6 research outputs found

    Analisis Pembentukan Portofolio Di Pasar Modal Indonesia

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    Portofolio optimal dicapai dengan melakukan simulasi pada beberapa sekuritas yang dinilai efisiendengan prosedur perhitungan tertentu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: mengetahui berapakah jumlah nemiten dan komponen pembentuk Portofolio dalam portofolio di pasar modal Indonesia untuk mencapaitingkat risiko minimal dengan tingkat imbal hasil tertentu. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruhperusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama periode pengamatan (Januari 2008 – Desember2016) berjumlah 540 emiten dari 9 sektor dan kemudian 50 emiten dipilih sebagai sampel berdasarkankombinasi proporsional dari 336 emiten berkriteria bertransaksi aktif dan harganya lengkap, dengan tekniksampling secara purposive sampling.Metode analisis yang digunakan dilakukan dimulai dari pembentukan portofolio dengan diversifikasi9 sektor, Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa jumlah n-emiten yang paling optimal dalam memperolehmanfaat diversifikasi pada portofolio di Indonesia sebanyak 12 sekuritas dalam satu portofolio dimana nilairisikonya lebih kecil dibandingkan jumlah N= 10, 12, 16 dan 18. Selanjutnya hasil penelitian menunjukkanbentuk kombinasi emiten yang memberikan risiko terkecil dan menjadi portofolio terbaik di Indonesiabukan hanya dari sektor-sektor tertentu saja tetapi dari kombinasi minimal 6 sektor industri yang ada

    The Educators Personality Development in Industry 4.0 Based on Pumping HR-Model

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    Characteristics of Human personality that have existed since birth can be used as a basis for personal development and professionalism at work. Industrial Era 4.0 demands change in all fields, including the world of teaching. This study uses the literature review method by looking for various references critically to obtain valid and reliable data. The results of the analysis found that for the effectiveness of teaching in the classroom, educators must master and understand learning based on students' personalities and themselves. An understanding of the Personality Based Pumping-HR model can describe and map human personality in certain behaviours and characters. The results have a positive impact on the teaching process and teaching outcomes. Changes in the Personality of educators entering the digital era are very important when linked to the success of the teaching is carried out. So for effectiveness in teaching in the 4.0 era, an educator must understand the personality of students

    Increased Tolerance of Economic-based Societies

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    The purpose of this study is to increase the tolerance of economic-based societies by using this type of experimental learning research, which is a study by explaining the needs by describing past, present and future variables. The subjects in this study were students of Al-Ittihadiyah Junior High School and santri Pondok Pesantren As Salaam Data collection technique is the most important step in the research, because the main purpose of the research is to obtain data. So the techniques or methods used include observation, interviews, and documentation, the result of this study is the need to do assistance and increase economic-based tolerance in Al-itihadiyah Junior High School and santri pondok pesantren As salam