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     Penelitian ini dilakukan mengenai implementasi AMDAL di daerah perumahan di Tatah Belayung Baru. Lokasi yang dipilih sebagai penelitian merupakan lokasi yang terdampak perubahan lahan pertanian yang berubah menjadi lahan perumahan. Target dari kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk Pemerintah Daerah, Developer dan Masyarakat yang berada di lingkungan tersebut. Implementasi AMDAL ini berpengaruh untuk kebijakan mengenai perizinan yang ada di Tatah Belayung Baru disebabkan daerah tersebut dibuat perumahan. Izin Peruntukan Penggunaan Tanah adalah izin yang wajib dimiliki oleh setiap warga masyarakat yang akan mengubah tanah pertanian menjadi non pertanian. Fungsi dari izin peruntukan penggunaan tanah adalah untuk menekan serta pengendalian alih fungsi lahan yang terjadi. Tanah sawah (tanah pertanian) yang akan diubah ke non-pertaniantentunya haruslah sesuai dengan rencana tata ruang dan wilayah di Tatah Belayung Baru agar terjadi kesimbangan dimasa mendatang. Adanya alih fungsi lahan pertanian menjadi perumahan menyebabkan penyusutan jumlah lahan pertanian terus berkurang, hal ini menjadi masalah bagi pemerintah sendiri untuk menyediakan pasokan pangan. Berkurangnya lahan pertanian dalam arti untuk penyediaan bahan-bahan pangan, juga berakibat rusaknya ekosistem alam sebagai tempat penyerapan air hujan sebagai pencegah banjir.Kata-Kunci: Implementasi AMDAL, Lahan Pertanian, PerizinanThis research was conducted on the implementation of AMDAL in a residential area in Tatah Belayung Baru. The location chosen as the research is a location that is affected by changes in agricultural land that are turned into residential land. The target of this activity is for the Regional Government, Developers and Communities in the environment. The implementation of this AMDAL has an effect on policies regarding existing permits in Tatah Belayung Baru because the area is made into housing. Land Use Permit is a permit that must be owned by every citizen who will convert agricultural land into non-agricultural land. The function of the land use permit is to suppress and control the land conversion that occurs. Paddy land (agricultural land) which will be converted to non-agricultural land must of course be in accordance with the spatial and regional planning in Tatah Belayung Baru so that there is a balance in the future. The conversion of agricultural land into housing causes the shrinkage of the amount of agricultural land to continue to decrease, this is a problem for the government itself to provide food supplies. The reduction of agricultural land in the sense of providing food, also results in the destruction of natural ecosystems as a place to absorb rainwater as a flood prevention.Keywords: AMDAL Implementation, Agricultural Land, Licensin


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the Hand-Catching Operation (OTT) system carried out by the Corruption Eradication Commission and also how the Effectiveness of the Hand-Catching Operation Position (OTT) carried out by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in the perspective of legal certainty. The type of research used is normative legal research by collecting andanalyze legal material related to the issue to be discussed. As well as comparing several judge's decisions related to the one in question. The results of this study are that the Hand-Catching Operation is an Illegal Action or an arrest where this action can be a reason for carrying out a Pretrial, in which the meaning of Hand-Catching Operation (OTT) still does not have a clear meaning, legal basis and direction. Because the Hand-Catching Operation (OTT) does not have clear regulatory basis in Corruption Crimes, it follows from the juridical implications of the process of investigating Corruption criminal cases. The Hand-Catching Operation carried out by the Corruption Eradication Commission is also an act of Super Power because it is not contained in the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP), so the concept of Hand-Catching Operation is still a question mark against the legal framewor