18 research outputs found


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    Compendio, en formato artículo, de los mejores trabajos presentados en el XV CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE ACTIVIDAD FÍSICA Y DEPORTE celebrado los días  17,18 y 19 de octubre del 2018 en la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California en la ciudad de Ensenada, Baja California, México:La nutrición en la actividad física y deportiva: alimentos funcionales con nanotecnología, aplicaciones potenciales. González González, K.Y.; Huerta Plaza, B.A.; Amaya Parra, G. (118-130)Perfil antropométrico, físico y hábitos alimentarios en escolares indígenas de Tijuana México. Avendaño Cano, D.L.; Gómez Miranda, L.M.; Aburto Corona, J.A. (131-142)Relación entre el clima de aprendizaje en Educación Física y la percepción de los estudiantes en las competencias del profesorado. Baños, R; Ortiz-Camacho, M.M.; Baena-Extremera, A.; Granero-Gallegos, A.; Machado-Parra, J.P.; Rentería, I.; Acosta, I.; Ramírez, L. (143-153)Valoración de capacidades físicas, composición corporal y consumo de vitaminas en una competencia de Crossfit. Cervantes-Hernández, N.; Hernández Nájera, N.; Carrasco Legleu, C.E.; Candia Lujan, R.; Enríquez Del Castillo, L.A. (154-164)Relación de la actividad física, características antropométricas y VO2máx en jóvenes universitarios: características por género. Enríquez-del Castillo, L.A.; Cervantes-Hernández, N.; Carrasco-Legleu, C.E.; Candia Luján, R. (165-174)Entrenamiento vibratorio de cuerpo completo y sus efectos sobre la composición corporal en jóvenes universitarios. Flores-Chico, B.; Bañuelos-Teres, L.E.; Buendía Lozada, E.R.P. (175-183)Actualización curricular, plan 2016 de la Licenciatura en Cultura Física de la BUAP. Flores-Chico, B.; Flores-Flores, A.; López de La Rosa, LE.; Aguilar-Enríquez, R.I.; Caballero Gómez, JM; Villanueva-Huerta, JA. (184-192)Evaluación psicológica y de la musculatura isquiosural de basquetbolistas universitarias en distintas etapas deportivas. Moranchel-Charros, R.; Martínez-Velázquez, E.S. (193-203)Efecto del ejercicio físico sobre la fuerza, resistencia y riesgo de caída en mujeres adultas. Ortiz Ortiz, M; Espinoza Gutiérrez, R; Gómez Miranda, LM.; Guzmán Gutiérrez, EC.; Calleja Núñez, JJ. (204-212)Desigualdad vs igualdad numérica y su efecto en la técnica de jugadores de fútbol infantil. Vega-Orozco, SI; Gavotto Nogales, OI; Bernal Reyes, F; Horta Gim, MA; Sarabia Sainz, HM. (213-224

    Models of classroom assessment for course-based research experiences

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    Course-based research pedagogy involves positioning students as contributors to authentic research projects as part of an engaging educational experience that promotes their learning and persistence in science. To develop a model for assessing and grading students engaged in this type of learning experience, the assessment aims and practices of a community of experienced course-based research instructors were collected and analyzed. This approach defines four aims of course-based research assessment—(1) Assessing Laboratory Work and Scientific Thinking; (2) Evaluating Mastery of Concepts, Quantitative Thinking and Skills; (3) Appraising Forms of Scientific Communication; and (4) Metacognition of Learning—along with a set of practices for each aim. These aims and practices of assessment were then integrated with previously developed models of course-based research instruction to reveal an assessment program in which instructors provide extensive feedback to support productive student engagement in research while grading those aspects of research that are necessary for the student to succeed. Assessment conducted in this way delicately balances the need to facilitate students’ ongoing research with the requirement of a final grade without undercutting the important aims of a CRE education

    Bioatividade de produtos fitossanitários utilizados na cultura do tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) a Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) nas gerações F1 e F2 Bioactivity of pesticides used in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) crop to Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) in F1 and F2 generations

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    A bioatividade de dezoito produtos químicos utilizados no controle de pragas e doenças do tomateiro, sobre duas linhagens de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (L9=Alegre, ES e L10= Venda Nova do Imigrante, ES), nas gerações F1 e F2, foi investigada em laboratório. Ovos de Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller) contendo o parasitóide em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento (ovo-larva, pré-pupa e pupa) foram tratados por meio de imersão nas respectivas caldas químicas. Os inseticidas triflumuron, clorfluazuron, deltametrina, Bacillus thuringiensis, lambdacialotrina, teflubenzuron, acefato, pirimicarb e ciromazina, e os fungicidas benomil, iprodiona, clorotalonil e dimetomorf, independente da linhagem, não reduziram a longevidade das fêmeas de T. pretiosum da geração F1. Os inseticidas abamectin, cartap, metamidofós e lambdacialotrina afetaram a razão sexual de indivíduos da geração F1, e não reduziram a taxa de emergência de parasitóides da F2, independente do estágio de desenvolvimento e da origem da população de T. pretiosum. Parasitóides de Venda Nova do Imigrante, ES (L10) mostraram-se mais susceptíveis que os de Alegre, ES (L9) aos efeitos dos compostos avaliados. De modo geral, a fase de pupa de T. pretiosum, independente da população, apresentou maior tolerância aos produtos testados. Recomenda-se a realização de novos testes para outras populações desse parasitóide que serão utilizadas no controle de pragas, pois podem responder de forma diversa aos produtos fitossanitários avaliados.<br>The bioactivity of eighteen pesticides commonly used to pests and diseases control on tomato, in two strains of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (L9=Alegre, ES and L10= Venda Nova do Imigrante, ES, Brazil) in F1 and F2 generations, was evaluated under laboratory conditions. The bioassays were conducted in a climatic chamber at 25 ± 2 ºC, 60 ± 10% RH and 14 hours of photophase. Eggs of Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller) containing the parasitoid in different phases of development (egg-larva, pre-pupa and pupa) were treated by immersion in aqueous dilutions of the products. The insecticides triflumuron, chlorfluazuron, deltamethrin, Bacillus thuringiensis, lambdacyalothrin, abamectin, cartap and methamidophos, did not decrease the longevity of females T. pretiosum in F1 generation independently of the parasitoid strain. Abamectin, cartap, methamidophos and lambdacyalothrin affected the sexual ratio in F1, and did not decrease the emergence of parasitoids in F2 generation, independently of stage of development and origin. The L10 strain was more susceptible to all pesticides as compared to L9. The pupal stage of T. pretiosum was more tolerant to the products, independently of its origin. It is recommended new tests with other strains of this parasitoid which may respond differently to the products used, before field recomendations are made

    Immature stages of Spodoptera albula (walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): developmental parameters and host plants.

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    This study aimed to detail the temporal and morphological parameters of the immature stages of Spodoptera albula (Walker 1857) under controlled conditions (25 ± 1°C, 70 ± 10% RH and 14 hour photophase) and to gather information about their larval host plants. For this purpose, a new rearing method and artificial diet was employed and validated. The viability of the egg, larval, pupal and pre-pupal stages was 94.54, 97.33, 93.84 and 92.34%, respectively. The average duration of the egg, larval, pupal and pre-pupal stages was 4.14, 16.37, 1.69, and 9.34 days, respectively. During the larval stage, 80.85% of females and 93.99% of males passed through six and remaining through seven instars, with significant larval protandry. The larvae that developed through six and seven instars exhibited a mean growth rate of 1.58 and 1.48, respectively. Fifty five host plant species belonging to 29 families are listed. The female pupae were significantly larger, exhibiting protogyny. Both the rearing methods as well as the larval diet proved adequate, providing more detailled observations of the biological cycle, especially the larval stage, and resulting in an overall survival of almost 80%