58 research outputs found

    Intelligent transport system for motorcycle safety and issues

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    This paper provides a review of Intelligent Transport System for motorcycles safety and related issues with some existing or emerging ITS technologies to enhanced vehicles safety. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) have significant potential to enhance traffic safety. Numerous ITS technologies have been developed to improve the safety and efficiency of cars, commercial vehicles, public transport and infrastructure. ITS applications have been developed with car safety in mind, but the potential for developments for motorcycle is great. Very few ITS have been developed specially for motorcycles, and all of those that do exist are in-vehicle systems. Many ITS exist or are emerging for other classes of vehicle that have potential to enhance motorcycle safety directly or indirectly. There several ITS technologies in-vehicle system to be introduced and adapted to motorcycles; advanced driver assistance system, intelligent speed adaptation, driver monitoring system, collision warning and avoidance system, lane keeping and lane-change warning system, visibility enhancing system, seat belt/helmet reminder system. However, there is a need for the development of standards for the design of ITS technologies for motorcycles, as there is for the design of ITS technologies for other vehicles. Motorcycle pose particular problem when it comes to the technical adaptation of certain ITS systems, particularly those that have not been custom-designed for motorcycle

    Passengers preference and satisfaction of public transport in Malaysia

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    Nowadays, Malaysia facing with an explosive growth in vehicle ownership and utilization, which led to traffic congestion and pollution. In this situation, government policy encourages people to use public transportation. However, Malaysia are prefer to use private vehicle become many reasons including bad quality of services. In this regard, public transport operators are forced to place emphasis on the monitoring and improvements of the services provided. This study focuses on traveler’s satisfaction and preference towards public transport with service quality attributes. Self rate questionnaire was used to investigate overall customer satisfaction and factor that influence public transport users’ satisfaction. A survey was conducted on an actual public transportation network in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The aim was to evaluate the parameters in passenger preference and satisfaction on public transportation network using statistical model included variable such as facilities, comfortness and quality of services. Data were analyzed using descriptive, correlation, factor and multiple regression analysis. Result show that influences of satisfaction parameters are more than preference parameters. The application of this study suggest that the public transport operation especially buses must improve their quality of services to the prospect passengers

    Using Structural Equation Modeling and the Behavioral Sciences Theories in Predicting Helmet Use

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    In Malaysia, according to road accidents data statistics motorcycle users contributes more than 50% of fatalities in traffic accidents, and the major cause due to head injuries. One strategy that can be used to reduce the severity of head injuries is by proper usage of helmet. Although the safety helmet is the best protective equipment to prevents head injury, majority motorcycle user did not use or did not fasten properly. In understanding this problem, the behavioral sciences theory and engineering aspect are needed to provide better explanation and comprehensive insights into solutions. The Theory Planned Behavior (TPB) and Health Belief Model (HBM) were used in predicting the behavioral intention toward proper helmet usage among motorcyclist. While, a new intervention approach were used in Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) that based on the perception of a conceptual system called Safety Helmet Reminder System (SHR). Results show that the constructs variables are reliable and statistically significant with the exogenous and endogenous variables. The full structured models were proposed and tested, thus the significant predictors were identified. A multivariate analysis technique, known as Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used in modeling exercise.  Finally, the good-of-fit models were used in interpreting the implication of intervention strategy toward motorcyclist injury prevention program

    Do Malaysian motorcyclists concern to safety helmet usage: a cross-sectional survey

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    The study was carried out to examine percentage of compliance rate regarding helmet used and to identify their characteristics. An observational method and a questionnaire survey were conducted among a group of motorcyclists in Selangor, Malaysia. The observations of 1150 motorcyclists show that only 46.6% used helmets properly, 10.6% untied helmet and 42.8% without-helmet. A random of 300 respondents those improper wearing helmet (either untied helmet or unhelmeted) were interviewed and asked to fill-up a questionnaire. The findings were discussed on background, motorcycling experience, knowledge and attitude of the respondents in details. The percentage of improper helmet usage in the locations of study was considered high and it seem those helmet initiative programs are insufficient to overcome the problem. Also, the characteristics of motorcyclist who did not wearing helmet properly (either unfastened or not wearing helmet) were identified. Therefore, there is need to introduce a new mechanism or method that can be utilized to incorporate behavior adaptation toward safety concern among motorcycle users. Finally, the direction of this study was explained in section of future work

    Enhancing road safety behaviour using a psychological and spiritual approaches

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    Main causes of accident is due to driver itself that is influenced by their bad attitude while driving. Human attitude is closely related to the human psychology. Apart from that, spiritual aspect also influence human attitude. Hence, this study carried out to improve driver safety using a new approach through psychology and spiritual factors. Objectives of this study are to identify then analyze factors of psychological and spiritual that contribute towards safety driving. A self-administered questionnaire were distributed among 256 respondents from various type of background. An analysis descriptive statistics show demographic and experience of respondents. Chi-square analysis showed only education level and traffic summon are significant to safety driving. Furthermore, correlation analysis shows psychological factors has strong linear relationship on attitude of drivers towards safety driving while spiritual factor, the perception of the spiritual and practices, both have a strong relationship to safety driving. Regression analysis demonstrates boths psychological and spiritual factors have strong evidence and significant relationship with safety driving. Thus, it can be identified that spiritual psychological factors encourage drivers to drive more safely and reduce road accidents. Therefore, this study propose useful guidelines to related agencies in order to enhance safety among drivers to be able drive safely on the road

    User's Acceptance on e-Hailing System as Alternative Transportation by Using Modal Shift

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    e-Hailing system is one of the mediums that are functioning to minimize the person on using the private transportation. Due to modern technology era, internet is used to ease the user in communication. With the internet platform assist, the e-Hailing system has well in management with the users can request the destination, travel time and also the cost for this service. The objective of this study was to identify the contributing factors effect to use e-Hailing system and also to analyze modal shift between public transport and e-Hailing system. Therefore, a study towards user's acceptance on using e-Hailing system as alternative transport based on the modal shift method with Binary Logistic regression analysis was necessary to identify factor and effect that influence modal shift occur from public transport to the alternative transport which is e-Hailing system. Johor Bahru area was the selected area as the location of the study due popular with the e-Hailing system. This study also shows the type of e-Hailing system that is used and will know the how this system really works with the safety, cost and also travel time. The binary logistic regression analysis shows that all the components were positively significant. This alternative transport is actually sending the user to the destinations that are selected by the user in the application. Therefore, the e-Hailing system is an alternative transport that must be used for people nowadays

    Willingness to use overhead bridge facilities based on theory of planned behavior

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    Overhead Bridge is the most vital crossing facilities for pedestrian to cross the busy road. This bridge is most important to implement the way to prevent the incident and to create awareness for the pedestrian to take a safety crossing behavior in order to avoid the accident crashes. The objective of this study is to estimate the frequency of overhead bridge usage and the relationship between characteristics and attitude among pedestrian. In understanding this output, Theory of Planned Behavior turned into used in the study to decide whether the characteristics and attitude affect the behavior of pedestrian that concerning the accident. This study was conducted at overhead bridges which located between Ayer Hitam to Batu Pahat. The sample for this study consists of 200 respondents. Set questionnaires which contain 30 items of questions were used to collect the data. The data were analysis using descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. Data was analyzed using SPSS. There were 86 males and 114 females are evaluated the questionnaires. There were 157 respondents are who below 30 years and younger people. Correlation for all the factors of TPB are shows positive linear relationship. Attitude and Perceived Behavior Control show a significant to predict intention. Intention also showed strong relationship to the behavior. Lastly, Perceived Behavior Control showed strong relationship to the behavior. Attitude and Perceived Behavior Control may be having an impact on pedestrian to willing used overhead bridge and prevent pedestrians’ accidents and fatalities

    Capacity Analysis of Priority Intersections with Flare under Mixed Traffic Conditions

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    AbstractThe gap-acceptance method is the common approach to assess the performance of the priority intersection which is implemented to regulate low volume of traffic flow. However, among the drawbacks of the gap-acceptance method are the non-compliance to the right of way, and the heterogeneous traffic condition. Conflict method has been developed to overcome these shortcomings. Surveillance equipment is used to obtain the required data, such as traffic volume and occupation time. The occupation time and approaching time of vehicle are used to calculate the capacity of vehicular movements for each conflict group. The results from intersections with flare and without flare are provided. Result comparison has also been made between the conflict method and the HCM 2000. The relationship between the occupation time and critical gap is discovered. The results of the conflict method are found to be comparable with the HCM 2000 using field data

    Travellers’ choice behaviour of bicycle sharing system: logit binary model method

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    Bicycle sharing system is being proposed in many countries as a pattern to realize sustainable transport. It is also can be a way to solve some actual traffic problem, provide an alternative way for travellers to choose, and perfect the transportation system. This study attempts to use a study based on a questionnaire for travellers to investigate the factors that encourage them choose cycling as their trip mode and build a model to analyse their behaviours. A binary logarithm model was developed based on the trip data. The case site is selected in National University of Malaysia (UKM). In order to compare the utility of travel means between campus buses and bicycles. The explanatory factors that looked at this model with trip characteristics, have been demonstrated, those are important influence variables on travellers’ travel mode choices. Data were processed by SPSS to identify the factors that significant influence students’ travel mode choices in UKM. Found that 6 variables have significant influence on students’ travel mode choice which are gender, age, road terrain in UKM, bicycle lane, fare rate of bicycle system, and cycling travel time. Based on the result, some proper policies will be proposed to increase students’ willingness to participate in this syste

    Influencing Factors to Use E-Hailing Transport for Food Delivery Service

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    E-Hailing services are considered as on-demand vehicles that affect the efficiency of food delivery. This system improves the process of collecting and sending orders from customers in a short period of time. This study aims to determine the level of consumer acceptance or satisfaction with food delivery services using the e-Hailing system. The objective of this study is to identify the factors that influence the community to use e-Hailing food delivery services and to determine the most dominant factor in e-Hailing services according to Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The location of the study is in the urban area and also semi-urban in the districts of Johor. A self-administrated online questionnaire was distributed among 258 respondents in the study area. Part of the questionnaire was constructed based on the TAM. Correlation and regression analysis were used in the analysis of this study. The results of this study show that the relationship between variables TAM (β = 0.443), perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness are strongly correlated based on significant values (p < 0.001) showed the independent variable (Intention to Use) influenced the acceptance of user behaviour towards e-Hailing. Among the suggestions to increase consumers of food delivery services among e-Hailing users is to reduce delivery charges for nearby areas so that consumers can buy food at various stores. This can help other vendors and riders in this e-Hailing food delivery service