168 research outputs found

    Keterdedahan Media Massa dan Perubahan Sosiokultural Komunitas Pesantren

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    Pesantren [traditional Islamic boarding school] is a typical traditional religious education institution that has been presence in Indonesia since centuries. In maintaining its cultural-survival, pesantren is facing dramatic challenge due to rapid development of communications and information as brought in by modern technology. The massive influx of messages coming from mass media is really distorting the traditional codes of cultures as maintained in the pesantren education system. This phenomenon has brought about dramatic socio-cultural changes in the pesantren as a social entity. To see how deep is the influence of mass media exposure bringing about social change in pesantren, a study has been carried out. The aim of the study is to know the interplaying relationship between personal characteristics of the pesantren community members with mass media exposure and socio-cultural changes. The study revealed that personal characteristics and social economic background of students of pesantren have generally a very strong and significant correlation to the mass media exposure. The study concludes that significant influence of mass media exposure on the students has resulted in significant socio-cultural changes in the pesantren

    The Level of Mass Media Usage in Cattle Extension Communication Network

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    This research aim were: (1) To recognize the communication behavior of cattle farmers in searching information, (2) To analyze the level of farmer participation in cattle farmer communication network, (3) To explore the relationship between individual characteristics, (4) To explore interpersonal communication behavior and mass media utilization in cattle farmer communication network. The results showed that: (1) There was a significant difference of communication behavior between the advanced cattle farmers group and the less advanced one. This result informed the distinction of mass media used by cattle farmers in searching information i.e. interpersonal communication relationship in receiving and diffusing information and impersonal communication (media communication) behavior, particularly from television, broadcast and newspapers. (2) There was a significant relationship between formal education characteristic and impersonal communication behavior (television and radio and newspaper). There were significant relationship between economic class and newspaper impact behavior, between mass media ownership and television impact behavior, between education level and mass media ownership with the information search behavior. Individual characteristics of advanced farmers group have negative correlation with the information distribution behavior. Advanced farmer group were characterized by: well educated, higher economic class, more variety of mass media ownership, have more capability to select information according to their needs, profit oriented, risk taker, cosmopolites, have a communication pattern and good relationship among cattle farmer group. All of those characteristics caused un-proper of information diffusio

    Motivation of Cocoa Farmers in Implementing the Cocoa Production Technology: Case at Sirenja District Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi Province

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    One of the efforts to increase the quality and production of cacao is to apply proper technology of cacao production at farmers level. Level of the technology of cacao production is different among the farmers, which related to the motivation. The present research objectives were to identify motivation of farmers in implementing the cacao production technology, to identify the implementation of the cacao production technology by farmers, to analyze the factors of farmers\u27 motivation in implementing the cacao production technology, and to analyze motivation of farmers in implementing the cacao production technology. The research method used was descriptive-correlation. The population consisted of 40 cacao farmers in Sirenja District, Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, while the data collection was conducted on census basis. The data collection was carried out from June until August 2008. The analysis of the data was performed using the correlation test of Tau-b-Kendall. The results showed that motivation of cacao farmers was at middle level. The implementation of cacao production technology was at middle level which means that cacao farmers often apply the technology. Several farmer\u27s characteristics which significantly correlated with motivation were the area of land for cultivation, information access, availability of utility and infrastructure, and the characteristic of innovation. Intrinsic motivation of cacao farmers was closely related to the implementation of cacao production technology

    Hubungan Motivasi dan Pola Menonton dengan Tingkat Kepuasan Pemirsa pada Program Berita Topik ANTV (Kasus Pemirsa di Komplek Perumahan Pondok Sukatani Permai, Tapos, Kota Depok)

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    Television is most effective mass media to transfer information to audience than print media. Recently, people use television not only to get entertainment but also information. One of television programme that content more information and knowledge is news programme. ANTV become one option which can be a source of recent information and science for audiences. Based on uses and gratification theory, the audiences were looked actively in using mass media to fulfill their need. It means that someone use mass media because of certain motive. Mass media application offer expectable satisfaction for audience. The audiences behavior in applying media continually will increase day after day, in which they get satisfaction. It called by pattern of watching. Therefore, this research examine relationship between motivation, pattern of watching and satisfactory rate of audiences on Topik ANTV news programme. This research was done by a quantitative survey using a desciptive correlational design. Respondent were audiences in Komplek Perumahan Pondok Sukatani Permai, Tapos Distric, Depok City, and it selected by proportional stratified random sampling technique. Data were processed by the Spearman correlation test with SPSS for windows version 18. Motivation and pattern of watching shows option had a highly significant relation (p<0,01) with whole aspects of motivation for each them. Motivation with satisfaction shows option had significant relation (p<0,05) and the pattern with satisfaction shows option had highly significant relation (p<0,01)

    Peranan dan Gaya Kepemimpinan Hubungannya dengan Efektivitas Kerja Karyawan : Kasus Restoran Bakmi Japos Cabang Bogor

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    The role and leadership style are factors wich determine the employees performance in getting company's goal. Leader's behaviour is an important factor to motivate the employees. The leadership style is one of an input. The other inputs are culture, law, politic, economic, social and technology. They have to be processed to increase the skill's employees so the effectiveness of job employees will be created. The aims of this research are: (1) to explain the role and style of leadership that played by Bakmi Japos Restaurant's manager, (2) to explain the level of employees job effectiveness at Bakmi Japos Restaurant, (3) to analyze the correlation between the role and leadership's style manager with employees job effectiveness at Bakmi Japos Restaurant, (4) to explain the relation among internal, external and situational factors with the role and style of leadership's manager at Bakmi Japos Restaurant. The population was all employees of Bakmi Japos Restaurant. Sample were 38 persons and taken by sensus technique. The results of this research were: (1) The employees so enough satisfied with four leadership role and effective communicator as a mostly role while the employees so enough agree that five leadership style are needed to reach restaurant's goal with democratic style inclined, (2) The employees work effectively, (3) An amount the role and leadership style have a hihgly significant (

    Peran Kelompok Nelayan dalam Kegiatan Pariwisata terhadap Peluang Usaha dan Kerja

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of fishermen in the tourism activities of the business and employment opportunities. This study also examines the relationship between the characteristics of the group members and group elements with the role of fishermen, where the research was conducted on a group cruise boat belonging to the Organization of Boat Cruise Pangandaran (OBCP) Pangandaran Village. On testing the characteristics of group members to the role of fishermen, there was a real relationship. In the test group elements with the role of fishermen, there was a real relationship unless the relationship norms/rules of the group with the group supporting service units were not real relationships. Finally, in testing the role of fishermen and businesses and employment opportunities, there was a real relationship, this was evidenced by the presence of several members of the group who has other business other than as a fisherman or a boat cruise as homestays, restaurants and stalls

    Analisis Berita Pertanian Koran Kampus IPB dari Perspektif Agenda Setting Theory (Kasus Mahasiswa SKPM 2009 dan AGH 2008)

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    Agenda setting indicate a relationship between the media and the public in terms of determining whether a message is important or not. But, there are not real if the media haven't strong influences. Analysis of agricultural news in IPB Campus Newspapers prove that the media hasn't influenced IPB students to pay attention about the agricultural issue. The results of this study found the media assess the agriculture news is not important. That caused by the quantity was low compared to the other news, although their was put the agricultural news on front pages. The survey showed that the agricultural information was reported by IPB Campus Newspapers causses important by the public. That was known by asking the public to assess the level of news interest, rate the agricultural news, and also choose the agricultural news than the other news. This studi also showed that there was'nt real differences of students from two disciplines in assessing the public agenda of agricultural news in Campus Newspapers IPB, which inferential statistical analysis showed the results of T2Hotelling of 1,0782 (p>0.05)


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    The objectives of this research were (1) to explain VUC organization communication factors whichare the key in improving the VUC performance, (2) to explain VUC organization communicationfactors that become the key in developing the VUC capacity, and (3) to formulate defined strategyin improving the VUC quality service as the agricultural economic organization for agriculturalmechanization development. Active category of VUC sample as analysis unit was determinedby each of five VUC samples at Karawang and Cianjur District. From each VUC sample, thirtyrespondents that use rice milling of VUC, were taken. This research was designed using surveymethod with multi analysis approaches, they were: descriptive analysis and path analysis usingSEM (Structural Equation Model) analysis with LISREL analysis support. The primer andsecondary data were collected from December 2009 to March 2010. The result of this researchshowed that (1) according to the similarity test model referring to the goodness of fit criteriafrom SEM analysis showed that VUC organization communication model is good, (2) level ofperformance, capacity, and quality of VUC service at Karawang and Cianjur District classifiedas low,(3) determinant factors which have real influence on the low performance and capacityof VUC are low quality of information, inconvenient organization communication environment,and low intensity of public organization communication, (4) determinant factors which have realinfluence on the low quality of VUC service are low quality of VUC personnel characteristicand weak VUC organization communication process, and (5) improvement strategy of VUCquality service should be done by developing VUC organization communication model throughagricultural information system development in the centers of agriculture production in eachrural area towards modern agriculture


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    This research explains that family communications pattern, function of socialization, form of communication happened in family who live in setlement and family who live in countrified. Method which in using in this research is descriptive survey method and data in analysis applies Chi square (X²) statistical with program SPSS version 1600. Result of research indicates that family who live in setlement and family who live in more countrified tends to mengunakan family communications pattern Laissez-faire which in combination with family communications pattern pluralistik, pattern pluralistik in combination with pattern konsensual. Function of socialization at family who live in setlement is more usingly is active socialization and family who live in countrified more usingly is passive socialization. Form of communication verbal is more in using in countrified while family who live in setlement is more usingly is form of communication verbal and nonverbal
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