144 research outputs found

    An Organic Energy Budget for the New York State Barge Canal

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    An annual energy budget is presented for the New York State Barge Canal, a first order man-made waterway in western New York. The ecosystem approach, in which all input and output of energy as organic matter are measured, is used to describe the energy flow in an 1130-meter segment of the canal. The annual input of energy to the system is 38.1 x 109 kcal/m2. Over 99% of this is allochthonous from upstream areas. Autochthonous input from primary producers accounts for less than 0.1% of the total energy available to the-system. Meteorologic inputs (litter and precipitation) from the adjacent terrestrial ecosystem account for less than 0.1% of annual energy input. Seventy-eight percent of the geologic input and 99% of the total energy input occur as dissolved organic matter. Approximately 7,790 kcal/m2 of organic detritus is stored within the system. The annual output of energy from the canal system is 38 x 109 kcal/m2. Ninety-nine percent of the annual energy input is exported to downstream areas in canal water. Less than 0.1% of the energy output is lost through community respiration. The New York State Barge Canal is a strongly heterotrophic system in which ecosystem efficiency and flow~through energy (0.1% and 99.9%, respectively} indicate the canal makes very little use of the energy supplied to it

    Recovery:an international perspective

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    SUMMARY. Aims To review developments in recovery-focussed mental health services internationally. Methods Two forms of recovery which have been used in the literature are considered, and international examples of recovery-focussed initiatives reviews. A litmus test for a recovery-focussed service is proposed. Results Clinical recovery has emerged from professional literature, focuses on sustained remission and restoration of functioning, is invariant across individuals, and has been used to establish rates of recovery. Personal recovery has emerged from consumer narratives, focuses on living a satisfying, hopeful and contributing life even with limitations caused by the illness, varies across individuals, and the empirical evidence base relates to stages of change more than overall prevalence rates. Clinical and personal recovery are different. Two innovative, generalisable and empirically investigated examples are given of implementing a focus on personal recovery: the Collaborative Recovery Model in Australia, and Trialogues in German-speaking Europe. The role of medication is an indicator: services in which all service users are prescribed medication, in which the term compliance is used, in which the reasoning bias is present of attributing improvement to medication and deterioration to the person, and in which contact with and discussion about the service user revolves around medication issues, are not personal recovery-focussed services. Conclusions The term Recovery has been used in different ways, so conceptual clarity is important. Developing a focus on personal recovery is more than a cosmetic change it will entailfundamental shifts in the values of mental health services


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    Recovery-concepts have travelled from margin movements into mainstream psychiatry rapidly in recent years. Recovery advocacy has been joined by recovery research resulting in new information on the long-term perspectives of people experiencing severe mental health problems. Emerging data on recovery outcomes as well as processes bring on a paradigm shift from prognostic scepticism and focus on maintenance therapies towards an optimistic outlook and recovery-oriented interventions and services. The emerging evidence-base for recovery-orientation essentially includes the urgent call for a partnership approach allowing the full involvement of users and their families and friends and the exploit of their expertise. Patient self-determination, individual choice of flexible support and opportunities, intervenetions to promote empowerment and hope also in the longterm, as well as assistance in situations of calculated risk are new indicators of quality of services. The dynamic complexities of recovery and resilience have the ability to capture the progress in biological, psychological, social and political advances in the direction of modern integrated and subject-oriented psychiatry. Cooperative and coordinated efforts together with consumers, carers, their spokespersons and public health advocates offer formidable chances to reduce stigma, discrimination and social exclusion, currently seriously limiting clinical and other efforts towards recovery.Recovery-Konzepte haben in den letzten Jahren als offizielle gesundheitspolitische Vorgabe in den englischsprachigen Ländern grosse Bedeutung erlangt und Praxis und Forschung beeinflusst. Sowohl Ergebnis- als auch Prozessforschung befördern einen Paradigmenwechsel weg von prognostischem Pessimismus und Konzentration auf Erhaltungstherapien hin zu vernünftigem Optimismus und einer Recovery-Orientierung von therapeutischen Interventionen. Die Evidenzbasis für Recovery-Orientierung verweist wesentlich auf die dringende Notwendigkeit einer partnerschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit, in der die Expertise der Betroffenen und ihrer Familien und Freunde optimal genutzt werden kann. Selbstbestimmung, Wahlmöglichkeiten für flexible Unterstützungen und Möglichkeiten, sowie Interventionen zur Förderung von Empowerment und Hoffnung auch über die lange Zeit sind neue Qualitätsindikatoren, zu denen auch Unterstützung beim Bewältigen von kontrollierten Risikosituationen gehört. Die dynamische Komplexität der Recovery- und Resilienzkonzepte sollten in der Lage sein, die Fortschritte sowohl der biologischen und psychologischen Forschungen als auch neue soziale und politische Möglichkeiten zu bündeln und in Richtung einer zeitgemäßen integrierten und subjekt-orientierten Gestaltung der Psychiatrie nutzbar zu machen. Auch besteht in gemeinsamen Anstrengungen von Betroffenen, Angehörigen und Freunden und Profis die einzigartige Möglichkeit, erfolgreich gegen Diskriminierung und sozialen Ausschluss zu wirken, und damit eine Situation zu beenden, die derzeit noch ein Haupthindernis für klinische und andere Bemühungen um Genesung darstellt

    Perceived barriers and facilitators to positive therapeutic change for people with intellectual disabilities: client, carer and clinical psychologist perspectives

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    Studies have highlighted successful outcomes of psychological therapies for people with intellectual disabilities. However, processes underlying these outcomes are uncertain. Thematic analysis was used to explore the perceptions of three clinical psychologists, six clients and six carers of barriers and facilitators to therapeutic change for people with intellectual disabilities. Six themes were identified relating to: what the client brings as an individual and with regard to their wider system; therapy factors, including the therapeutic relationship and adaptations; psychologists acting as a ‘mental health GP’ to coordinate care; systemic dependency; and the concept of the revolving door in intellectual disability services. The influence of barriers and facilitators to change is complex, with facilitators overcoming barriers and yet simultaneously creating more barriers. Given their potential impact on the psychologists’ roles and access to therapy for people with intellectual disabilities, findings suggest these factors should be formulated as part of the therapeutic process

    Patients’ Preference and Experiences of Forced Medication and Seclusion

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    This study examined patients’ preferences for coercive methods and the extent to which patients’ choices were determined by previous experience, demographic, clinical and intervention-setting variables. Before discharge from closed psychiatric units, 161 adult patients completed a questionnaire. The association between patients’ preferences and the underlying variables was analyzed using logistic regression. We found that patients’ preferences were mainly defined by earlier experiences: patients without coercive experiences or who had had experienced seclusion and forced medication, favoured forced medication. Those who had been secluded preferred seclusion in future emergencies, but only if they approved its duration. This suggests that seclusion, if it does not last too long, does not have to be abandoned from psychiatric practices. In an emergency, however, most patients prefer to be medicated. Our findings show that patients’ preferences cannot guide the establishment of international uniform methods for managing violent behaviour. Therefore patients’ individual choices should be considered

    New Strategies for Research in Clinical Practice: A focus on self–harm.

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    This article suggests new ways of approaching clinical-based research in an era of evidence-based practice. Using the example of self-harm, we identify three distinct problems with current dominant approaches to research in this area. These include insufficient clarity about target issues, an overreliance on predetermined outcomes which prioritise behavioural measures (such as self-harm cessation) and an undue focus on treatment techniques. We argue that clinical research requires flexible, user-centred and practice-based methods, informed by a focus on principles instead of techniques. Therefore, we outline key practice-based principles that we argue need to be embedded within clinical research strategies. We then demonstrate how traditional behavioural approaches to research can be enriched with more qualitative cognitive and emotionally based data. We conclude that such strategies provide thickened, meaningful and context-specific research which is more relevant for service commissioners, clinicians and service users

    “They can do whatever they want”: Meanings of receiving psychiatric care based on a common staff approach

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    This study deepens our understanding of how patients, when cared for in a psychiatric ward, experience situations that involve being handled according to a common staff approach. Interviews with nine former psychiatric in-patients were analyzed using a phenomenological–hermeneutic method to illuminate the lived experience of receiving care based on a common staff approach. The results revealed several meanings: discovering that you are as subjected to a common staff approach, becoming aware that no one cares, becoming aware that your freedom is restricted, being afflicted, becoming aware that a common staff approach is not applied by all staff, and feeling safe because someone else is responsible. The comprehensive understanding was that the patient's understanding of being cared for according to a common staff approach was to be seen and treated in accordance with others' beliefs and valuations, not in line with the patients' own self-image, while experiencing feelings of affliction

    Cigarette smoking, nicotine dependence and anxiety disorders : a systematic review of population-based, epidemiological studies

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    Background Multiple studies have demonstrated that rates of smoking and nicotine dependence are increased in individuals with anxiety disorders. However, significant variability exists in the epidemiological literature exploring this relationship, including study design (cross-sectional versus prospective), the population assessed (random sample versus clinical population) and diagnostic instrument utilized.Methods We undertook a systematic review of population-based observational studies that utilized recognized structured clinical diagnostic criteria (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) or International Classification of Diseases (ICD)) for anxiety disorder diagnosis to investigate the relationship between cigarette smoking, nicotine dependence and anxiety disorders.Results In total, 47 studies met the predefined inclusion criteria, with 12 studies providing prospective information and 5 studies providing quasiprospective information. The available evidence suggests that some baseline anxiety disorders are a risk factor for initiation of smoking and nicotine dependence, although the evidence is heterogeneous and many studies did not control for the effect of comorbid substance use disorders. The identified evidence however appeared to more consistently support cigarette smoking and nicotine dependence as being a risk factor for development of some anxiety disorders (for example, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder), although these findings were not replicated in all studies. A number of inconsistencies in the literature were identified.Conclusions Although many studies have demonstrated increased rates of smoking and nicotine dependence in individuals with anxiety disorders, there is a limited and heterogeneous literature that has prospectively examined this relationship in population studies using validated diagnostic criteria. The most consistent evidence supports smoking and nicotine dependence as increasing the risk of panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. The literature assessing anxiety disorders increasing smoking and nicotine dependence is inconsistent. Potential issues with the current literature are discussed and directions for future research are suggested
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