1,074 research outputs found

    Análise da Emergência da TV Digital e seus Impactos na Cadeia Produtiva Eletroeletrônica Brasileira

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    The aim of this paper is to present and discuss the main technological trends concerning to the process of the introduction of Digital TV in the Brazilian market and its implications in terms of a new electro-electronic complex configuration, considering that this process could be understand a great industrial innovation. In this sense one tries to search the implications of this innovation to the inter-companies competitiveness process and to the electro-electronic productive chain re-configuration as a whole. The methodological approach involves multiple methods of research used to capture data from the stakeholders, like: the companies involved in production of integrated Digital TV or set-top boxes, Brazilian broadcasters and representatives of the government.The aim of this paper is to present and discuss the main technological trends concerning to the process of the introduction of Digital TV in the Brazilian market and its implications in terms of a new electro-electronic complex configuration, considering that this process could be understand a great industrial innovation. In this sense one tries to search the implications of this innovation to the inter-companies competitiveness process and to the electro-electronic productive chain re-configuration as a whole. The methodological approach involves multiple methods of research used to capture data from the stakeholders, like: the companies involved in production of integrated Digital TV or set-top boxes, Brazilian broadcasters and representatives of the government.O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar e discutir as principais tendências tecnológicas em relação ao processo de introdução da TV digital no mercado brasileiro e suas implicações em termos da nova configuração do complexo eletroeletrônico, considerando que esse processo pode ser entendido como uma grande inovação industrial. Nesse sentido, procura-se estudar as implicações dessa inovação no processo de competitividade inter-empresarial e na re-configuração da cadeia produtiva eletroeletrônica no geral. A abordagem metodológica envolve múltiplos métodos de pesquisa, utilizados na obtenção de informações junto aos vários parceiros de negócio, como as companhias envolvidas na produção da TV digital integrada ou set-top boxes, emissoras brasileiras de televisão e representantes do governo

    Industrial restructuring and professional qualification requirements

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    Among the most complex subjects that affect modern society in this early millennium, the problem of relationships between the educational patterns and the work organization seems to be one of the most important and full of uncertainties. Specially, this problem acquires greater relevance when one thinks of the impacts of the techno-scientific revolution in the work world, as well as in the educational system. In this sense, the present work researches some elements regarding the new educational patterns and qualification requirements in face of the new industrial paradigm and discusses the transformations accomplished by the techno-scientific revolution and its implications on the new lean and flexible production paradigm and on the (re)organization of work in the modern industry. The methodological approach is based on a bibliographic revision with a quantitative approach

    Anti-Trypanosonza cruzi IgM antibodies as serological evidenre of recent infection

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    Tratamento da doença de Chagas

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    Nova classificação para a AIDS

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    Tratamento da toxoplasmose

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    Nova classificação para a AIDS

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    Nota: Neste número especial com artigos publicados na Revista de Medicina em 1987, traz um comentário do Dr. Vicente Tapajós M. Coelho Pereira (Departamento de Moléstias Infecciosas da FMUSP)