52 research outputs found

    Conseguenze sociali della chiusura al traffico dei centri storici

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    Improved Efficiency Management Strategy for Battery-Based Energy Storage Systems

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    Battery-based energy storage systems are forecasted to have a rapid diffusion in the next future, because they can support the diffusion of renewable energy sources and can offer interesting ancillary services for the distribution grid. Consequently, energy management strategies for batteries and inverters present in storage systems will play a fundamental role in order to guarantee effective energy transfer processes between storage systems and the grid. This paper proposes an efficient management strategy which allows maximizing the overall energy efficiency of grid-connected storage systems taking into account the actual relationship between the efficiency and the charging/discharging power of the storage system. The effectiveness of the strategy is as shown by analysis results, the proposed strategy can allow a remarkable efficiency increase compared with strategies which are not aimed at the efficiency optimization


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    Abstract—In this paper, a full-wave analysis technique of lossy substrate integrated waveguides, based on the dyadic Green’s function of the parallel plate waveguide, is presented. The field inside the waveguide is expressed in terms of cylindrical vector wave-functions and the finite conductivity of the top and of the bottom plates, and of the metallic vias are taken into account. Losses into the dielectric substrate are also included. Coaxial ports are considered as sources and self and mutual admittances are evaluated. Cases of practical structure taken from literature are presented showing a very good agreement with the most used commercial software. 1

    A Gain Levelling Technique for On-Chip Antennas Based on Split-Ring Resonators

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    This paper introduces a gain enhancement technique for monolithically integrated antennas. Such devices can suffer from gain dips within their operating bandwidth due to standing waves arising in the die or caused by interactions with other on-chip components. In this work, it is shown how these effects can be significantly mitigated by parasitically coupling square Split Ring Resonators (SRR) to the fed antenna. The SRRs geometry and their coupling with the master antenna can be set in such a way that they create an additional resonance that cancels gain drops and improves impedance matching. The proposed configuration has been validated using a W-band monopole antenna in a standard 0.13 μm0.13~\mu \text{m} SiGe BiCMOS process. Thanks to the proposed approach, it was possible to compensate a gain drop of about 7 dB at about 85 GHz. As a result, the experimental assessment showed a maximum measured antenna gain of 1.61 dB at 81.5 GHz and an operating bandwidth from 77 to 87 GHz

    Estudio jurisprudencial sobre el derecho al trabajo de los vendedores ambulantes en Bogotá

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    Artículo de ReflexiónEl presente artículo de investigación presenta el resultado de la realización de una revisión jurisprudencial en torno a los pronunciamientos de las Altas Cortes acerca del derecho al trabajo de los vendedores ambulantes, su importancia se enmarca en la vulneración constante que se ha ido presentando frente al derecho de los vendedores ambulantes y en el conflicto que se da entre este derecho y el derecho que tienen los ciudadanos en general a disfrutar del espacio público.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. DESARROLLO JURISPRUDENCIAL 2. CONSIDERACIONES DEL AUTOR 3. CONCLUSIONES 4. REFERENCIASPregradoAbogad

    Time, intersubjectivity, and musical relationship in Alfred Schutz

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    In questo lavoro, affronto alcuni aspetti della relazione tra tempo e intersoggettività in Alfred Schutz . Presento una sintesi dell’architettura metodologica del sociologo austriaco, delineando la specificità della relazione tra tempo e coscienza. Prendo in esame la trattazione dell’esperienza musicale come esempio di declinazione peculiare di una serie di dinamiche temporali connesse alla costituzione intersoggettiva dei significati. Infine, espongo alcune tesi di autori che si sono occupati della relazione tra tempo, intersoggettività e musica in Schutz. La relazione musicale è un esempio di contesto dotato di senso, non oggetto di concettualizzazione, che esemplifica la relazione tra senso soggettivo ed esperienza dell’altro. La teoria dell’appresentazione di Schutz è il centro del processo di costituzione dei significati della prensione dell’altro. L’emersione dei significati è legata alle dinamiche dei poli passivi e attivi della coscienza e alla costituzione, nella we-relation, di una dimensione radicalmente intersoggettiva nella quale si supera la distinzione cartesiana tra interno ed esterno.Time, intersubjectivity, and musical relationship in Alfred Schutz Riccardo Venturini In this work I tackle certain aspects of the relationship between time and intersubjectivity in Alfred Schutz. I present a summary of the methodological architecture of the Austrian sociologist, outlining the specificity of the relationship between time and consciousness. I discuss the treatment of the musical experience as an example of the peculiar declination of a series of temporal dynamics connected to the intersubjective creation of meanings. Finally, I set out some thoughts related to the debate on the relationship between time, intersubjectivity and music in Schutz. The musical relationship is a context endowed with meaning, not the object of conceptualization, that allows us to identify in a paradigmatic way the relationship between the subjective sense and experience of the other. The theory of appresentation of Schutz is the center of the process of constitution of meaning of the understanding of the other. The emergence of meaning is related to the dynamics of the passive and active poles of the consciousness and the constitution, in the we-relation, of a radically intersubjective dimension that exceeds the Cartesian distinction between inside and outside
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