32 research outputs found

    A Guide to RBF-Generated Finite Differences for Nonlinear Transport: Shallow Water Simulations on a Sphere

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    The current paper establishes the computational efficiency and accuracy of the RBF-FD method for large-scale geoscience modeling with comparisons to state-of-the-art methods as high-order discontinuous Galerkin and spherical harmonics, the latter using expansions with close to 300,000 bases. The test cases are demanding fluid flow problems on the sphere that exhibit numerical challenges, such as Gibbs phenomena, sharp gradients, and complex vortical dynamics with rapid energy transfer from large to small scales over short time periods. The computations were possible as well as very competitive due to the implementation of hyperviscosity on large RBF stencil sizes (corresponding roughly to 6th to 9th order methods) with up to O(105) nodes on the sphere. The RBF-FD method scaled as O(N) per time step, where N is the total number of nodes on the sphere. In Appendix A, guidelines are given on how to chose parameters when using RBF-FD to solve hyperbolic PDEs

    A Comparison of Two Shallow Water Models with Non-Conforming Adaptive Grids: classical tests

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    In an effort to study the applicability of adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) techniques to atmospheric models an interpolation-based spectral element shallow water model on a cubed-sphere grid is compared to a block-structured finite volume method in latitude-longitude geometry. Both models utilize a non-conforming adaptation approach which doubles the resolution at fine-coarse mesh interfaces. The underlying AMR libraries are quad-tree based and ensure that neighboring regions can only differ by one refinement level. The models are compared via selected test cases from a standard test suite for the shallow water equations. They include the advection of a cosine bell, a steady-state geostrophic flow, a flow over an idealized mountain and a Rossby-Haurwitz wave. Both static and dynamics adaptations are evaluated which reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the AMR techniques. Overall, the AMR simulations show that both models successfully place static and dynamic adaptations in local regions without requiring a fine grid in the global domain. The adaptive grids reliably track features of interests without visible distortions or noise at mesh interfaces. Simple threshold adaptation criteria for the geopotential height and the relative vorticity are assessed.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, preprin

    Construction de méthodes de volumes finis tridimensionnelles sans solveur de Riemann pour les systèmes hyperboliques non-linéaires

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    Thèse diffusée initialement dans le cadre d'un projet pilote des Presses de l'Université de Montréal/Centre d'édition numérique UdeM (1997-2008) avec l'autorisation de l'auteur


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    splitting for high-order adaptive mesh refinement on the spher

    A two-dimensional hp-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin model solving the shallow water equations on the sphere

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    Unstructured meshes are becoming more and more popular in geophysical flow models. We present a two-dimensional model solving the shallow-water equations on unstructured meshes. The latter is dynamically adapted using the AMR technique to minimize the discretization error. The interpolation order is also adapted during the solution process. The model solves the shallow water equations on the sphere using cartesian coordinates, the horizontal motion being constrained on the surface of the sphere using the Lagrange multiplier method (Ct 1988). Classical test cases are used to validate the model, as well as a tsunami simulation