79 research outputs found

    La robótica en la enseñanza de las ciencias en primaria, una experiencia con Bee-Bot

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    La robótica en las aulas es un recurso educativo interdisciplinar que ofrece la oportunidad de trabajar de forma integrada contenidos del ámbito STEM, al tiempo que promueve el desarrollo de la creatividad y de las competencias digitales. El presente estudio tiene como finalidad averiguar si el uso de los robots educativos favorece el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de ciencias naturales en Educación Primaria. La investigación se ha llevado a cabo en una muestra de 22 estudiantes de segundo curso de primaria mediante la aplicación de cuestionarios semicuantitativos ad hoc en los que se han valorado las posibilidades didácticas del robot Bee-Bot en la enseñanza del contenido de los ecosistemas y su efecto sobre la motivación y el clima del aula. Los resultados muestran que la incorporación del robot en el proceso de enseñanza ha favorecido la mejora del aprendizaje y el interés del alumnado por los contenidos de ciencias. Robotics in the classroom is an interdisciplinary educational resource that offers the opportunity to work in an integrated way STEM content, while promoting the development of creativity and digital competencies. The objective is to find if the use of educational robots encourages the teaching-learning process of natural sciences in Primary School. The research has been carried out in a sample of 22 students in the second year of primary school through the application of semi-quantitative questionnaires ad hoc and have been valued the didactic possibilities of the BeeBot robot in the teaching of ecosystem content and its effect on the motivation and climate of the classroom. The results show that the inclusion of the robot in the teaching process has favored the improvement of student learning and interest in science content

    Determining the value contribution of emicizumab (Hemlibra®) for the prophylaxis of haemophilia A with inhibitors in Spain by multi-criteria decision analysis

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    Haemophilia A; Inhibitors; Drug valueHemofilia A; Inhibidores; Valores del medicamentoHemofília A; Inhibidors; Valors del medicamentPatients with moderate to severe haemophilia A are at a higher risk of developing FVIII inhibitors that require the use of more costly and less effective treatments. The objective of this study was to determine the value of emicizumab for the prophylaxis of haemophilia A with inhibitors compared to the current therapeutic alternatives, activated prothrombin complex concentrate and recombinant factor VIIa through reflective Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. The EVIDEM framework adapted to orphan drugs and weighted by a sample of 98 national and regional Spanish evaluators was used. Two structured evidence matrices were developed: emicizumab against activated prothrombin complex concentrate and emicizumab against recombinant factor VIIa. A multidisciplinary team of haemophilia experts rated each of the criteria. Mean and standard deviation were calculated by each criterion and discussed among all participants. Haemophilia A with inhibitors was perceived as a severe disease with high unmet needs. Emicizumab was rated with higher efficacy, therapeutic benefit and quality of life than comparators. When administered alone for the prevention of bleeding events, emicizumab had slightly better safety and tolerability profile than activated prothrombin complex concentrate and similar with recombinant factor VIIa. The inclusion of emicizumab in clinical practice guidelines was valued positively by the members of the panel. Overall, value of emicizumab was higher than activated prothrombin complex concentrate and recombinant factor VIIa, mostly because of efficacy and therapeutic benefit in reducing treated haemorrhages. Reflective Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis has proven to be a feasible method to determine the value contribution of comparative therapies in haemophilia.This work was supported by Hoffmann-La Roche

    Internet Gaming Disorder in adolescents: personality, psychopathology and evaluation of a psychological intervention combined with parent psychoeducation

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    Internet Gaming Disorder is an increasingly prevalent disorder, which can have severe consequences in affected young people and in their families. There is an urgent need to improve existing treatment programs; these are currently hampered by the lack of research in this area. It is necessary to more carefully define the symptomatic, psychosocial and personality characterization of these patients and the interaction between treatment and relevant variables. The objectives of this study were three: (1) to analyze the symptomatic and personality profiles of young patients with Internet Gaming Disorder in comparison with healthy controls; (2) to analyze the effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral treatment on reducing symptomatology; and (3) to compare the results of that treatment with or without the addition of a psychoeducational group offered to the parents. The final sample consisted of 30 patients consecutively admitted to a specialized mental health unit in Spain, and 30 healthy controls. The experimental group received individual cognitive-behavioral therapy. The experimental group was divided into two subgroups (N = 15), depending on the addition or not of a psychoeducational group for their parents (consecutively admitted). Scores on the Millon Adolescent Personality Inventory (MACI), the Symptom Checklist-Revised (SCL-90-R), the State-Trait Anxiety Index (STAI), and other clinical and psychopathological measures were recorded. The patients were re-assessed post treatment (except for the MACI questionnaire). Compared with healthy controls, patients did not differ in symptomatology at baseline, but scored significantly higher in the personality scales: Introversive and Inhibited, and in the expressed concerns scales: Identity Confusion, Self-Devaluation, and Peer Insecurity and scored significantly lower in the Histrionic and Egotistic scale. In the experimental group, pre-post changes differed statistically on SCL-90-R scales Hostility, Psychoticism, and Global Severity Index and on the diagnostic criteria for Internet Gaming Disorder, regardless of the addition of a psychoeducational group for parents. Pre-post changes did not differ between experimental subgroups. However, the subgroup without psychoeducation for parents presented statistically higher drop-out rates during treatment. The results of this study are based on a sample of patients seeking treatment related to problems with online gaming, therefore, they may be of value for similar patients.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Internet gaming disorder in adolescents: personality, psychopathology and evaluation of a psychological intervention combined with parent psychoeducation

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    Internet Gaming Disorder is an increasingly prevalent disorder, which can have severe consequences in affected young people and in their families. There is an urgent need to improve existing treatment programs; these are currently hampered by the lack of research in this area. It is necessary to more carefully define the symptomatic, psychosocial and personality characterization of these patients and the interaction between treatment and relevant variables. The objectives of this study were three: (1) to analyze the symptomatic and personality profiles of young patients with Internet Gaming Disorder in comparison with healthy controls; (2) to analyze the effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral treatment on reducing symptomatology; and (3) to compare the results of that treatment with or without the addition of a psychoeducational group offered to the parents. The final sample consisted of 30 patients consecutively admitted to a specialized mental health unit in Spain, and 30 healthy controls. The experimental group received individual cognitive-behavioral therapy. The experimental group was divided into two subgroups (N = 15), depending on the addition or not of a psychoeducational group for their parents (consecutively admitted). Scores on the Millon Adolescent Personality Inventory (MACI), the Symptom Checklist-Revised (SCL-90-R), the State-Trait Anxiety Index (STAI), and other clinical and psychopathological measures were recorded. The patients were re-assessed post treatment (except for the MACI questionnaire). Compared with healthy controls, patients did not differ in symptomatology at baseline, but scored significantly higher in the personality scales: Introversive and Inhibited, and in the expressed concerns scales: Identity Confusion, Self-Devaluation, and Peer Insecurity and scored significantly lower in the Histrionic and Egotistic scale. In the experimental group, pre-post changes differed statistically on SCL-90-R scales Hostility, Psychoticism, and Global Severity Index and on the diagnostic criteria for Internet Gaming Disorder, regardless of the addition of a psychoeducational group for parents. Pre-post changes did not differ between experimental subgroups. However, the subgroup without psychoeducation for parents presented statistically higher drop-out rates during treatment. The results of this study are based on a sample of patients seeking treatment related to problems with online gaming, therefore, they may be of value for similar patients

    Analytical parameters and vital signs in patients subjected to dental extraction

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    Dental consultation may provoke stress to the patient, especially when a dental surgery is going to be performed, stressful situations can cause a reaction in the sympathetic nervous system that could lead to cardiovascular alterations. Blood pressure and cardiac frequency are used often as an indirect measurement and this parameters combined can serve as good indicators of stress. Objective: Analyze the changes in vital signs and analytical parameters induced by a dental extraction. 24 healthy patients who required a simple dental extraction underwent to a blood test and motorization of their pre- and post-extraction vital signs before, at 2 and 48 hours after the procedure. Data analysis was performed by means of repeated measures one way ANOVA followed by multiple comparisons Bonferroni’s Post-hoc test. The evaluated patients were 13 women and 11 men with an average age of 35.1. Thirteen patients (54.17% of the sample) were smokers and five were regular drinkers (20.8%). No significant differences were observed in the vital signs with the exception of diastolic blood pressure and cardiac rate that were slightly lower after extraction. Only two analytical parameters showed statistical significant changes. Total bilirubin was significantly higher at 48 hours after extraction and leukocyte count was significantly lower at this time. In any case, the magnitude of the changes observed was very low. The analytical parameters and the vital signs did not show any relevant change. Eventual alterations found after simple tooth extraction should not be attributed to the procedure

    Internet Gaming Disorder Clustering Based on Personality Traits in Adolescents, and Its Relation With Comorbid Psychological Symptoms

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    In recent years, the evidence regarding Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) suggests that some personality traits are important risk factors for developing this problem. The heterogeneity involved in problematic online gaming and differences found in the literature regarding the comorbid psychopathology associated with the problem could be explained through different types of gamers. Clustering analysis can allow organization of a collection of personality traits into clusters based on similarity. The objectives of this study were: (1) to obtain an empirical classification of IGD patients according to personality variables and (2) to describe the resultant groups in terms of clinical and sociodemographic variables. The sample included 66 IGD adolescent patients who were consecutive referrals at a mental health center in Barcelona, Spain. A Gaussian mixture model cluster analysis was used in order to classify the subjects based on their personality. Two clusters based on personality traits were detected: type I "higher comorbid symptoms" (n = 24), and type II "lower comorbid symptoms" (n = 42). The type I included higher scores in introversive, inhibited, doleful, unruly, forceful, oppositional, self-demeaning and borderline tendency traits, and lower scores in histrionic, egotistic and conforming traits. The type I obtained higher scores on all the Symptom Check List-90 items-Revised, all the State-Trait Anxiety Index scales, and on the DSM-5 IGD criteria. Differences in personality can be useful in determining clusters with different types of dysfunctionality

    Stem cell paracrine actions in tissue regeneration and its potential therapeutic effect in human endometrium: a retrospective study.

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    Objective: Determining genetic and paracrine mechanisms behind endometrial regeneration in Asherman's Syndrome and Endometrial Atrophy (AS/EA) patients after autologous CD133+ bone marrow-derived stem cells (CD133+BMDSCs) transplantation. Design: Retrospective study using human endometrial biopsies and mouse models. Setting: Fundación-IVI, IIS-La Fe, Valencia, Spain. Samples: Endometrial biopsies collected before and after CD133+BMDSCs therapy, from 8 women with AS/EA (NCT02144987). And uterus from 5 mice, with only left horns receiving CD133+BMDSCs therapy. Methods: In human samples, hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining, RNA arrays, PCR validation and neutrophil elastase (NE) immunohistochemistry (IHQ). In mouse samples, PCR validation and protein immunoarrays

    Analytical parameters and vital signs in patients subjected to dental extraction

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    BACKGROUND: Dental consultation may provoke stress to the patient, especially when a dental surgery is going to be performed, stressful situations can cause a reaction in the sympathetic nervous system that could lead to cardiovascular alterations. Blood pressure and cardiac frequency are used often as an indirect measurement and this parameters combined can serve as good indicators of stress. Objective: Analyze the changes in vital signs and analytical parameters induced by a dental extraction. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 24 healthy patients who required a simple dental extraction underwent to a blood test and motorization of their pre- and post-extraction vital signs before, at 2 and 48 hours after the procedure. Data analysis was performed by means of repeated measures one way ANOVA followed by multiple comparisons Bonferroni's Post-hoc test. RESULTS: The evaluated patients were 13 women and 11 men with an average age of 35.1. Thirteen patients (54.17% of the sample) were smokers and five were regular drinkers (20.8%). No significant differences were observed in the vital signs with the exception of diastolic blood pressure and cardiac rate that were slightly lower after extraction. Only two analytical parameters showed statistical significant changes. Total bilirubin was significantly higher at 48 hours after extraction and leukocyte count was significantly lower at this time. In any case, the magnitude of the changes observed was very low. The analytical parameters and the vital signs did not show any relevant change. CONCLUSIONS: Eventual alterations found after simple tooth extraction should not be attributed to the procedure. Key words:Blood pressure, heart rate, monitoring physiologic, oxygen saturation, tooth extraction

    Loxl3 Promotes Melanoma Progression and Dissemination Influencing Cell Plasticity and Survival

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    Malignant melanoma is the most lethal skin cancer due to its aggressive clinical behavior and therapeutic resistance. A comprehensive knowledge of the molecular mechanisms underlying melanoma progression is urgently needed to improve the survival of melanoma patients. Phenotypic plasticity of melanoma cells has emerged as a key process in melanomagenesis and therapy resistance. This phenotypic plasticity is sustained by an epithelial-to-mesenchymal (EMT)-like program that favors multiple intermediate states and allows adaptation to changing microenvironments along melanoma progression. Given the essential role of lysyl oxidase-like 3 (LOXL3) in human melanoma cell survival and its contribution to EMT, we generated mice with conditional melanocyte-specific targeting of Loxl3, concomitant to Braf activation and Pten deletion. Our results supported a key role of Loxl3 for melanoma progression, metastatic dissemination, and genomic stability, and supported its contribution to melanoma phenotypic plasticity by modulating the expression of several EMT transcription factors (EMT-TFs). Malignant melanoma is a highly aggressive tumor causing most skin cancer-related deaths. Understanding the fundamental mechanisms responsible for melanoma progression and therapeutic evasion is still an unmet need for melanoma patients. Progression of skin melanoma and its dissemination to local or distant organs relies on phenotypic plasticity of melanoma cells, orchestrated by EMT-TFs and microphthalmia-associated TF (MITF). Recently, melanoma phenotypic switching has been proposed to uphold context-dependent intermediate cell states benefitting malignancy. LOXL3 (lysyl oxidase-like 3) promotes EMT and has a key role in human melanoma cell survival and maintenance of genomic integrity. To further understand the role of Loxl3 in melanoma, we generated a conditional Loxl3-knockout (KO) melanoma mouse model in the context of BrafV600E-activating mutation and Pten loss. Melanocyte-Loxl3 deletion increased melanoma latency, decreased tumor growth, and reduced lymph node metastatic dissemination. Complementary in vitro and in vivo studies in mouse melanoma cells confirmed Loxl3's contribution to melanoma progression and metastasis, in part by modulating phenotypic switching through Snail1 and Prrx1 EMT-TFs. Importantly, a novel LOXL3-SNAIL1-PRRX1 axis was identified in human melanoma, plausibly relevant to melanoma cellular plasticity. These data reinforced the value of LOXL3 as a therapeutic target in melanoma

    Analysis of the Effectiveness of Cognitive Remediation and Emotional Skills Training in a Group format. Preliminary results in patients with eating disorders

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    Eating disorders (ED) are associated with cognitive and emotional impairments. Cognitive and Emotional Remediation Skill Training (CREST) was developed as an intervention program targeting patients' thinking styles and their skills in recognizing and managing emotions. AIM: to analyze the effects of the CREST intervention in a group format in females with ED. METHOD: eight females underwent a CREST program (eight 90-minute sessions) targeting cognitive (central coherence, set shifting, problem solving) and emotional (recognizing emotions, managing emotions) difficulties. It was assessed cognitive flexibility (Wisconsin Card Sorting Test), decision-making (Iowa Gambling Task), central coherence (Group embedded Figures Test), alexithymia (Toronto Alexithymia Scale), affect (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule), ED symptomatology (Eating Attitudes Test). RESULTS: Results showed improvements in cognitive flexibility, decision-making, and central coherence, a decrease in depression, anxiety, negative affect, and alexithymia, and an improvement in quality of life. CONCLUSION: The results of this study on patients with ED suggest that the CREST can reduce ED symptomatology and could increase adherence to psychological treatments