6 research outputs found

    Vulvar lactating adenoma associated to a fibroadenoma: common neoplasms in an uncommon site

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    Ectopic breast tissue is defined as glands located outside of the breast. Ectopic breast tissue should be excised because it may develop benign (fibroadenoma) or malignant pathologic processes. Less than forty cases of fibroadenomas have been reported in the literature. Although lactation changes can occur, lactating adenoma in the vulva are extremely rare. Only four cases have been reported. We report a case of a young woman who presented with vulvar mass during her lactation. The mass was excised, and histology confirmed vulvar lactating adenoma associated with fibroadenoma. This is the first case of vulvar heterotopic breast lesion associating lactating adenoma and fibroadenoma.Pan African Medical Journal 2012; 13:4

    Gastrites chroniques à hélicobacter pylori: évaluation des systèmes OLGA et OLGIM

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    Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) gastritis presents a risk of cancer related to atrophy and intestinal metaplasia. Two recent classifications OLGA (Operative Link on Gastritis Assessment) and OLGIM (Operative Link on Gastritic Intestinal Metaplasia assessment) have been proposed to identify high-risk forms (stages III and IV). The aim of this study is to evaluate the OLGA and OLGIM staging systems in H pylori gastritis. A descriptive study of 100 cases of chronic H pylori gastritis was performed. The revaluation of Sydney System parameters of atrophy and intestinal metaplasia, of gastric antrum and corpus, allowed identifying respectively the stages of OLGA and OLGIM systems. The progressive risk of our H pylori gastritis was 6% according to OLGA staging and 7% according to OLGIM staging. Significant correlation was revealed between age and OLGA staging. High-risk gastritis according to OLGIM staging was significantly associated with moderate to severe atrophy. High-risk forms according to OLGA staging were associated in 80% of the cases to intestinal metaplasia. OLGA and OLGIM systems showed a highly significant positive correlation between them with a mismatch at 5% for H pylori gastritis. The OLGA and OLGIM staging systems in addition to Sydney System, allow selection of high risk forms of chronic gastritis requiring accurate observation.Keywords: Chronic gastritis, helicobacter pylori, atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia, stagingPan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Le kyste hydatique du cordon spermatique : une localisation exceptionnelle

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    L� hydatidose est une anthropozoonose due au developpement chez l�homme de la forme larvaire du taenia Echinococcus granulosis. La plupart des kystes hydatiques se localisent dans le foie et les poumons. Le kyste hydatique du cordon spermatique est extremement rare avec seulement 4 cas rapportes dans la litterature. Les auteurs rapportent dans cet article un nouveau cas d�hydatidose du cordon spermatique. Il s�agissait d�un homme de 40 ans qui consultait pour des douleurs scrotales evoluant depuis huit mois. L�examen clinique a mis en evidence une tumefaction mobile, inguino-scrotale, droite. L�echographie testiculaire a objective une hernie inguinale droite associee a deux kystes epididymaires bilateraux. Le patient a ete opere pour cure de son hernie avec decouverte en per-operatoire d�un kyste du cordon spermatique qui a ete reseque. L�examen anatomopathologique a conclu a une hydatidose du cordon spermatique

    Psoriasis with verrucous appearance: A case reporPsoriasis report

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    Psoriasis verrucosa is a rare clinical variant of psoriasis with peculiar histologic features. Only few cases have been reported in the literature. We herein report a rare case of psoriasis with verrucous appearance occurring in a 63 year-old woman who presented with verrucous and scaly erythematous plaque of the legs which was developed thirty years ago. The biopsy specimen showed regular psoriasiform epidermal hyperplasia with acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, and focal spongiosis with a superficial perivascular infiltrate. The patient was diagnosed with verrucous psoriasis. Recognition of this entity should preempt confusion with verruca vulgaris or other entities capable of producing wart-like epidermal changes

    Kyrle disease: report of a Tunisian case

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    Kyrle disease is an uncommon perforating dermatosis which is commonly associated with systemic disorders such as diabete mellitus and renal failure. A 60-year-old man, with no past medical history, consulted for purpuric, infiltrated and crusted lesions of extremities, buttocks and scalp. A punch biopsy showed a hyperkeratotic horny plug invaginating the epidermis. The diagnosis of Kyrle disease was retained. The clinicopathological features of this disease and its therapeutic problems are discussed