28 research outputs found

    Remot-IO: a System for Reaching into the Environment of a Remote Collaborator

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    In this paper we present Remot-IO, a system for mobile collaboration and remote assistance around Internet connected devices. The system uses two Head Mounted Displays, cameras and depth sensors to enable a remote expert to be immersed in a local user's point of view and control devices in that user?s environment. The remote expert can provide guidance through the use of hand gestures that appear in real-time in the local user?s field of view as superimposed 3D hands. In addition, the remote expert is able to operate devices in the novice?s environment and bring about physical changes by using the same hand gestures the novice would use. We describe a smart radio where the knobs of the radio can be controlled by local and remote user alike. Moreover, the user can visualize, interact and modify properties of sound waves in real time by using intuitive hand gestures

    Third Wave or Winter? The Past and Future of Smell in HCI

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    Over the last hundred years, the integration of scent in technology could roughly be seen as having two public waves, analogous to virtual reality's three or four. These waves include the cinematic technologies of the 1960s and the rise of olfactory desktop peripherals and home fragrance technologies for the internet in the 1990s and early 2000s. In the last few decades, an impressive, multi-disciplinary effort in Human-Computer Interaction has been made to incorporate smell into interactive systems. This panel asks whether exciting recent developments in smell for Human-Computer Interaction mark the cusp of a third wave and whether the field is here to stay or should prepare for another winter

    Evoluci贸n de la funci贸n renal en una cohorte de pacientes con insuficiencia card铆aca en un per铆odo de 12 meses.

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    La insuficiencia card铆aca en nuestro medio supone una causa frecuente de hospitalizaci贸n, que se asocia en muchas ocasiones con un empeoramiento de la funci贸n renal, el denominado S铆ndrome Cardiorrenal, lo que a su vez conlleva un aumento en el n煤mero de reingresos y de mortalidad. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue analizar a partir de una cohorte de 270 pacientes procedentes de la planta de Medicina Interna del HCU de Zaragoza con diagn贸stico ya establecido de IC, el deterioro de su funci贸n renal mediante un seguimiento en consultas durante un a帽o as铆 como dilucidar los mejores m茅todos para pronosticar de manera precoz esta disminuci贸n de la FR. Para ello, se emplearon distintas f贸rmulas de c谩lculo del FRG tomando en todo momento como punto de corte un FRG<60ml/min/1,73m虏. En cuanto a los marcadores biol贸gicos, se estipul贸 el punto de corte recomendado actualmente por las Gu铆as de Pr谩ctica Cl铆nica actuales; as铆 como para el resto de los par谩metros anal铆ticos. A pesar de encontrarnos con una poblaci贸n con muchas comorbilidades de base, pudimos constatar que aquellos pacientes con descenso del FRG, eran un subgrupo significativamente m谩s envejecido y con mayor proporci贸n de tabaquismo, HTA, anemia, DM 2 y de hiperpotasemia e hiperuricemia. A la hora de detectar el deterioro del FRG, observamos como CKD-EPI posee m谩s sensibilidad que MDRD (que tend铆a a una infraestimaci贸n de la funci贸n renal). Adem谩s, se apreci贸 como la ecuaci贸n CKD-EPI con Cistatina C pose铆a incluso mayor poder de discriminaci贸n que las anteriores a la hora de estratificar el grado de deterioro renal ya que estimaba mayores porcentajes de reingreso y 茅xitus en aquellos pacientes con FRG disminuido. Este par谩metro junto con el biomarcador card铆aco NT-proBNP fueron significativamente mayores en los pacientes con IR; as铆 como en aquellos que m谩s tarde sufrieron reingreso y/o 茅xitus en menos de un a帽o. Por ello, los resultados de este estudio perfilan a ambos par谩metros como marcadores m谩s precisos a la hora de predecir la p茅rdida de la funci贸n renal.<br /

    Affective Conversational Agents: Understanding Expectations and Personal Influences

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    The rise of AI conversational agents has broadened opportunities to enhance human capabilities across various domains. As these agents become more prevalent, it is crucial to investigate the impact of different affective abilities on their performance and user experience. In this study, we surveyed 745 respondents to understand the expectations and preferences regarding affective skills in various applications. Specifically, we assessed preferences concerning AI agents that can perceive, respond to, and simulate emotions across 32 distinct scenarios. Our results indicate a preference for scenarios that involve human interaction, emotional support, and creative tasks, with influences from factors such as emotional reappraisal and personality traits. Overall, the desired affective skills in AI agents depend largely on the application's context and nature, emphasizing the need for adaptability and context-awareness in the design of affective AI conversational agents

    La indisciplina en el proceso de ense帽anza aprendizaje educaci贸n b谩sica media

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    The present research project had its focus on the indiscipline in the process of teaching learning in middle primary education, it was developed with the purpose of examining its factors, components and consequences to determine the impact it has on the development of the educational process. The research problem lies in the increase of acts of indiscipline that have originated in the institution due to the confluence of elements that originate the behaviors of indiscipline within the classroom. The methodology applied contains a qualitative approach since it is a socio-educational problem, which was complemented by the bibliographical research that allowed gathering the scientific information of diverse sources to deepen in the study of the indiscipline and the process of teaching learning. Field research that focuses on obtaining data directly from the actors involved in the educational issue as they are teachers and practitioners. The technique that has been used for data abstraction is the survey and the instrument used the questionnaire, which is structured with closed questions and multiple selection that have allowed the identification of the perception of teachers and students regarding indiscipline and its influence In the teaching-learning process. From the application of the survey technique, the following results obtained were teachers talk to parents when the student has undisciplined behavior within the classroom, it is deduced that the less involvement of the student in the problem, the greater the recurrence of situations of indiscipline. The students consider that every day there are acts of indiscipline in the classroom, so it is evident that the recurrence of indiscipline is high. It is recommended that teachers implement immediate action strategies to eradicate indiscipline, focused on the student to improve their participation and awareness of the need to keep order and discipline in the classroom. Promote actions that help reduce the recurrence of acts of indiscipline within the classroom, such as educational talks, inclusion of dynamics at the beginning or end of the class, among others.El presente proyecto de investigaci贸n tuvo su enfoque sobre la indisciplina en el proceso de ense帽anza aprendizaje en la educaci贸n b谩sica media, se desarroll贸 con el prop贸sito de examinar sus factores, componentes y consecuencias para determinar la incidencia que tiene en el desarrollo del proceso educativo. El problema de investigaci贸n radica en el incremento de actos de indisciplina que se han originado en la instituci贸n debido a la confluencia de elementos que originan los comportamientos de indisciplina dentro del sal贸n de clases. La metodolog铆a que se aplic贸 contiene un enfoque cualitativo ya que se trata de un problema socioeducativo, la cual se complement贸 con la investigaci贸n bibliogr谩fica que permiti贸 recabar la informaci贸n cient铆fica de diversas fuentes para profundizar en el estudio de la indisciplina y el proceso de ense帽anza aprendizaje, la investigaci贸n de campo que se centra en la obtenci贸n de datos directamente de los actores que intervienen en la problem谩tica educativa como son docentes y dicentes. la t茅cnica que se ha utilizado para la abstracci贸n de datos es la encuesta y el instrumento utilizado el cuestionario, que se encuentra estructurado con preguntas cerradas y de selecci贸n m煤ltiple que han permitido identificar la percepci贸n de docentes y estudiantes con respecto a la indisciplina y su influencia en el proceso de ense帽anza aprendizaje. De la aplicaci贸n de la t茅cnica de la encuesta se han obtenido los siguientes resultados: Los docentes habla con los padres cuando el estudiante tiene un comportamiento indisciplinado dentro del sal贸n, se deduce que a menor involucramiento del estudiante en el problema mayor ser谩 la recurrencia de situaciones de indisciplina. Los estudiantes consideran que todos los d铆as se dan actos de indisciplina en el aula de clase, por lo que se evidencia que la recurrencia de la indisciplina es alta. Por lo que se recomienda: Que los docentes apliquen estrategias de acci贸n inmediata para erradicar la indisciplina, centradas en el estudiante para mejorar su participaci贸n y conciencia de la necesidad de guardar el orden y la disciplina en el aula de clase. Promover acciones que ayuden a reducir la recurrencia de los actos de indisciplina dentro del sal贸n de clase, como charlas educativas, inclusi贸n de din谩micas al inicio o final de la clase, entre otras.Universidad T茅cnica de Cotopax

    Real-time Animation Generation and Control on Rigged Models via Large Language Models

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    We introduce a novel method for real-time animation control and generation on rigged models using natural language input. First, we embed a large language model (LLM) in Unity to output structured texts that can be parsed into diverse and realistic animations. Second, we illustrate LLM's potential to enable flexible state transition between existing animations. We showcase the robustness of our approach through qualitative results on various rigged models and motions.Comment: Accepted to NeurIPS Workshop on ML for Creativity and Design 202

    AutoEmotive: bringing empathy to the driving experience to manage stress

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    With recent developments in sensing technologies, it's becoming feasible to comfortably measure several aspects of emotions during challenging daily life situations. This work describes how the stress of drivers can be measured through different types of interactions, and how the information can enable several interactions in the car with the goal of helping to manage stress. These new interactions could help not only to bring empathy to the driving experience but also to improve driver safety and increase social awareness.MIT Media Lab ConsortiumNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant No. NSF CCF- 1029585

    From User Surveys to Telemetry-Driven Agents: Exploring the Potential of Personalized Productivity Solutions

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    We present a comprehensive, user-centric approach to understand preferences in AI-based productivity agents and develop personalized solutions tailored to users' needs. Utilizing a two-phase method, we first conducted a survey with 363 participants, exploring various aspects of productivity, communication style, agent approach, personality traits, personalization, and privacy. Drawing on the survey insights, we developed a GPT-4 powered personalized productivity agent that utilizes telemetry data gathered via Viva Insights from information workers to provide tailored assistance. We compared its performance with alternative productivity-assistive tools, such as dashboard and narrative, in a study involving 40 participants. Our findings highlight the importance of user-centric design, adaptability, and the balance between personalization and privacy in AI-assisted productivity tools. By building on the insights distilled from our study, we believe that our work can enable and guide future research to further enhance productivity solutions, ultimately leading to optimized efficiency and user experiences for information workers

    Investigating Game Mechanics that Target Players' Self-Control While Maintaining Engagement

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    漏 {Owner/Author | ACM} 2018. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3242671.3242698.Whenever someone chooses to study instead of going to a party, or forgo dessert after dinner, that person is exercising self-control. Self-control is essential for achieving long-term goals, but isn't easy. Games present a compelling opportunity to engage in tasks that allow a player to exercise and improve self-control, and consequently provide data about a person's cognitive capacity to exert self-control. However, exercising self-control can be effortful and depleting, which makes incorporating it into a game design that maintains engagement and quality of experience a challenge. We present the design of game mechanics for exercising and improving self-control, and an initial study that effectively demonstrates that games can be designed to engage a broad level of self-control processes without negatively affecting player engagement and experience. Our results also show that player performance is connected to trait-level self-control. We discuss how (for example) players with low trait self-control can therefore be identified, and games intended to improve or exercise self-control can dynamically adapt to this information.Funder 1, NSERC Discovery Grant 2016-04422 || Funder 2, NSERC Discovery Accelerator Grant 492970-2016 || Funder 3, NSERC CREATE Saskatchewan-Waterloo Games User Research (SWaGUR) Grant 479724-2016 || Funder 4, Ontario Early Researcher Award ER15-11-18