5,562 research outputs found

    Studi Pemantauan Dan Evaluasi Tata Ruang Di Kabupaten Poso

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    Research aim to monitoring and evaluating differences in spatial planning product that it arranged with existing conditions in Kabupaten Poso. The method was survey method with quantify analysis approach to different counts in spatial planning monitoring aspects in to three groups populations, land use, and space structures. Analysis result showed for all spatial planning monitoring aspects have very significant differences and have not relevant with spatial planning product in Kabupaten Poso condition, it also influenced by regional wide become two regions as Kabupaten Poso and Kabupaten Tojo Unauna, so spatial planning product must be totally revised


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    Abstrak Hukum Islam merupakan seperangkat peraturan berdasarkan wahyu Allah swt dan sunnah rasul. Zakat secara bahasaal-barakatu’ ”keberkahan”, al-tharatu ”Kesucian” dan “al-shalahu” keberesan.secara istilahzakat adalah harta milik pribadi yang dikeberikan kepada orang yang berhak menerima ketika nishabnya sudah terpenuhi.Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian lapangan (field research).Sumber data penelitian ini adalah data primer yaitu wawancara, dandata sekunder yaitu jurnal, buku, dan referensi lainnya yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini. Metode pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu, pertama adalah pengumpulan, pihak BAZNAS terlebih dahulu membuat unit pengumpul zakat (UPZ).kedua adalah penyaluran, sebelum disalurkan, terlebih dahulu menyurvei setiap korbanbencana alam apakah berhak menerima zakat atau tidak.Ketentuan hukum Islam yang membagi penerima zakat menjadi delapan golongan memang tidak di sebutkan secara spesifik mengenai korban bencana alam, akan tetapi melihat dari situasi dan kondisi, korban bencana alam yang kehilangan harta benda dapat di kategorikan dalam salah satu dari delapan penerima zakat tersebut seperti fakir atau miskin. Kata Kunci: Tinjauan Hukum Islam, Penyaluran Dana Zakat , Korban bencana alamAbstract Islamic law is a set of rules based on the revelation of Allah swt and the sunnah of the apostle. Zakat is linguistically al-barakatu' "blessing", al-tharatu "purity" and "al-shalahu" in order. research). The data sources of this research are primary data, namely interviews, and secondary data, namely journals, books, and other references related to this research. Data collection methods are observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study are, first is the collection, the BAZNAS first creates a zakat collection unit (UPZ). The second is distribution, before being distributed, first surveying each victim of natural disasters whether they are entitled to receive zakat or not. The provisions of Islamic law that divide zakat recipients into eight The group is not specifically mentioned regarding victims of natural disasters, but looking at the situation and conditions, victims of natural disasters who lose their property can be categorized as one of the eight recipients of zakat, such as the indigent or poor. Keywords: Islamic Law Review, Distribution of Zakat Funds, Victims of Natural Disaster

    Leadership for knowledge organizations

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to give some theoretical foundation to leadership function and style for managing knowledge workers whose work, by definition, is non-routine, thrives on innovation, and places a special demand on autonomy for its execution. Design/methodology/approach – Extant search of literature to look for evidence supporting successful leadership theories and practices that are shown to improve performance of knowledge workers. Synthesis of findings to structure a framework in the form of major propositions for their testing by future research. Findings – The authors begin with establishing the first finding that states that leadership of knowledge organizations is different from the leadership of traditional organizations. Then the authors build six additional findings for shaping a successful leadership process for knowledge organizations. Research limitations/implications – Since it is a theoretical paper built on a search of literature in the field of leadership, there is a need to empirically test the findings to give them their final shape. Each of the seven propositions in this paper would result into many hypotheses that should initiate several empirical studies. Practical implications – The authors consider individual and organizational/group contexts of the leadership proposed here, and also provide recommendations for carrying out this research further. While the paper is written more specifically with regard to the leadership of knowledge organizations where its findings should be fully implantable, however, to some extent, they would apply to all organizations. Social implications – Leadership is a ubiquitous social phenomenon. It affects not only organizations, but also every aspect of human activity. This paper is an attempt to alter the fundamental thinking of leaders, suggesting to not to use authority, and instead, to allow everyone connected with the task the opportunity to lead. This shift in leadership paradigm will have an impact on the behavior of all involved, and steadily, will bring a change in the norms of social behavior. Originality/value – This paper is a move toward giving the knowledge organization leadership some theoretical framework, as it is still in a state of flux in spite of attracting a lot of research

    Detecting the Development of Land Use Patterns for Building in Urban Areas by Using High Resolution Image

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    This study aimed at obtaining factual information and overview to the development of land use patterns for buildings in urban areas by interval time period, both spatially and aspatially, by utilizing high-resolution satellite photo image (high resolution spatial image) combined with field observations. This research used survey method approach. The data of this study consisted of primary and secondary data classified into spatial and aspatial data in the form of time series obtained through documents recording techniques, field observations, previous mapping sources, as well as depth interviews. The analysis technique used Image Processing Analysis through programs and software Arc View. The result of research showed that there was a quite rapid development of land use patterns for building in Palu within the last 50 years (≤ 1970 till 2010) It had building addition in 65,173 units (82.28%), from 14,032 units in ≤1970 to 79,205 units in 2010, and the addition of extensive use of land for building was 4723.52 ha (89.06%), from 516.98 ha in ≤ 1970 to 4723.52 ha in 2010. The development level of land use patterns for building was getting along with the size of distribution and population growth in Palu

    Economic Consequences of Health Status: A Review of the Evidence

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    The correlation between health and economic performance is extremely robust across communities and over time. Many factors exogenous to income play an important role in determining health status, including a number of geographical, environmental, and evolutionary factors. This suggests the existence of simultaneous impacts of health on wealth and wealth on health. Potential health impacts on national economic performance are explored, and some important unanswered questions are identified.health, economic growth, human capital

    Perkembangan Media Online dan Fenomena Disinformasi (Analisis pada Sejumlah Situs Islam)

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    Dunia telah beralih dari era industrialisasi ke era informasi revolusioner yang kemudian melahirkan information society (masyarakat informasi). Demam globalisasi melanda hampir di setiap negara bahkan sampai ke level desa terkecil sekalipun, tidak terkecuali sejumlah desa di wilayah Indonesia. Dalam aktivitas kehidupan masyarakat informasi, teknologi dan medium komunikasinya dianggap merupakan aspek paling vital dalam menuntaskan dan memudahkan berbagai persoalan kehidupan. Namun, menjadi penting pula diketahui bahwa dalam era kecanggihan teknologi, masyarakat perlu memahami dengan baik bagaimana penggunaan teknologi secara optimal, efisien, dan berdaya guna. Selain itu, perlu pula pemahaman yang jelas terkait muatan (content) dari sebuah informasi yang disampaikan sejumlah media, khususnya media online. Karena tidak sedikit dari banjir informasi (overload of information) yang ada di tengah masyarakat memunculkan informasi yang memberdayakan, melainkan sebaliknya dapat memunculkan beragam informasi yang justru menyesatkan (disinformasi). Tulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan mensinergikan sejumlah kajian kepustakaan (library research) dan wawancara kepada sejumlah aktivis media online Islam. Analisis dilakukan terhadap sejumlah disinformasi terhadap ajaran Islam yang terjadi di sejumlah media online yang ada di Indonesia


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    The construction of dams and reservoirs in a river can give significant impacts on its flow of water and sediment, and can cause long-term morphological changes on the river. Reservoir sedimentation can reduce a reservoir’s effective flood control volume, and in some severe cases can cause overtopping during floods. Sediment deposition against a dam can reduce its stability, and affect the operation of low-level outlet works, gates, and valves. The abrasive action of sediment particles can roughen the surface of release facilities and can cause cavitations and vibration. Sedimentation can also affect a reservoir’s water quality, and reduce its flood control, water supply, hydropower, and recreation benefits. Consequently, taking sedimentation into consideration not only in the planning and design, but also in the operation and maintenance of a dam and reservoir is important. Keywords: Erosion rate, reservoir deposit, shear stress
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