436 research outputs found

    Co-ordination behaviour of a novel tristhiourea tripodal ligand; structural variations in a series of transition metal complexes

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    The co-ordination chemistry of a tristhiourea tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine ligand (L1) with a series of transition metal ions has been investigated. Crystallographic data show that large metal ions, with no geometrical preferences , such as Mn(II) and Cd(II), will form seven co-ordinate monocapped octahedral complexes, while smaller metal ions such as Zn(II) favour five co-ordinate trigonal bipyramidal structures. In a similar manner to the related bisthiourea complexes, the Ni(II) complex shows a strong preference for octahedral geometries resulting in the ligand binding asymmetrically. Spectroscopic (IR and NMR), spectrometric (MS) as well as electrochemical data for these complexes are reported

    Shaping and enforcing coordination spheres: probing the ability of tripodal ligands to favour trigonal prismatic geometry

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    The coordination chemistry of mono(2,2′-bipyrid-6-yl)bis(2-pyridyl)methanol (L1) and bis(2,2′-bipyrid-6-yl)mono(2-pyridyl)methanol (L2) are contrasted to tris(2,2′-bipyrid-6-yl)methanol (L3).L1andL2can produce octahedral complexes compared to the trigonal prismatic preference ofL3.</p

    Using lanthanide ions in molecular bioimaging

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    Trivalent lanthanide ions offer remarkable opportunities in the design of bioimaging agents: this review presents an accessible discussion of their application in both optical and magnetic resonance imaging. Aspects of molecular design, control over key physical properties and biological compatibility are discussed in this context, together with developments and opportunities as responsive probes and in multimodal imaging

    Near-IR luminescent lanthanide complexes with 1,8-diaminoanthraquinone-based chromophoric ligands

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    Three new chromophoric anthraquinone-based multidentate ligands have been synthesised in a step-wise manner from 1,8-dichloroanthraquinone. The ligands each comprise two dipicolyl amine units and react with trivalent lanthanide ions to form monometallic complexes of the form [Ln(L)](OTf)3 as indicated by MS studies and elemental analyses. Supporting DFT studies show that the monometallic species are highly favoured (>1000 kJ mol−1) over the formation of a 2 : 2 dimetallic congener. Both ligands and complexes absorb light efficiently (ε ∼ 104 M−1 cm−1) in the visible part of the spectrum, with λabs ca. 535–550 nm through an intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) transition localised on the substituted anthraquinone unit. In all cases the complexes show a fluorescence band at ca. 675 nm due to the ICT emitting state. The corresponding Nd(III), Yb(III) and Er(III) complexes also reveal sensitised near-IR emission characteristic of each ion following excitation of the ICT visible absorption band at 535 nm


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    The title compound, C11H15BrN2O2, contains an amide group which is close to coplanar with the adjacent pyridine ring, the dihedral angle between the planes being 9.0 (5)°. The mol­ecular packing reveals a mutual hydrogen-bond inter­action between centrosymmetrically related hydroxyl O atoms. Further hydrogen bonding involving O—H⋯Br and N—H⋯Br inter­actions also appears to consolidate the packing

    Synthesis, complex stability and small animal PET imaging of a novel 64Cu-labelled cryptand molecule

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    The radiosynthesis and radiopharmacological evaluation including small animal PET imaging of a novel 64Cu-labelled cryptand molecule ([64Cu]CryptTM) possessing a tris-pyridyl/tris-amido set of donor atoms is described

    Water soluble, cyclometalated Pt(II)–Ln(III) conjugates towards novel bimodal imaging agents

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    Facile conjugation of a luminescent cyclometalated PtII complex with a DO3A-derived GdIII moiety yields a hybrid species with visible luminescence and enhanced relaxivity

    Bottom trawl fishing footprints on the world’s continental shelves

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    Publication history: Accepted - 23 August 2018; Published online - 8 October 2018.Bottom trawlers land around 19 million tons of fish and invertebrates annually, almost one-quarter of wild marine landings. The extent of bottom trawling footprint (seabed area trawled at least once in a specified region and time period) is often contested but poorly described. We quantify footprints using high-resolution satellite vessel monitoring system (VMS) and logbook data on 24 continental shelves and slopes to 1,000-m depth over at least 2 years. Trawling footprint varied markedly among regions: from <10% of seabed area in Australian and New Zealand waters, the Aleutian Islands, East Bering Sea, South Chile, and Gulf of Alaska to >50% in some European seas. Overall, 14% of the 7.8 million-km2 study area was trawled, and 86% was not trawled. Trawling activity was aggregated; the most intensively trawled areas accounting for 90% of activity comprised 77% of footprint on average. Regional swept area ratio (SAR; ratio of total swept area trawled annually to total area of region, a metric of trawling intensity) and footprint area were related, providing an approach to estimate regional trawling footprints when highresolution spatial data are unavailable. If SAR was ≤0.1, as in 8 of 24 regions, therewas >95% probability that >90%of seabed was not trawled. If SAR was 7.9, equal to the highest SAR recorded, there was >95% probability that >70% of seabed was trawled. Footprints were smaller and SAR was ≤0.25 in regions where fishing rates consistently met international sustainability benchmarks for fish stocks, implying collateral environmental benefits from sustainable fishing.Funding for meetings of the study group and salary support for R.O.A. were provided by the following: David and Lucile Packard Foundation; the Walton Family Foundation; the Alaska Seafood Cooperative; American Seafoods Group US; Blumar Seafoods Denmark; Clearwater Seafoods Inc.; Espersen Group; Glacier Fish Company LLC US; Gortons Seafood; Independent Fisheries Limited N.Z.; Nippon Suisan (USA), Inc.; Pesca Chile S.A.; Pacific Andes International Holdings, Ltd.; San Arawa, S.A.; Sanford Ltd. N.Z.; Sealord Group Ltd. N.Z.; South African Trawling Association; Trident Seafoods; and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations. Additional funding to individual authors was provided by European Union Project BENTHIS EU-FP7 312088 (to A.D.R., O.R.E., F.B., N.T.H., L.B.-M., R.C., H.O.F., H.G., J.G.H., P.J., S.K., M.L., G.G.-M., N.P., P.E.P., T.R., A.S., B.V., and M.J.K.); the Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, Portugal (C.S.); the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Science Fund (R.O.A. and K.M.H.); the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (C.R.P. and T.M.); the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (R.A.M.); New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries Projects BEN2012/01 and DAE2010/ 04D (to S.J.B. and R.F.); the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania and the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Tasmania, Australia (J.M.S.); and UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Project MF1225 (to S.J.)