7,811 research outputs found

    Advanced communications payload for mobile applications

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    An advanced satellite payload is proposed for single hop linking of mobile terminals of all classes as well as Very Small Aperture Terminal's (VSAT's). It relies on an intensive use of communications on-board processing and beam hopping for efficient link design to maximize capacity and a large satellite antenna aperture and high satellite transmitter power to minimize the cost of the ground terminals. Intersatellite links are used to improve the link quality and for high capacity relay. Power budgets are presented for links between the satellite and mobile, VSAT, and hub terminals. Defeating the effects of shadowing and fading requires the use of differentially coherent demodulation, concatenated forward error correction coding, and interleaving, all on a single link basis

    An 8-PSK coded TDMA satellite demodulator

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    The objectives of this project are: (1) to develop a proof-of-concept (POC) uplink modulation system which will significantly increase the bandwidth efficiency of a time division multiple access (TDMA) uplink system; (2) to maintain present performance levels; and (3) to ensure that the POC model exhibit potential for low weight and low power consumption. Other aspects of this project are presented in view graph form

    An 8-PSK TDMA uplink modulation and coding system

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    The combination of 8-phase shift keying (8PSK) modulation and greater than 2 bits/sec/Hz drove the design of the Nyquist filter to one specified to have a rolloff factor of 0.2. This filter when built and tested was found to produce too much intersymbol interference and was abandoned for a design with a rolloff factor of 0.4. The preamble is limited to 100 bit periods of the uncoded bit period of 5 ns for a maximum preamble length of 500 ns or 40 8PSK symbol times at 12.5 ns per symbol. For 8PSK modulation, the required maximum degradation of 1 dB in -20 dB cochannel interference (CCI) drove the requirement for forward error correction coding. In this contract, the funding was not sufficient to develop the proposed codec so the codec was limited to a paper design during the preliminary design phase. The mechanization of the demodulator is digital, starting from the output of the analog to digital converters which quantize the outputs of the quadrature phase detectors. This approach is amenable to an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) replacement in the next phase of development

    Transaminase and pyridoxine deficiency

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    A microscopic approach to critical phenomena at interfaces: an application to complete wetting in the Ising model

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    We study how the formalism of the Hierarchical Reference Theory (HRT) can be extended to inhomogeneous systems. HRT is a liquid state theory which implements the basic ideas of Wilson momentum shell renormalization group (RG) to microscopic Hamiltonians. In the case of homogeneous systems, HRT provides accurate results even in the critical region, where it reproduces scaling and non-classical critical exponents. We applied the HRT to study wetting critical phenomena in a planar geometry. Our formalism avoids the explicit definition of effective surface Hamiltonians but leads, close to the wetting transition, to the same renormalization group equation already studied by RG techiques. However, HRT also provides information on the non universal quantities because it does not require any preliminary coarse graining procedure. A simple approximation to the infinite HRT set of equations is discussed. The HRT evolution equation for the surface free energy is numerically integrated in a semi-infinite three-dimensional Ising model and the complete wetting phase transition is analyzed. A renormalization of the adsorption critical amplitude and of the wetting parameter is observed. Our results are compared to available Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: To be published in Phy. Rev.

    Dynamic communicability predicts infectiousness

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    Using real, time-dependent social interaction data, we look at correlations between some recently proposed dynamic centrality measures and summaries from large-scale epidemic simulations. The evolving network arises from email exchanges. The centrality measures, which are relatively inexpensive to compute, assign rankings to individual nodes based on their ability to broadcast information over the dynamic topology. We compare these with node rankings based on infectiousness that arise when a full stochastic SI simulation is performed over the dynamic network. More precisely, we look at the proportion of the network that a node is able to infect over a fixed time period, and the length of time that it takes for a node to infect half the network.We find that the dynamic centrality measures are an excellent, and inexpensive, proxy for the full simulation-based measures

    Solving the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation with absorbing boundary conditions and source terms in Mathematica 6.0

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    In recent decades a lot of research has been done on the numerical solution of the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation. On the one hand, some of the proposed numerical methods do not need any kind of matrix inversion, but source terms cannot be easily implemented into this schemes; on the other, some methods involving matrix inversion can implement source terms in a natural way, but are not easy to implement into some computational software programs widely used by non-experts in programming (e.g. Mathematica). We present a simple method to solve the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation by using a standard Crank-Nicholson method together with a Cayley's form for the finite-difference representation of evolution operator. Here, such standard numerical scheme has been simplified by inverting analytically the matrix of the evolution operator in position representation. The analytical inversion of the N x N matrix let us easily and fully implement the numerical method, with or without source terms, into Mathematica or even into any numerical computing language or computational software used for scientific computing.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Symmetry-preserving discrete schemes for some heat transfer equations

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    Lie group analysis of differential equations is a generally recognized method, which provides invariant solutions, integrability, conservation laws etc. In this paper we present three characteristic examples of the construction of invariant difference equations and meshes, where the original continuous symmetries are preserved in discrete models. Conservation of symmetries in difference modeling helps to retain qualitative properties of the differential equations in their difference counterparts.Comment: 21 pages, 4 ps figure

    The profile of an emission line from relativistic outflows around a black hole

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    Recent observations show strong evidence for the presence of Doppler-shifted emission lines in the spectrum of both black hole candidates and active galactic nuclei. These lines are likely to originate from relativistic outflows (or jets) in the vicinity of the central black hole. Consequently, the profile of such a line should be distorted by strong gravitational effects near the black hole, as well as special relativistic effects. In this paper, we present results from a detailed study on how each process affects the observed line profile. We found that the profile is sensitive to the intrinsic properties of the jets (Lorentz factor, velocity profile, and emissivity law), as well as to the spin of the black hole and the viewing angle (with respect to the axis of the jets). More specifically, in the case of approaching jets, an intrisically narrow line (blue-shifted) is seen as simply broadened at small viewing angles, but it shows a doubly peaked profile at large viewing angles for extreme Kerr black holes (due to the combination of gravitational focusing and Doppler effects); the profile is always singly peaked for Schwarzschild black holes. For receding jets, however, the line profile becomes quite complicated owing to complicated photon trajectories. To facilitate comparison with observations, we searched a large parameter space to derive representative line profiles. We show the results and discuss how to use emission lines as a potential tool for probing the inner region of a black hole jet system.Comment: 16 pages in emulateapj style, 11 figure
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