68 research outputs found

    D’égal Ă  Ă©gal ? HermĂ©neutique critique du dialogue initiĂ© par l’État avec les musulmans d’Allemagne

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    Cet article analyse le dialogue interculturel en Allemagne grĂące Ă  l’outil conceptuel que reprĂ©sente l’hermĂ©neutique critique de Gadamer. Le point de dĂ©part en est le Deutsche Islam Konferenz (DIK), une initiative de dialogue avec les musulmans menĂ©e par l’État en Allemagne. À partir de l’idĂ©e de Gadamer du caractĂšre processuel du dialogue et d’une ouverture principielle Ă  la diffĂ©rence de l’autre, je souhaite montrer que le DIK trouve ses origines bien plus dans une politique d’intĂ©gration que dans une idĂ©e de « comprĂ©hension » mutuelle. PlutĂŽt que de dĂ©linĂ©er une rĂ©flexion critique sur les prĂ©misses d’un « travail de l’histoire » (Wirkungsgeschichte) propre Ă  un individu et d’une rĂ©vision potentielle de ces prĂ©misses Ă  travers la rencontre, cet article suggĂšre qu’un tel Ă©vĂ©nement dialogique se base sur l’assomption d’une normalitĂ© de soi et d’une dĂ©viance d’autrui Ă  transformer. En donnant la parole Ă  certains reprĂ©sentants musulmans et Ă  leur refus de se transformer unilatĂ©ralement, j’avance que les retombĂ©es de telles mesures de dialogue n’en sont pas moins ouvertes et ambivalentes.This article analyses intercultural dialogue in Germany through the conceptual tool of Gadamer’s critical hermeneutics. The starting point is the Deutsche Islam Konferenz (DIK), a state-led dialogue initiative with Muslims in Germany. Starting from Gadamer’s idea of the procedural character of dialogue and a principled openness towards the difference of the other, I argue that the DIK is in the first place anchored in politics of integration and less in the ideal of mutual « understanding ». Instead of encompassing a critical reflection upon the premises of one’s own « history of effect » (Wirkungsgeschichte) and a potential revision of these through the encounter, the article suggests that this dialogical event is based on the assumption of the normalcy of the self and the deviation of the other to be transformed. Introducing the voices of some Muslim representatives and their refusal to one-sidedly transform, I claim that the outcomes of such dialogue measures are nonetheless open and ambivalent.Este artĂ­culo analiza el diĂĄlogo intercultural en Alemania gracias a la herramienta conceptual que representa la hermenĂ©utica crĂ­tica de Gadamer. El punto de partida es la Deutsche Islam Konferenz (DIK), una iniciativa de diĂĄlogo con los musulmanes dirigida por el Estado en Alemania. Partiendo de la idea de Gadamer del carĂĄcter procesual del diĂĄlogo y de una apertura principial a la diferencia del otro, este artĂ­culo desea mostrar que la DIK encuentra sus orĂ­genes mĂĄs bien en una polĂ­tica de integraciĂłn que en una idea de “comprensiĂłn” mutua. MĂĄs que delinear una reflexiĂłn crĂ­tica acerca de las premisas de un “trabajo de la historia” (Wirkungsgeschichte) propia a un individuo y de una revisiĂłn potencial de sus premisas a travĂ©s del encuentro, este artĂ­culo sugiere que tal evento dialĂłgico se basa en la asunciĂłn de una normalidad de sĂ­ mismo y una desviaciĂłn del otro que debe ser transformada. Al dar la palabra a ciertos representantes musulmanes y su rechazo a transformarse unilateralmente, el artĂ­culo señala que los resultados de tales medidas de diĂĄlogo no son menos abiertos y ambivalentes

    Pitfalls of consensus-orientated dialogue: the German Islam Conference (Deutsche Islam Konferenz)

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    This article discusses one deliberative approach to dialogue as conceptualized by the philosopher JĂŒrgen Habermas and brings this into a conversation with the current dialogue practice of the Deutsche Islam Konferenz (DIK) in Germany. This ongoing dialogue forum was initiated by the Ministry of the Interior in the autumn of 2006 in order to enact a structured conversation with Muslims and as a means of recognising them as ‘German Muslims’. My main argument is twofold. Focusing on Habermas’s ideal of dialogue as a consensus oriented rational discourse of equal citizens in non-hegemonic structures, I will argue, on the one hand, that much of the promise of the DIK to enact a dialogue with Muslims at eyelevel and to recognise them as equal citizens on the basis of the liberal-democratic order has not been fulfilled. With its top-down approach to Muslims as mere re-actors the DIK has so far turned out to be much more a governmental technique which aims at reshaping Muslims according to liberal/secular norms. On the other hand, I claim that although the DIK obviously runs counter to Habermas’s principles in many ways, it also shares and simultaneously lays bare the difficulties entailed in his consensus orientation, and, more importantly, in the secular bias of his approach.Schirin Amir-Moazai is Assistant Professor for Islam in Europe in the Department of Islamic Studies at Free University Berlin. Website: http://www.geschkult.fu-berlin.de/e/islamwiss/mitarbeiterinnen/professorinnen/Amir-Moazami/index.html

    Politisierte Religion

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    Ausgehend von den anhaltenden Debatten um das islamische Kopftuch in staatlichen Bildungseinrichtungen Deutschlands und Frankreichs analysiert Schirin Amir-Moazami die Logiken der Diskursproduktion ĂŒber den Islam und bringt die Argumente der Kritiker mit den Stimmen Kopftuch tragender junger Musliminnen ins GesprĂ€ch. Die Studie zeichnet nach, wie die wachsende Partizipation sichtbarer Muslime, hier symbolisiert durch das Kopftuch, im dominanten Diskurs beider LĂ€nder Abwehrreaktionen provoziert und der Islam mehrheitlich als Gegenkategorie zu jeweils national geprĂ€gten SĂ€kularitĂ€tskonzepten begriffen wird. Zugleich zeigt sie, wie die jungen Frauen in die Diskurstraditionen beider LĂ€nder eingebettet sind und sich in komplexen Aushandlungsprozessen engagieren

    Toward a More Accurate Web Service Selection Using Modified Interval DEA Models with Undesirable Outputs

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    With the growing number of Web services on the internet, there is a challenge to select the best Web service which can offer more quality-of-service (QoS) values at the lowest price. Another challenge is the uncertainty of QoS values over time due to the unpredictable nature of the internet. In this paper, we modify the interval data envelopment analysis (DEA) models [Wang, Greatbanks and Yang (2005)] for QoS-aware Web service selection considering the uncertainty of QoS attributes in the presence of desirable and undesirable factors. We conduct a set of experiments using a synthesized dataset to show the capabilities of the proposed models. The experimental results show that the correlation between the proposed models and the interval DEA models is significant. Also, the proposed models provide almost robust results and represent more stable behavior than the interval DEA models against QoS variations. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed models for QoS-aware Web service composition. Experimental results indicate that the proposed models significantly improve the fitness of the resultant compositions when they filter out unsatisfactory candidate services for each abstract service in the preprocessing phase. These models help users to select the best possible cloud service considering the dynamic internet environment and they help service providers to improve their Web services in the marke

    Improving Aviation Safety through Modeling Accident Risk Assessment of Runway

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    The exponential increase in aviation activity and air traffic in recent decades has raised several public health issues. One of the critical public health concerns is runway safety and the increasing demand for airports without accidents. In addition to threatening human lives, runway accidents are often associated with severe environmental and pollution consequences. In this study, a three-step approach is used for runway risk assessment considering probability, location, and consequences of accidents through advanced statistical methods. This study proposes novel models for the implementation of these three steps in Iran. Data on runway excursion accidents were collected from several countries with similar air accident rates. The proposed models empower engineers to advance an accurate assessment of the accident probability and safety assessment of airports. For in-service airports, it is possible to assess existing runways to remove obstacles close to runways if necessary. Also, the proposed models can be used for preliminary evaluations of developing existing airports and the construction of new runways. Document type: Articl

    Forum: Feminism in German Studies

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    From Professor Wallach\u27s contribution entitled Jews and Gender : To consider Jews and gender within German Studies is to explore the evolution of German‐Jewish Studies with respect to feminist and gender studies. At times this involves looking beyond German Studies to other scholarship in Jewish gender studies, an interdisciplinary subfield in its own right. Over the past few decades, the focus on gender within German‐Jewish Studies has experienced several shifts in line with broader trends: an initial focus on the history of Jewish women and feminist movements gradually expanded to encompass the study of gender identity, masculinity, and sexuality. Historical and literary scholarly approaches now operate alongside and in dialogue with interdisciplinary scholarship in cultural studies, film and visual studies, performance studies, and other fields. [excerpt

    Liberal-secular power and the traps of muslim integration in Western Europe

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    Throughout the last decades, integration programmes in Western Europe have centrally revolved around debates on Muslim populations and the institutionalization of Islam. The concept of integration has become a master paradigm with which to structure plurality of immigration societies across Western Europe. Critically reflecting this inflation, this article argues that the integration of Muslims is animated by a contingent liberal-secular matrix through which the sovereign state, in close connection with civil society, is enabled to decide what counts as proper and improper religion. Integration directed toward Muslims as a “religious minority” is therefore indicative of the very problems that it purports to resolve. In a genealogical vein, the article begins by suggesting that integration is a liberal “recursion” of earlier projects of minority management such as assimilation and conditional recognition within emerging nation-states. It argues that the epistemological ground which animated the assimilatory forces of the modern nation-state has been intimately bound by an imperial knowledge order which classifies and hierarchizes people along a race-religion nexus. The analysis continues by dwelling on contemporary examples of state organized dialog with Muslims, and more specifically the establishment of Islamic Theology Chairs at state universities. Through these examples the article shows that the institutionalization of Islam in Europe reconfigures a pattern which conditionally embraces religious difference, while at the same time continuing hierarchical rankings and by transforming it to make it fit for religion's legitimate place in public life. Finally, the article suggests that the somatic aspirations prevalent in assimilation projects and imperial race-religion constellations are both inscribed and concealed in the frequent invocation of Muslims to reveal their loyalty to the liberal-secular contract by bracketing their religious sensibilities for the sake of secular reason

    Islam, Muslims and Muslim Communities in European Societies Report to Porticus by an International Expert Group on Muslim Communities in Europe (IEMCE)

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    This report is submitted by the IEMCE members, a group of eight academis, that has been convened on behalf of Porticus. The essays are covering subjects such as mapping Muslim communities in Europe : religion, ethnicity, class, citizenship ; towards an inclusive historical view ; islamic religious education in Euorpe; interreligious learning ; shari'a in Europe ; qur'anic criticism and islamic tradition l europe as a theological Opportunity ; typologies of muslim organisations and orientations in Europe ; islamophobia and Anti-Muslim Racism Across Europe

    Politisierte Religion

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    Ausgehend von den anhaltenden Debatten um das islamische Kopftuch in staatlichen Bildungseinrichtungen Deutschlands und Frankreichs analysiert Schirin Amir-Moazami die Logiken der Diskursproduktion ĂŒber den Islam und bringt die Argumente der Kritiker mit den Stimmen Kopftuch tragender junger Musliminnen ins GesprĂ€ch. Die Studie zeichnet nach, wie die wachsende Partizipation sichtbarer Muslime, hier symbolisiert durch das Kopftuch, im dominanten Diskurs beider LĂ€nder Abwehrreaktionen provoziert und der Islam mehrheitlich als Gegenkategorie zu jeweils national geprĂ€gten SĂ€kularitĂ€tskonzepten begriffen wird. Zugleich zeigt sie, wie die jungen Frauen in die Diskurstraditionen beider LĂ€nder eingebettet sind und sich in komplexen Aushandlungsprozessen engagieren
