10 research outputs found

    SOX2 Is Essential for the Maturation and Maintenance of Retinal Müller Glia

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    Muller glia (MG) are the principal glial cell of the vertebrate retina. The last cell to divide from a multipotent retinal progenitor cell, they maintain many stem cell characteristics including the expression of the HMG-box transcription factor Sox2. In this thesis, we explore the role of Sox2, a marker of pluripotency throughout the CNS, in this population of presumptive neural stem cells, the MG. Through glial specific ablation of Sox2 we demonstrate that SOX2 plays an essential role in the maturation and maintenance of MG in the murine retina. Loss of SOX2 at P5 results in aberrant development and extension of MG side processes that ensheathe the neuronal cell bodies and neurites in the retina. Additionally, MG cell bodies are disorganized and their end feet fail to properly form the limiting membranes of the retina. As a result, neuronal processes in the synaptic plexiform layers are disorganized, accompanied by a marked reduction in inner retinal function. These data indicate a role for Sox2 in guiding the structural development of MG, as well as providing new insights into the role of MG in the maturation of the neural retina. Additionally we address the complex regulation of SOX2 in the retina by examining SOX2 expression in the mildly hypomorphic Sox2Cond line in two different strain backgrounds: on the inbred C57BL6/J background and on a mixed, outbred CD1 background. On a CD1 background, mice heterozygous for the Sox2Cond allele display only a mild reduction in SOX2 expression and display no phenotypic abnormalities. However, SOX2 expression is significantly reduced on the C57BL6/J background compared to wild type levels, accompanied by a marked reduction in retinal function that degenerates over the animal's lifetime. Further, Muller glial specific ablation in the C57BL6/J background results in almost complete loss of retinal function and a slow loss of MG cells over time. Together these results demonstrate the essential role of SOX2 in the maturation of MG and the neural retina, as well as pointing to a role for SOX2 in the maintenance of retinal and MG structure and function in the compromised retina.Doctor of Philosoph

    Sox2 -Deficient Müller Glia Disrupt the Structural and Functional Maturation of the Mammalian Retina

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    Müller glia (MG), the principal glial cells of the vertebrate retina, display quiescent progenitor cell characteristics. They express key progenitor markers, including the high mobility group box transcription factor SOX2 and maintain a progenitor-like morphology. In the embryonic and mature central nervous system, SOX2 maintains neural stem cell identity. However, its function in committed Müller glia has yet to be determined

    Reduced phosphoCREB in Müller glia during retinal degeneration in rd10 mice

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    The mechanisms that trigger retinal degeneration are not well understood, despite the availability of several animal models with different mutations. In the present report, the rd10 mouse, a model for retinitis pigmentosa (RP) that contains a mutation in the gene for PDE6β (Pde6b), is used to evaluate gliosis, as a marker for retinal stress, and cyclic AMP response element binding protein (CREB) phosphorylation, which may be important early in retinal degeneration

    Role of interstitial branching in the development of visual corticocortical connections: A time-lapse and fixed-tissue analysis

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    We combined fixed-tissue and time-lapse analyses to investigate the axonal branching phenomena underlying the development of topographically organized ipsilateral projections from area 17 to area 18a in the rat. These complementary approaches allowed us to relate static, large-scale information provided by traditional fixed-tissue analysis to highly dynamic, local, small-scale branching phenomena observed with two-photon time-lapse microscopy in acute slices of visual cortex. Our fixed-tissue data revealed that labeled area 17 fibers invaded area 18a gray matter at topographically restricted sites, reaching superficial layers in significant numbers by postnatal day 6 (P6). Moreover, most parental axons gave rise to only one or occasionally a small number of closely spaced interstitial branches beneath 18a. Our time-lapse data showed that many filopodium-like branches emerged along parental axons in white matter or deep layers in area 18a. Most of these filopo-dial branches were transient, often disappearing after several minutes to hours of exploratory extension and retraction. These dynamic behaviors decreased significantly from P4, when the projection is first forming, through the second postnatal week, suggesting that the expression of, or sensitivity to, cortical cues promoting new branch addition in the white matter is developmentally down-regulated coincident with gray matter innervation. Together, these data demonstrate that the development of topographically organized corticocortical projections in rats involves extensive exploratory branching along parental axons and invasion of cortex by only a small number of interstitial branches, rather than the widespread innervation of superficial cortical layers by an initially exuberant population of branches

    SOX2 maintains the quiescent progenitor cell state of postnatal retinal Muller glia

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    Within discrete regions of the developing mammalian central nervous system, small subsets of glia become specialized to function as neural stem cells. As a result of their self-renewal and neurogenic capacity, these cells later serve to replenish neurons and glia during persistent or injury-induced adult neurogenesis. SOX2, an HMG box transcription factor, plays an essential role in the maintenance of both embryonic and adult neural progenitors. It is unclear, however, which biological mechanisms regulated by SOX2 are required for neural stem cell maintenance. In this study, we address this question through genetic analysis of SOX2 function in differentiating postnatal Müller glia, a cell type that maintains neurogenic capacity in the adult retina. By utilizing molecular analysis and real-time imaging, we show that two progenitor characteristics of nascent Müller glia - their radial morphology and cell cycle quiescence - are disrupted following conditional genetic ablation of Sox2 in the mouse postnatal retina, leading to Müller cell depletion and retinal degeneration. Moreover, we demonstrate that genetic induction of the Notch signaling pathway restores Müller glial cell identity to Sox2 mutant cells, but does not secure their quiescent state. Collectively, these results uncouple the roles of SOX2 and the Notch signaling pathway in the postnatal retina, and uncover a novel role for SOX2 in preventing the depletion of postnatal Müller glia through terminal cell division

    Arl13b in Primary Cilia Regulates the Migration and Placement of Interneurons in the Developing Cerebral Cortex

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    Coordinated migration and placement of interneurons and projection neurons lead to functional connectivity in the cerebral cortex; defective neuronal migration and the resultant connectivity changes underlie the cognitive defects in a spectrum of neurological disorders. Here we show that primary cilia play a guiding role in the migration and placement of postmitotic interneurons in the developing cerebral cortex, and that this process requires the ciliary protein, Arl13b. Through live imaging of interneuronal cilia we show migrating interneurons display highly dynamic primary cilia and we correlate cilia dynamics with the interneuron’s migratory state. We demonstrate that the guidance cue receptors essential for interneuronal migration localize to interneuronal primary cilia, but their concentration and dynamics are altered in the absence of Arl13b. Expression of Arl13b variants known to cause Joubert syndrome induce defective interneuronal migration, suggesting that defects in cilia-dependent interneuron migration may underlie the neurological defects in Joubert syndrome patients