly, SC central region exhibits little global turnover but maintains differential assembly dynamics at sites whose distribution is patterned by a recombination landscape.</p> </div
